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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Music Plays \ \
\ 00:20 For me in the Fashion show I was hoping
to inspire people with my stories of my personal body development and why I love my body and
inspire other people on campus because I know it is such a huge issue. \
\ I really believe in the goals of the fashion
which is just to show many different types of body images. \
\ Its more being comfortable and confident on
how you perceive yourself without conforming to the pressures of society. It has little
to do with what you see or what you hear from social media or your peers. It relies heavily
on how you feel or what you think about your self. In a sense, I guess healthy body image
is what you define it to be without letting any one else say what it is. \
\ A big part of it for me is confidence. I think
everyones body is perfect just the way it is and I think that people that have confidence
with their body types and the way they see them selves really makes people healthy. \
\ The biggest issue I see is self esteem, I
believe that when it comes to bodies, our body image is what causes us to have low self
esteem at times. \ \
I think there is a lot of stereotyping that is spread by the media especially you are
taught to expect that certain body types are ideal and that is what is considered beautiful
or pretty and then you restrict yourself and your point of view to just those types of
body images. \ \
It is kind of branching out from wren you are stuck in your hometown and you are used
to what everyone looks like and now you're here and everyone is different so I think
people do a lot of comparing which is really tough on people here. \
\ I guess my smile. \
\ My smile. \
\ Yeah, it is my smirk.\
\ I really, like my feet. That sounds weird
but\'85 \ \
I have really tall long legs, I really like them. \
\ Quirky, a little bit tomboyish, maybe a little
nerdy. \ \
Mixing it up, I like being different, I don't like going with the flow. I like defining
my own style in different ways, so I get looks here and there. \
\ I do a lot of shopping at thrift shops and
like crossroads and stuff so I just piece things together. \
\ Wherever I go I like accenting one thing for
the day, wether it be a color or a bracelet. \
\ I have to stick with this. \
\ Helping people who might have self esteem
issues because of physical image and showing them that they can be confident with who you
are no matter what type of body they are born or you have. \
\ Of course it is really great to love yourself
and be comfortable with yourself but I think it is also great to love the people around
you and appreciate their beauty as well. \ \
To promote healthy body image to promote self expression, more or less over well being of
an entity.\ \
Being comfortable with who you are right now and where your body is right now. No matter
what size or shape you are. I think having a healthy body image is really something we
need to embrace and embody. \ \
To celebrate the uniqueness that each and everyone has. Also, to show that different
cultures, to show the diversity of UW itself, especially since UW is so big and diverse
with people coming from all over the world. I believe that is what the fashion show is
I personally have gone through a lot with my own body. I competed in pageants, I know
what it feels like to know that you are not good enough because you are a certain shape
or size and I am here to say that is not true, that is absolutely not true. The most important
factor when it comes to how you perceive your body is that you are comfortable and love
it and it doesn't matter what shape or size you are because you are perfect the way you
are. \ \
Thank you to our sponsors: \ \
-ASUW A&E\ -ASUW Asian Student Commission \
-ASUW Office of Communications \ -ASUW Pacific Islander Student Commission
\ -ASUW Rainy Dawg Radio \
ASUW *** Student Commission \ -ASUW *** Assault and Relationship Violence
Activists \ -ASUW Student Health Consortium \
-ASUW Women's Action Commission \ -Opal\
-Rent the Runway\ -The Emily Project\
-Talking Rain \ -Veggie Grill\
-UW Bookstore\ -UW Panhellenic \
-University Village \ \
Associated Students of the University of Washington // ASUW Student Health Constortium\
\ }