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Eh, you know her ah?
No la! But I think we met before.
Eh boy...
What? I didn't even do anything...
Don't lie la, you scared to apporoach her is it?
Oh, scared ar? Scared just say la!
Keep quiet la!
What you guys talking about?
Actually we are talking about our studies
Serious la
Studying ar? What is this? *** whale la? Studying la! What is it?
Eh boy!
Wahhh... So...
Eh go tell her la, be a man!
Ya man! Opportunity seldom knocks once...
Actually... What they said is true
Well, I should give it a try
Hi, what is your name?
Err... My name is Hazel
I’ve been looking for this ‘ someone ' for my entire life, so would you...
Hah? You crazy ar? I don't even know you...
Eh you know la
What? ( That one la) Eiyerrr
Funny arh? Why you laugh?
Selamat pagi cikgu ( Good morning teacher )
Nah finish already!
Wah... Can teach me ar? I really don't knnow how to do leh...
This one ar? I forgot already lor... You ask teacher la
Why? You scared is it? Scared just say la!
Actually I'm really scared la, I really don't know how to do la...
This one you also scared ar? You call yourself a man ar?
Funny arh? Why you laugh?
Eh, you prefect right? Why let them throw rubbish here?
You new right? I never seen you before...
Ya lor, new lor... New la new la...
You scared is it? Scared just say la...
A bit la
You call yourself a man ar? Let me show you some skills
Pick up the rubbish
Not bad...
Not bad ar, can teach me ar?
Enough of the show, lets go...
They call this a show ar?
Funny arh?
Eh is that you?
Long time no see bro...
You working here ar?
Look at the guy over there! Is he blocking the way
Ya I know...
So, should we ask him to move?
Scared is it? Scared just say la!
Friends, I am just giving him a chance...