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in the United States were looking at about 17 percent
are young people who are 12 to 18
are obese and the numbers have been stable for the last several years as the
CDC has been monitoring them for us but we definitely in this generation are seeing
great rise in that number from previous
generations and that has all of us public health medical doctors very concerned
about the future health
health of our children. First you have to start off in knowing what if you have a problem
or should there be concerned that starts with doctors, family doctors, pediatricians
any practitioner that works with children and the best screening tool for
that as a body mass index and
the next tool is really a family medical history
interview with the parents and guardians to tell us what kind of medical problems
are in the
family that will help us identify those who are overweight or obese
and then those children who are normal weight. The second important thing to do
is really just for all of the parents
all the teachers anybody who work with children to be mindful of the activities
that we have in our lives surrounding our children regardless of what their weight
status is
it's sometimes easy to forget that even our normal weight children
need to have you know messages sent to them about how to have a healthy
an example here in Alabama for a while
we were 6th in the nation for the state with the highest prevalence
of overweight and obese 10-17 year olds and then when they turn to be
adults we were number two in the nation so
for me as a preventionist and a medical doctor
even though we are not the highest or second highest when our kids are younger
something happened and our adults become heavier
some of those normal-weight kids are now becoming heavy
heavier adults
to help children in their battle or prevention of weight
excess weight gain as you can see it it can even start in pregnancy
if mothers carrying babies who have not yet been born could be mindful of the weight
gain that they have when they're
pregnant that can mean a lot
for the young person as they're born and are going through their life, we don't
quite understand the hormones and all the signals that
that are developed during pregnancy that go towards childhood obesity
but hopefully in coming generations we will and then with our toddlers and
breastfeeding is always very helpful
option both for maternal weight gain during pregnancy as well as a protective
factor for our children
when they're young we could talk about introducing foods to our toddlers
definitely introducing them to a healthy variety of fruits and vegetables
a big trick is start with the non
sweet foods first, humans naturally have a palette for sweet items though if
we start with non
non-sweet fruits and vegetables then they're more likely to want to take them in
in and you know keep them very active
many of our young ones, even those under the age of 5 are watching more TV than
what's recommended
for kids exercise is really free play, so make sure you build in
in their schedule just the time to run around and play things like jump rope in
freeze tag
it doesn't have to be expensive one of the more
common ways that kids get extra calories through their diet comes through
sodas but people can forget
that sweet juices often can have a lot excess
sugar, so more than a glass a day is probably more than enough and if you could even
even go to zero for those kids who have already been identified with the excess
weight problem
that would be best. Moving forward in the life of a child we go to an
elementary school
next where back to school is a big factor
schools can get a pretty bad rap
when it comes to the battle against obesity and
they, many school systems have done a lot to help our lunches be
heathier. I know the recent study at a Pediatrics talked about those kids who
eat, middle school kids eat school lunches tend to have
more of an obese BMI
in their rating. But there are some healthier options and I think parents can review
the school lunch menu and talk about those healthy
choice options. Often times the school system will identify
the healthy options and you might be able to guide your young person to make
the choices particularly when they're out of your sight
Again I can't emphasize electronic devices as the kids get older
and the tablets and the video games become more of a problem
and more TV becomes a option
I often will say to my parents what are your habits in terms of your diet and activities?
if my young person and that I'm counseling doesn't eat a lot of fruits
and vegetables
I wonder which of the parents or grandparents or whoever is a significant
role model in their life
also doesn't eat fruits and vegetables and its hard to ask our young person to do
when you yourself aren't doing it same thing with exercise
even thought their exercise may be very different than adult exercise
they may be interested in playing tag and riding their bike
you know even hearing about you going for a walk or running in your
will remind them that hey it's important to mommy for mommy to exercise
should be important for me to also go outside and get some exercise
then i get to my teenagers where I've spent a lot of time in my practice
working with
this can be a bit of a challenge because our teenagers spend more time
outside of the guidance of our parents with their school and activities
again if you brought them up with the idea of what are healthy choices
where we refer to sometimes at sometimes food
foods like sweets concentrated sweets, sodas
candy which are okay in special occasions but shouldn't be an everyday part of our
diet so discussing in their schedule you know if you've got a
party with the Girl Scouts coming up and your young person wants to
and have you know some pizza
with the rest their classmates and feel like they're part of the group
then perhaps let's talk about other ways in our schedule for that week where we
be a little healthier so that we feel more comfortable
allowing our child and our child will feel very good about having
sometimes food on a special occasion
Sleep, I don't know how many times I'm counseling are young people what
time you going to bed and can it be north of midnight
but if it can at least be 8 hours of sleep
definitely those young people who get eight to 10 hours
of sleep tend have a lower weight and if there are any interruptions in sleep
such as snoring, that's a good conversation to have with your
talk about things. I'm going to mention again I can't say enough about electronic
as cell phones become a part of our teenagers lifestyle
Finding another alarm clock to wake them up
and removing the cell phone from their purview
at night so they really do go to sleep and not constantly texting their friends
friends at
at night and then exercise. Unfortunately, particularly with our young women as they
get to middle school
their interest in athletics can wane
and so becoming creative with ways that they can continue to get
at least sixty minutes of exercise every day
it can be a vigorous walk it can be dancing
it doesn't have to be at a gym working out hard it can be a lot of
time if your teenager is watching you do it
then they're more likely to want to get up and do it themselves
teenagers often times the middle school high school it can be a
little rough when it comes to yourself
your body image and bullying
even our young people who are of normal weight
this can definitely be a concern. and I have to
remind our parents what are we saying to ourselves about diet
and our weight because our young people particularly our girls are watching what
as older women are saying about ourselves and they're picking up the clues
and going to mimic us so we we adults have a strong role
in prevention excess of weight gain and good
body image in our children. I mentioned schools
earlier talking about the community walking to school, biking to school
its and novelty now, was a mainstay in going to school
generations ago. If you're in a a position to do that that
will be great
find out what's going on in your
physical education class. Some physical education classes are doing a
great job at keeping our young people very busy
many schools are having to focus on healthy eating healthy activity
and I know the school lunchroom gets a bad rap many of our families really do
depend on that for nutritious meals
and I believe the schools are doing their best given some of their resources
that they're having
and so maximize that in discussing with your teachers
and your student particularly about what choices they can make when they're at
community activities, many communities particularly in the state
of Alabama
they're doing what they can. You can find plenty of farmers markets available
usually there are a lot of people there very
interested in a healthy lifestyle a lot of
free activities going around the
the area this time of year is great because there are a lot of family fun
festivals. Plan your weekend a week ahead and figure out what's free and fun
that at least get you outdoors. Go for a walk, go for a hike
it doesn't have to be complicated with the gym in fact most kids would rather
not be in the adult gym
they'd rather be outside and playing and even if its you sitting outside watching
them free play
that's a winner in my book. Let me empower my parents of teenagers
I know this time of year in a young person's life you feel very lost
that little person that you grew up with is no longer staring in front view
and they roll their eyes and they may not always be the respectful young person
you were aiming for
but let me tell you as a practitioner that works primarily with
they really are listening they really are watching
our parents are really their biggest role model and a guidance
so continued ongoing conversations with our teens whether it's about healthy
eating and exercise
but other aspects of their lives in terms of making healthy choices for
sit down and have a onversation with them you would be surprised what happens
when they're not around you
and they really do repeat what they hear from you
model what they see from you
and they're listening even though they're not gonna give you that
indication on the first time around