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okay hi everybody and welcome to another episode
of Reptile Ventures a today were just going to do a little follow-up
on the Dreamsicle Clutch and since everybody liked my shirt so much
I decided to wear it again, But
anyway so all the up all the babies came out
of the egg
there's a
really interesting thing that happened with this clutch that was completely unexpected
first of all we'll look at the Dreamsicle and there it is
and also it turned out to be a male so I just
couldn't be happier about the fact that
you know it really couldn't have gone any better you know
to get one and then for it to turn out to be a male so I just couldn't be happier!
and its it's like literally sort of like a game changer for me
you know the potential for
doing stuff with this guy is is pretty
amazing! off the charts so yes I was really happy
He's pretty low white pied. But, I guess a lot of dreamsicles are sort of low white pieds
from the pictures i've seen, But I love him
He's Great!
So we got the other Lavender
so nice little LAV male
that's ahh so yeah He's a Male
so he turned out to be a male but pretty much everything else in the clutch was a
female so
sex ratios just work though fantastic but anyway
the really weird usual thing about this clutch
is there were two Axanthics in the clutch
I'll just show you those guys
two - both were females but they are
total Axanthics so with that
so - like I thought what the hell is going on here
If you compare them to the normal babies there just really no
question they are Axanthics
I start thinking about how is this possible and
I realized that
what happened was back in 2005
I had purchased a Pied male from Mark Mandic
and Mark had that Axanthic gene floating around
in his Pied project
and I'm pretty sure at that time he didn't even know it
but apparently the Pied that I bought was also has a Het Axanthic
and that's the Male that I used
to bred to the Lavender female
that gave me my Double Het Dreamsicle
but that their triple-Het
but the Axanthic Gene was obviously passed on to those babies
both the babies turned out to be also Het. for Axanthic so they're not double Het.
they're actually Triple Hets
so.. Hence the two Axanthics babies
so I mean if I really luck out this guy
could potentially also be Het. Axanthic
so it was just the total surprise Winner Winner Chicken Dinner yeah it was really just a total surprise
and but it sort of shows you how lucky you have to be to even hit on
a double combo on these because I could have hit on Axanthic/Pied
I could have hit on a Snow in here
you know the Axanthic Lavander
and I didn't get any of those
so it really shows you how tough it is to hit on that one in sixteen
You know but anyways
so that's the clutch
yeah I wanna say thanks to all the people out there for all their nice comments that you have been making on it
we're super happy and excited about it for sure
and the cool thing is I get to do it all again next year
cause that female is an absolute Chow Hound all she wants to do
That's what you need when you are breeding a Chow Hound!
if she's not chowing down you can forget it.
that is like 90 % of the battle if females are like that then your laughing right
good job anything else? anyways thanks for watching
No not right now. That's it