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president baba uh... on new year's eve signed of the national defense
authorization act gee i wonder why he did it and i was eating a lot of heat
for it
from progressives who we need to step up and win the election
just figure that out
and so he does it but when no one is paying attention
uh... any deciding statement along with it though on h_r_ fifteen forty
uh... so first of all a lot of people to say hey wait a minute now sucker them
say that this bill uh...
allows for the indefinite mission of u_s_ citizens gazette one portion of the
this is this a shot mock change the laws
detention of uh... united states citizens
except there's a
another portion of the bill that says that it does change the law
an outlet has purposely vague because we do change the law but they didn't want a
keyboard so they put another provision in there uh... well you know
hopefully you're confusing up bites
so what does it do it leaves it to the
exam branch as to whether they would like to take those extra powers or not
what usually happens with the executive branch they take those powers
president osvaldo wants to make clear that under his administration
but there's a good french will not be ten u_s_ citizens says he's given the
option in this bill basically with the date language as one portion definitely
that he can detain u_s_ citizens okay
heat addresses signing statement
uh... that objects to sections ten twenty one
ten twenty two ten twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven
twenty eight twenty-nine twelve thirty one twelve forty forty one forty two
forty-five forty four
in other words he objects to any nor miss portion of this bill but
nonetheless he will sign it
if you're a member we objected greatly deciding statements under george w bush
that was of course and a different you're aware now
apparently if your democrats will say side extremists are fantastic
now why do we injected jump to
wag graphic number of six year
now this is in the signing statement
from president bomber
it gives you a and expose sense of why we object at the signing statements
whether they're under republican or democratic
administrations quote
should any application of these provisions conflict with my
constitutional authorities
i would treat the provision as non-buying
excuse me but what the hell is that
did you guys headed for the week
any of us think service courses
the president by letting us with the civics course he taught constitutional
law when the constitution doesn't say hey by the way
a president to sign a bill but then say that by entry to any party doesn't like
is non-binding
let's talk a little guys until they ever art
calling out within iraq war our government to say in a lot
uh... the president is basically the
generated in the united airlines aa like part adlai barbie well eighteen other
and let you pass it in its entirety and i cited is in its entirety
but that is not how i will execute the law
it's rediculous it was ridiculous when bush did it
that's why i was so mad about it
is still ridiculous under obama
on the forces of the signing statement that i like yes to the problem is one
you can't have it signing statement
be constitutional view ask me anything to ask a decent law professor
and then at number two
other administrations and other courts will not take this signing statement as
law because he'd isn't law
is the president's dipping in and out along
all that he's actually putting into effect
now let's go to the parts
but i kind of like but show you the problem of those as well
so he says it has set aside a statement
i've signed this bill despite having serious reservations was certain
provisions that regulated attention
interrogation and prosecution
of suspected terrorists
now i'd like that he has reservations with it lot of people read that sender's
contact that sixty i knew a bomb was on the right side
but the fact that he has reservations
is the relevant the fact that he signed it
baseball irrelevant that you could have all the rest of your life decided they
obey the law its law
now second part
sister clarified that my administration
will not off to rise
indefinite military detention without trial of american citizens
india i believe the doing so would break with our most important traditions
and values as a nation
again i like those statements i think a lot of people look at those things with
a new open was on the right side cincy
he won't be there and everything is in fact as against our core principles
but the keywords in those sentences
my administration i wanna clarify that my administration will not authorize
indefinite military affairs
the next
uh... inefficient is perfectly free to do that
because it is the law
you signed into law
you don't get the said hey you know what the vice-president on their president
then he has had the same intervention of the small but i do
in fact he doesn't even make that could be just as my administration would do it
but it will be locked so you can be definitely detain later
i don't know this part of his re-election campaign did then turn
around at six so you don't want elect a republican because they might
indefinitely detain u_s_ i signed into law but will out of the goodness of my
heart shoes not to do it
of lectures by much
uh... any continues in the scientific my administration will interpret section
ten twenty one of the belt in a matter that issue is that any tension at
complies with the constitution
the laws of the war
and or other applicable law
he said is there
mahi administration will interpret
section ten twenty one of the most offensive
section in the bill
but it's still in the bill
and they could choose to have a different interpretation on a different
we're supposed to be a country
laws not of men that were not supposed to depend
on the never once of our leadership okay
laws are lost and he just cited into laws saying yes
further admit
my administration
future administrations
indefinitely detained which by the way goes that point
the people who said hey you know what
poner dispelling says that
no previous laws are the facts and make an invigorated in devon leading
assists really then why is the president
keep talking about it is signing state
artistically thinks
the bill does allow for that
he saying the dole outs work but my administration will choose not to do it
if that's good enough for you
look if you are a role model for other reasons that's perfectly understandable
no question about right
i get that i might even agree with right
but if you want to say that
he didn't do
the just atrocious active signing a word one of the worst piece of legislation
interfax really
now you're all
the bill install eileen
indefinite detention the president
understanding knowledge is that
and says he might not do it pleases me you know what was the worst photo let's
take that he is a hundred percent
truth teller although he has not been in the past in terms of
campaign promises
and this time he means it
anyone coached saw a lot
the next president at a republican or democrat you should never signed it
now a lot of people have been making one last charge bose take you weren't going
real all the people like him
the that actually rebuilds and i can't believe they read about wages
which distrust of goodwill president obama but it was rejected everyday
probably say no
as interesting 'cause the american civil liberties union has a whole
team of lawyers they all looked at it and there's a conclusion
angela romero instead of director of the a_c_l_u_ says
president one of the actions today is a blight honors legacy
thus you will for ever be known as the president to sign indefinite detention
trough charge or trial
into law
so what's the next thing that they sell you get it all wrong
all of their lawyers also don't know what they're doing you know this is
their job
american civil liberties
okay she apparently not all they don't know if there are another people read
that the other side of the lawyers understand it
all the president but when it is but do you think he's as is possible
alright one last one from the a_c_l_u_
we are incredibly disappointed the president obama signed this new law even
his administration had already claimed overly broad detention authority in
any hope of though bob initiation
would roll back the constitutional excessive george bush
in the war on terror
was x
anguish today
is that clear enough for you
he is not going to do what he said he was going to do when it comes to civil
he is not going to roll back the excesses of the bush administration
and he's going to continue them and enforcing with this law khadafy them and