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Hi, all my friends from fotisfx.com and me, Fotis Samaridis
it's a rainy day today
but with some good mood and good music
we start our first steps
on Canopus Edius 5, one of last editions
it's about a very good software
which combine a friendly and useful interface to an average user
and a lot of professional features which we discover in the near future
I firmly believe that it will give a better looking
to your personal-or not- videos
that's why I choose to demonstrate to you.
Double clicking on Edius icon, on our desktop
this first page appears
Up and left, we can see the profile's box
which enables us to make a new profile
to have some categorized setting each time we start Edius.
with button "Change" you can change profile's icon
as I do with fotisfx.com's icon
Pressing "OK" button you can see profile's icon be changed
which can be in Photoshop format
Just below, you can see Recent Project's box
whice contains the latest projects you've opened to edit or created
Below that, you can see New Project's box
and we start pressing "New Preset"
and that Project Settings' page appears
in first column we can see the output device' choices
NTSC and PAL devices are the most famous ones
on top of that we can see High Definition features
and resolution of video reaches 1920x1080 resolution
it's true that Edius can export videos in that resolution and quality
For that lesson, we prefer familiar SD PAL device
In left, there're some settings
'khz' concern audio settings
and '4ch' is about 4 audio channels
We prefer 720x576 50i setting
which "i" means interlaced
and 4:3 is an old screen format
Beside, on Setup tab, you can see "Render Format"
that's means the quality of our video clips
it give us some options, including canopus codecs
Offline, Standard, Fine also Uncompressed options
We choose option "Fine"
Just below we can see options TimeCode preset and mode
Total Length gives some specific time length to you project
In Audio Reference Level, you may see it as -20.0 db
but I've read recently that -9 db is good for TV productions
Below, we can see Track, which you'll use to your project
V-track contains a track without sound, only video contents.
VA-tracks contains means audio and video tracks , I choose 3 of them
T-tracks is track that contains only titles
And A-track that contains only audio clips.
A little note here
T-track is saparated as track cause it must be on top of other tracks
so it give us the skill to create our own titles,
on top of main tracks.
Of course we can add title on V or VA tracks
but for better adjuctment Edius give us a saperated track.
Pressing 'OK'
New Preset's page appears, how I name my new preset
and where I save it
Pressing 'OK' a new project's icon appears
which settings can be changed, for example, change it to 16:9 format
Now we can ready to start, by pressing 'Start' button.
We can choose where to save this project
and what name we give on it
By this option, we can make a folder with project's name
for example, I name the project as 'fotisfx'
or leave it without creating a folder
Pressing 'OK', Edius starts.
to give your comments or your prompts for my video lessons
which you watch
So with your encouragement, I can continue to show
all I know about creative programs.
Thank you very much for watching
and have a good time!