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\f0\b\fs26 \cf0 BY CHRISTINA HARTMAN \b0\fs24 \cf2 \
\b\fs26 \cf0 ANCHOR ANA COMPAIN-ROMERO \f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\fs26 No holding back here. \f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\fs26 President Obama {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/obama-and-the-road-ahead-the-rolling-stone-interview-20121025"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 recently sat down for an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine}} and used language
his critics are calling less than presidential to describe his opponent Mitt Romney.
\f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.extratv.com/category/politix/"}}{\fldrslt
\f0\b\fs26 \cf3 EXTRA}} \f0\b\fs26 : \'93Barack Obama slamming Mitt
Romney as a b.s.er ... saying, \'91Kids look at the other guy and say that's a bull bleeper,
I can tell.\'94 \f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\fs26 The interview was conducted by historian Douglas Brinkley as a recorded conversation
between the president and Rolling Stone executive editor Eric Bates.
\f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f0\fs26 As for the colorful word choice \'97
it snagged a lot of headlines, but the underlying premise that Mitt Romney is less than truthful
is one the president and campaign surrogates have been pushing for weeks.
\f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f0\b\fs26 OBAMA: \'93Nothing the governor
just said is true.\'94 \f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\b\fs26 OBAMA: \'93Not true, Governor Romney. Not true.\'94
\f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f0\b\fs26 OBAMA: \'93Very little of what
Governor Romney just said is true.\'94 \f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\fs26 As Sky News tells it\'a0\'97 Rolling Stone executive editor Eric Bates had delivered
a message to President Obama from his daughter: \'93You can do it.\'94 That\'92s when the
president offered his analysis of kids\'92 ability to detect others\'92 dishonesty.
\f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f0\fs26 In commentary {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK
"http://www.caintv.com/ObamatoRollingStoneRomneysabul-629"}}{\fldrslt \cf3 for the conservative CainTV blog}}, Dan
Calabrese writes, \b \'93If it was Romney calling Obama a bullshitter,
well, \i can you imagine . . .?
\i0 Of course, Romney would never do that... He has class.\'94
\f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f0\fs26 But, perhaps as predictably as the
president\'92s critics\'92 displeasure with the comments \'97 his supporters \'97 see
nothing wrong. Plus, {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38243831/"}}{\fldrslt
\cf3 MSNBC\'92s Tamron Hall points out}}... \f1\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\b\fs26 \'93The president did call Kanye West a jack-a so he's capable through association
with Rahm Emanuel to mix it up in colorful language. \'85 He's equal opportunity in his
colorful remarks.\'94 \f1\b0\fs24 \uc0\u8232 \u8232
\f0\fs26 No official response from the Romney campaign.
\fs24 \cf2 \ }