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let's talk about bobi city
the u_s_
has accomplished something very very significant well i don't know if the
u_s_ has accomplished at maybe by not doing anything but the u_s_ is no longer
the fattest country in the americas the country with the highest obesity rates
has now inched passed the u_s_ with a thirty two point eight percent obesity
rate among adults now the u_s_ is at thirty one point eight
this makes mexico the most obese country in the western hemisphere and it's also
one of the fattest countries on the planet the other places if you curious
that have high obesity rates
there are some territories in the pacific ocean including now world which
has a seventy one percent obesity rate
as well as the cook islands which have a sixty four percent obesity rate
and the marshall islands at forty six percent obesity those are higher than
mexico and the u_s_ now
for mexico
this is actually bringing a lot of ignorant statements there's a lot of
really and i have to admit that that they're very irritating boneheaded
comment saying
wire mexicans coming to the u_s_ to take our jobs there clearly doing so well
they can afford enough food to get fat
as we know it's
you don't need
to have a lot of money for food
to become obese in fact a lot of the problem is that the cheapest foods are
the ones that are most highly processed and often contained in the u_s_
subsidized ingredients like corn which are unhealthy but also cheaper per
calorie so the fact that someone is over weight
is it's not this kind of a d_a_ that hey you're overweight so things are
plentiful and everything's wonderful
is really pretty pretty boneheaded and and uh... a disturbing that people make
that argument
yesterday surprising that in mexico has now
no fall into this category theirs
they do
uh... use a lot of
fresh produce and good fruits and vegetables um...
and uh... i'd
even in the places where
investor or your call it a food desert
you still have a lot of farms and people people throwing around banks i don't
know what it is
and should be happy about this
no well i mean it's it's it's really not is the u_s_ in and if you'll be city
problem in the u_s_ is so bad that we have to point to the fact that mexico
has one percentage point more of a b city tipping were doing something right
we've set the bar disgusting we low but the two to talk about what you said
about fresh ingredients in mexico aljazeera actually reported on this and
it said that a lot of this obesity problem is happening because mexicans
have very very quickly
came to their diet from one dominated by
beans in fresh ingredients and and locally grown quorum like you said
to one that has tons of processed fat tons of refined sugars and and a lot of
it is a financial thing that these foods are becoming cheaper to produce cheap to
more filling and and that's kinda what it is
here's the answer uh... horrified in next door post