Today's Alternative News Channel - Science FAILURES and the history of medicine and vaccines Why the “status quo” is fatally wrong Many (if not all) of the most significant scientific breakthroughs that have occurred throughout time did so because someone was brave enough to seek the truth at all costs, even when it meant having to buck the norm and face ridicule – or worse. There are many prominent examples of folks who faced ostracization, loss of career, and d even early death as a result of doing the right thing in their particular line of work, and this reality is perhaps most evident in the field of medicine and vaccines specifically. You’ve probably never heard of him, but Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis is one such individual who paid the ultimate price for the simple act of identifying why so many mothers and their children were dying at the obstetrics ward where he worked in Vienna, Austria, during the early-to-mid nineteenth century. Dr. Semmelweis was not only removed from his position and relegated as a “black sheep” within the medical field, but he actually ended up dying before his time as a direct consequence of his colleagues’ indignation, which likely stemmed from jealousy. Leading up to Dr. Semmelweis’ ultimate demise, the mortality rate amongst Vienna’s obstetric patients was unusually high. Not only were birthing mothers getting mysteriously ill and dying in large numbers, but so were their babies – especially when their doctors were males as opposed to females. None of the tenured doctors in the field could figure out why this was the case, and rather than try to find an answer they simply continued on with business as usual, harming and killing many in the process. Source: ****** See our playlist for additional information: POLITICS: ****** HEALTH NEWS: ****** TECH AND SCIENCE STUFF: ****** Today's Alternative News ****** ******