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\f0\fs24 \cf0 This is the Blueair 603 and it ranks number 8 on our top 10 list of air
purifiers. This is a great air purifier for people who are looking for a unit for their
bedroom because of it's whisper quiet operation. Now what sets the Blueair apart is they use
whats called a HEPA silent filter. The HEPA silent filter is going to remove 99.97% of
all particles that are .1 microns or larger. So their filtration system actually removes
smaller particles than a standard HEPA filter. Another great thing about Blueair is they
come with a five year warranty. Now it's a bit of a bulky unit but it does come on casters
so it's easy to move around. So if you're looking for a unit that can cover up to 640
square feet and be multi-functional, Blueair 603 is the one to look at. \
\ AIr Purifiers America}