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boring boring boring boring boring
boring boring boring
that's what customer services these days
we all get treated the same , or we're
supposed to. We all get the same sales
process the same customer
service program we get the same emails
we get the same same same
it's like every kid in the world getting
the same Christmas present and it doesn't
make any sense.
Obviously we've also got staff who get
treated same same. Same career path
Same promotions same pay scales same
responsibilities same ways of being
spoken to
same same performance evaluations
it's all same same same same
now that could be okay if you've got it
right like it's not actually OK if you get it right
but let's say it is ok to get it right
the issue is we can't even get to that
point. I know through our mystery
shopping company that we just don't get
to that consistent level of sales and
service we can't follow a process. So
not only are we offering a generic
product or service that people don't
want but we're also not even meeting the
generic stuff that people don't want. So
we're not providing the stuff that
people don't want. It makes absolutely no
sense. Then we have the staff.
The staff are not getting what they want
because staff
are basically screwing up. They're not
following processes. Why? Because they're
not engaged. So you've got staff who
are not engaged - because they're all treated the
same. The customers who are all being treated the
same, but not being treated the same in
terms of the process. It doesn't make any
sense it's falling apart. That's why
places like the department stores like
Kohl's in the US and Macy's
are closing 100
stores at January 2017 and they're
letting go 6,000 employees. They are
trying to jam the same same same into
something that's not working. On the
internet however, it is consistent and
the other thing that happens is through
algorithms retailers are starting to
understand how you act as an individual.
Google's the master because they
know when you search for then they can
predict almost what you're going to do
And that level of customization just
can't be beaten, and it gets executed
Now that doesn't mean it's all doom and
gloom for retailers with Bricks and
Mortar. Not at all all it just means
that the challenge is harder. You can't go
treating people as plain old vanilla
robots. It's not going to work anymore