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pat buchanan and laura ingram decided to have a conversation about immigration
they both sound like eighty nine-year-old grandfathers who have no
clue what's going on
very tired
forcing disintegration and
and that there are cheap character or purity
eka development accelerator and if you're going to get all unveil at one of
the other end of record
we're going to be magical conservative media or actually and and and that's
people excited and happy and i think that's a nickname there trader
it's can
as the i extract
where period
here at the end of year anything that had happened and
have that's
on will hold off and come back to the end of that clip
in a second i'm not sure if you've heard it there was
thrown in their nonchalantly i'll come back to that
but first of all
look at pal
these clowns known nothing about the immigration bill it's staggering how
little they know about the immigration bill
pat says all you don't tell the president a protective order and then
and come back to talk to us
the more rare
is protesting aidid
further thousandth time would you read it
any article on immigration that's been written since two thousand eight
there's a big time span there all you have to do n_b_c_ c_b_s_
new york times washington post even concerned about let's have noticed it
immigration is net zero
it's netzero it's already out your perfect number
and we have uh... a record number of border patrol agents under obama it's
been increasing steadily
it's amazing that didn't like pat robertson laura ingram their job is to
talk about the news
but they just don't keep up with the news
is there and they would have known immigration is that zero
and then at him in ingram keep
saying it over and over that the bill is amnesty
or linux support amnesty or there are republicans in a fight the amnesty
amnesty this amnesty that amnesty amnesty amnesty
of late there's a reason why they do that
because they want to scare
laurin grooms listeners store elderly white people into thinking that it is
amnesty in that
bob brown skinned people are getting a leg up in an advantage over them
right but the reality is that the bill is the furthest thing from amnesty
we went over the specifics the other day
there's two forms of the bill one of them is a thirteen year waiting period
and immigrant who wants to become legal
would pay all their back taxes pay fees
continue to pay taxes for the thirteen years that they're here and at the end
of it they can maybe get on the back of the line and will let them in a four and
a good mood
and the other mel's fifteen years it's even longer but wait
it's all not amnesty noted amnesty ironically
laura ingram and pat buchanan's book buddy we can't get enough of
ronald reagan
their relatives that is the and they love reagan
but reading that i'm misty
it doesn't make any sense like at almost all the things that these clients a
and engaging in part
uh... pat robertson mention to pat robertson article you pat robertson he
sounds like pat robertson because its peak willie ridiculous
pat buchanan
mentions seem dayton one
you know what that is
be primarily german speaking areas in czechoslovakia
that hitler wanted as part of germany
used to be doing there
he's comparing
the immigration bill
to nazi germany
stay classy pat buchanan