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MacOS Mojave official version is now released is better the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 that
was terrible or even better than the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 that for me was the best
version of the MacOS Mojave beta and when we talk about bugs are they still
here are they all gone so if you want to know everything stay tuned after the
hi everyone welcome to MADpack where we unpack your next product hey first of all
I would like to thank you every single one of you guys that send me message
asking me to do this video it means that I'm doing something right and it means
that you are there for me so thank you thank you very much but let's talk a
little bit more about the MacOS Mojave official version and tell you what I
really think about this official version so like I said before I'm going to do a
comparison between this official version and with a Beta 11 that was terrible I
will leaving the cars in the description below if you want to check it and also
the best experience that I had with the MacOS Mojave that was the MacOS Mojave
beta 10 why I'm doing this because like I said MacOS Mojave Beta 11 was
terrible I think is more fair to compare with the MacOS Mojave beta 10 so
that's why I'm bringing everything to the table and I'm putting everything
more complicated to the MacOS Mojave official version because I'm going to
always compare with the best results that I get in these two last versions
because the MacOS Mojave beta 11 was slightly better in few things but it was
much worse in others so when we talk about deep bench in OpenGL even if I
know that these machines are not optimized for that they are optimized
for metal score I will show you after the metal score that I get with the MacOS
Mojave official version but with the MacOS Mojave beta10 in OpenCL I
guess 6414 when we jump to the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 6240 and with the
official version six thousand four hundred and ninety nine so here we can
see an improvement of 1.3 percent so when we talk about metal score the
results that I get was seven thousand six hundred and thirty nine in MacOS
Mojave official version I couldn't test with the MacOS Mojave
beta 11 unfortunately but one of you guys wanted to know what is the
results that I get in metal score with this computer so that's why I'm bringing
to the table so when we talk about single scoring Geekbench with a MacOS
Mojave Beta 10 I get the result of three thousand four hundred and ninety
two when we jump to the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 I get the score of three
thousand five hundred and thirty two so it's burned
MacOS Mojave Beta 10 and when we talk about the MacOS Mojave official
version I get the score of three thousand four hundred and ninety two so
this one is worse than the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 in one point two percent is
not significant is very very small difference just one point two percent so
I'm happy for that so when we talk about multi score with the MacOS Mojave
beta 10 I get the result of eleven thousand nine hundred and sixty four
when we jump to the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 I get the score of eleven
thousand three hundred and ninety two and when we talk about the official
version eleven thousand eight hundred and seventy two so here this one is
negative once again compared to the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 in zero point eight
percent but once again very very very close to each other so when we talk
about Cinebench in OpenGL the results that I get with the MacOS Mojave Beta 10
was forty nine point fifty three frames per second the second test forty
eight point thirty frames per second and the last one forty seven point sixty
nine frames per second that gives us an average of 48 and 50 frames per second
when we jump to the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 the first score was forty nine point
72 frames per second the second one forty eight point thirty six frames per
second and the last one forty seven point ninety seven frames per second
that gives us an average of forty eight point sixty eight frames per second when
we talk about the MacOS Mojave official version first test fifty point zero
seven frames per second the second one forty eight point twenty two frames per
second and the last one forty eight point zero three frames per second that
give us an average of 48 point seventy seven frames per second that is an
improvement of 0.2% so basically the same so when we talk about CPU in
Cinebench with a MacOS Mojave Beta 10 I ran three tests the first one was five
hundred and forty seven the second one 548 and the last one five hundred forty
eight once again that he was an average of 547 C B's when we jump to the MacOS
Mojave Beta 11 I ran three tests the first one five hundred and forty
nine the second one five hundred 31 and the last one 537 that gives us an
average of 539 so the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 have their results than the
MacOS Mojave Beta 11 when we talk about the MacOS Mojave official version
the first one 548 the second one 552 and ls1 543 that gives us an average of 548
CVS and that is an improvement of 1.7% so very very close to the best version
in this case the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 and now you ask me MADpack are you
happy with this new version with your fishel version is it better than the MacOS
Mojave Beta 10 that you love so much and I have to tell you guys that
even if these results are very close to the best results that you can get on the
MacOS Mojave Beta 10 and the MacOS Mojave Beta 11 and like you know I love the
MacOS Mojave Beta 10 I have to tell you guys that the experience is not
comparable with the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 so with the MacOS Mojave Beta 10 I
had a very very stable experience that I don't have with the MacOS Mojave
official version so the big reason why I take so long to bring this video out is
because I was having a lot of problems using my computer so if you follow me
for a while you guys know that I'm doing my videos with my phone with my samsung
note 8 and after I connect my phone to the computer so I can see myself and see
what I'm doing and controlling the phone without touching it and yesterday I was
going to try to record a video for you guys with this new version of the MacOS
Mojave the official version and the visor was always shutting down so I was
trying to open it close automatically and after was giving me a lot of a lot
of errors some of you guys told me in the beginning that he was having errors
with the USB s I start having that issue with the official version so it's
ridiculous I think they are running to put out this Mojave it was much much
better with the 10 I think they've done something really really wrong with the
MacOS Mojave Beta 11 it's right to improve but they don't
have improved anything it just get worse and I have to tell you guys that I'm not
happy I'm just I'm even thinking to reinstall from the beginning so my
computer I continued in development but I install on top of it the MacOS Mojave
the official version and maybe I'll come back once again the better because it's
instant and isn't stable so obviously like I said to you guys I continue to
have an account in better it don't change anything it just let me know that
there is some updates on the MacOS Mojave beta so it's asking me to
install the MacOS Mojave Beta once again on this video I'm not going to
cover the features that you'll find on the MacOS Mojave because it don't makes
any sense because I have done that in the past and that is nothing different
with this computer so it's exactly the same the experience is not so I would
like that Apple will come back to the experience that we have with the MacOS
Mojave Beta 10 because this one it reminds me the first three versions of
the better it's terrible so I don't have anything more to bring to the table
question of the day are you thinking to reinstall the better until the beta 10
let me know in the comments below before you go don't forget to subscribe to this
channel if you don't have to scrub until now share this video with your family
and friends come and be a little smash the thumbs up and like I said in all my
videos you already know the answer I see you in the next one