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So I am just going to click on this supplier records icon (Kav clicks on Supplier Record
View) which is the woman icon on the main toolbar. This takes
you to the supplier records component, this feature
is only part of the Enterprise product. But if you have Basic or Professional you can
still enter your suppliers in the supplier table (Kav clicks
onto the supplier table icon in main toolbar). But for full
supplier tracking this is only in the Enterprise product.
(Kav clicks onto supplier record view)
Here we can fill in all the information for the supplier on the left and on the right
we have relevant tabs for contact information, delivery information,
statement for how much we owe to supplier, purchases ever made from the supplier, transfers
for payments made at a later date, direct payments are added directly into the purchases
tab. Then we also have a tab here for purchase orders that you may have raised. (Kav clicks
across tabs on left of screen) Ok so how do we create a new one (Kav clicks
onto the left hand side of the screen) if you look at the
bottom of the screen here we have a green plus button. Everywhere you see the green
plus button is where you can add new things. So let’s
click on it and you can see that Accountz has blanked this
one ready to create a new one. So I am just going to give it a name (Kav types Super Suppliers
in the supplier name field) and we can enter their
address and postcode. OK now we can fill in the rest of the information
if we desire. We can give the supplier a special reference here at the bottom. You can enter
their VAT number and if you generate a purchase order
this information will be entered from here. The supplier view is very similar to the customer
record view and this can be seen in the customer
record video. Where we have this account From and account
To here we can specify if we always do the same
sorts of transactions with this supplier and it will automatically pick these accounts
out when we use it. So (Kav clicks on the Account From field)
we can specify that we spend From the current account
and this supplier is for advertising then will not have to specify this information
when we are making transactions.
Ok so that covers the supplier records component.