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hi! My name is a Roy Omwell and
this is introduction video for Email-hyphen-Production dot com
I say hyphen deliberately because you should remember that!
It's Email-Production.com
So... Also I would like to mention
our logo which is flaming envelope, which is red and yellow
two most prominent marketing colors - red and yellow.
The main purpose of Email-Production is to deliver you
three things: blog, forums
and snippets. So, blog is for me
to post the articles. Forums are for you
to post the articles and snippets is for both of us
when we need to gather some useful coding snippets.
You may ask: why do we need another
email marketing blog?
I'll answer. Four reasons.
First, we're independent, meaning we're not
dependent on any
providers of the technology.
So we can openly discuss different email service providers,
or different email checkers
or anything really...
Second reason - videos. We're going to
present our blog in video blog format.
So it will be a video blog. Different than
text-only blogs. Third reason is,
we wanted to create a blog which is practical, which is
for the production, which is not about the theory, not about the
marketing only, but it is about the
coding side, about the design side, about the practical things like
making of the email newsletters, which is
about the
email executive part, about the
about the actual production of the email newsletters.
So that's the third reason - the practical reason.
The fourth reason is we're going to present
all the material in such a way that is friendly for marketers
we're going to produce the
videos in two parts: first part will be the
non-techie part,
marketer's part, and the second part will be for the techie people:
for designers, for coders, who can
then go deeper and go practical into the implementation.
So, all the marketers, all the CEO's,
marketing directors, everybody - these videos,
this website will be friendly for you; you will be able to
watch them and understand them; what's going on; I'll give you
some some tips how to evaluate the technical side
and how to
even understand what's going on in the design,
in the coding side; but also we dedicate these videos for the coders,
for designers. And that's it really. You might want to ask:
so what's next? What's next Roy? Next part is,
first, keep in touch. Subscribe to email newsletters,
subscribe to RSS feeds, it's on the bottom
of the website, at the footers. Visit Twitter,
my personal twitter @RoyOmwell
or @EmailProduction without hyphen;
@ Email Production.
Or visit Google+. Keep in touch, thank you for watching,
bye bye!