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Today I'm going to show you how to glitter some epic shoes!
Let's get started! I like to set up all of my supplies before
I've started. There's something worse than realising you've
forgotten something half way through. You need fabric glue, glitter and a paint
brush. Start off by cleaning off the area you want
to glitter. With a small paint brush and glue paint a
horizontal line to define where you want the glitter to end.
You don't want to do the entire sole because it will just come off when you walk and it
can make the surface a bit uneven. You wouldn't want to fall over when you're
out wearing something this high. Now fill in the rest of the area with glue.
It's very important that you use a glue that is not water soluble.
I'm using wash and wear fabric glue which is really great for this kind of thing.
You don't want to leave a trail of glitter behind you every time it rains.
Time for my favorite part: the glitter waterfall. Pour it all over the glue, no need to be careful
here. You can use any kind of glitter you like but
I thought the gold would go really well with the leopard print!
You'll notice that I'm doing all of this on top of some sheets of A4 paper, this is important
and you'll see why at the end. Give everything a big shake to get rid of
excess glitter. Take that shoes, this is for my toes!
How can you look so pretty but be so painful! Because I'm using such a strong glue these
won't need a top coat. If you're using something along the lines
of PVA glue you will need to top coat it. There is another tutorial on my blog with
techniques for those kinds of glues. Now remember the paper?
Once you're done simply fold it up and pour the glitter back into the bag.
Cleaning up glitter can be a real pain but this makes it super quick.
Leave them to dry overnight or however long your glue requires.
Now let's get back to the shoes. Run your finger along the sides to clear away
any glitter that may have stuck to the sides. Then using a brush, dust away any excess glitter.
You probably wouldn't want to use this brush on your face again unless you're a big fan
of a super glitter look! Make sure you brush them quite hard or else
you'll be leaving a train of glitter everywhere. Now you're ready for a night on the town or
maybe just looking your best to do some groceries. Either way!
Hope that was a useful tutorial. Please check out the blog posts linked in
the description for more tutorials and other posts and thanks so much for watching.