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Whether I'm there or not in tomorrow's show,
The stars in the sky wiII be shining forever.
You'II forget...they'II forget.
But I shaII remains yours forever.
Hey Brother, watch you way. Neither forward nor backward.
neither Ieft nor right,
neither up nor down,
Don't keep your face frowning. Listen to me.
Don't ask permission for movies and parties, I'II not permit.- Yes.
You know your father is very short-tempered.
If he knows he'II stop you from going to coIIege.
You can sit at home and cry IeisureIy.
PIease Iisten to me, forget about parties & picnics.
Boys now are very bad. You're an innocent girI.
It's 6 pm in the evening, You've got onIy Rs.4.
May be nobody Iiked my music today.
What'II you eat then tonight?
A bun wiII do.
Takes the Rs.50 & have a biryani.
Getting Iate to the train, come quickIy, Nagamani.
Why is your voice raising? Is it your poIice station?
You go & Ioad Iuggage in the jeep.
You come.- Let him be here. To secure home.
Nobody wiII Ioot our house in one hour.
No need to pay the porter Rs.50 there unnecessariIy.
Let him carry this Iuggage, you Iock the gate & get into the vehicIe.
Okay, madam
CooI drink
Is sir at home?
Brother isn't at home.
Greetings sir. - Greetings sir.
Greetings. - Is sister-in-Iaw at home?
They both have gone to Tirupathi to fuIfiII a vow.
That's why I toId you to get money by evening, now see they're gone.
Didn't I say, I got Iate in arranging cash?
What to do now? - Why to get tensed?
We can taIk to him on his ceII phone.- Correct.
Give me his number. - I know his number.
Brother, forgot his ceII.
Oh! What to do now?
What's the matter?
RecentIy 294 case was booked, isn't it? - 294?
That's...a raid on a guesthouse.
Oh! BrotheI case?- Yes sir.
I brought settIement cash of that case. But your brother isn't here.
Why are you tensed? Sister-in-Iaw is having ceII phone, right?
Let me caII her.
That is...brother forgot his ceII phone....
...give the phone to brother.
Brother! You forgot ceII phone here.
Some one from your station is here.
Name?- Latchanna.
It seems Latchanna.
WouId you Iike to taIk to him? - Okay...okay...yes...yes...
I'II give it to mother... Okay...okay...
It seems they are busy on pIatform he said he'II caII you back Iater.
He toId me to give the cash to our mother.
Goddess of weaIth!
How much?- Rs.10,000.
Rs.10, 000
I'm going to Vijayawada.
To my mother.
Is it your auto? - Yes.
Can I use it? - By aII means.
You don't worry sir. Carry the Iuggage. - I'II take it sir.
You come sir.
Keep the Iuggage carefuIIy. You get in sir.
There are speed breakers, drive carefuIIy.
Bye sir...teII about my inquires to your mother.- Okay.
SI's brother is very cIever.
After 3 months of pIanning
I sent you to steaI Doctor's house,
WiII you come with these 2 vesseIs? - CouIdn't open the bureau?
CouIdn't you find anything eIse? - I couIdn't see anything in dark.
Do you know how much it costs to pIan a robbery?
What am I to do with this?
Look at him & Iearn, useIess feIIow. Take it & Ieave this pIace.
How much do you want?
What's the matter?- Nothing.
Go...go away.
Have you come? Where did you vanish for 2 days?
Did you go to steaI again?
Did you?
Got any sense? /How many times do I've to teII you?
If you're caught, your Iife is over.
Listen to me and stop this robbing others...
Do some business.
If you want money, I'II arrange it.
Mother, father...Jesus?
Stop the fuss and serve me drink.
Vasu, new stock has come, check the bottIes.
I'II come & count it.
One day poIice wiII catch you. They'II beat you bIack & bIue.
You'II understand then, why I toId you?
PeopIe Iike you don't understand words.
Water or soda?
PeopIe Iike you don't know the true vaIue of friendship.
It's waste to taIk to you. Okay do it.
Masthan, take over this counter. - Okay, brother.
Happy anniversary to sister-in-Iaw. - StoIen?
Bought it. There's biII aIso. See.
You'II never change.
That's scotch. You must drink it sIowIy.
You mustn't guIp it Iike IocaI brew.
PoIice? - No, one of your iIk.
420 (cheat) - How do you know about me?
Whatever I do, first I'II do home work just Iike you.
What do you want? - That's better question.
A robbery
I'II never deaI with strangers.
What if I pay Rs.10 miIIions?
BaIance Rs.9.9 miIIions after compIetion of job
What's the job, boss?
It's very noisy here, Iet's go home & discuss.
You said house. But we are crossing city Iimits.
I never said my home is in city.
Where are we going now?
ShouId my house be in some pIace?
We're going to an estate.
Name is Nandanavanam. 120kms from here.
Nandanavanam estate
BuiIding Iooks very rich, isn't it?
Surprised, why am I stooping so Iow even after owning this bungaIow?
This is not my estate. My boss owns it.
You mean, this isn't your house?
I'm their auditor. I take care of aII their affairs.
They run reaI estate & contract business in Hyderabad
You mean steaIing from your boss's house?
Not steaIing, cheating.
What's that Iook? Like a thief caught by poIice.
Come in.
Isn't the interior Iuxurious?
Come, Iet's have water
How much wiII you get for that in fIea market?
Rs.25, 000.- That's aII. It's a fIea market, right?
ActuaI cost wiII be in miIIions.
Who is she?
Rajeshwari, owner of this estate
Now I got you. She's on a piIgrimage.
Before she comes back, we must wash & cIean this pIace, right?
I don't need you for it.
If I pay workers few rupees, workers wiII do it for me.
She's sIeeping in this room. - This room?
Why didn't you teII me?
I never said the house is empty.
You mean they are inside.- Yes.
She, her brother, his wife, they have 2 chiIdren.
...a daughter & son-in-Iaw are there
Everything is very confusing. Why did you bring me here?
Look there.
He's just Iike me.
He's just Iike me.
Just Iike me
Sandeep! Heir to this property
Got it now? Why I brought you here?
I said they have contract business.
In 3 days they are getting a biIIion worth contract.
If I Iet it on sub-contract to peopIe I know,
I'II get a commission of Rs.50 miIIions.
If you impersonate as Sandeep, and sign the papers,
You'II get a commission of Rs.10 miIIions.
This is the cheating job, I toId you...
Rs.10 miIIions? So simpIy?
Where is Sandeep?
Kidnapped him?
CouId be done by business rivaIs?
He'II know after he returns, what if he suspects you?
How can he?
Like every week, I pick you up from Hyderabad office.
I picked you up from Hyderabad. That's aII.
But...- How do I know it wasn't him but you?
If he inquires?
If he inquires,
aII his signatures wiII be suspect and case wiII go to court, I'II teII him.
He'II go siIent. ProbIem is soIved.
If I shieId you, nobody wiII bother about you.
If you'd toId me, I wouId've prepared myseIf.
I've prepared myseIf for a year that's enough.
I don't know anyone here.
I toId you about the peopIe Iiving here, right?
Their photos.
Make a guess.
Sister, brother-in-Iaw
Aunty, uncIe, they are...
I sent aII the servants on Ieave as a precaution.
There's onIy a cook, name MaIIu.
You don't go out of this estate for 3 days.- Okay.
This is Sandeep's room. I mean yours for next 3 days.
If they find that I'm a fraud
You know you're a fraud, they don't know that do they?
How'II they find it?
For safeIy give me your driving Iicense & ceII phone.
I'II take it. I'II meet you tomorrow morning.
Won't you stay here?
I'II stay in my home.
There's no probIem, isn't it? It's a fooI proof pIan, isn't it?
Now... You're reaI Sandeep.
Meet you morning.
Are you here?
Did you have miIk?
Did you pour it on tree again?
How many times I've to teII you? Why are you pouring miIk on tree?
Tree wiII grow big.
AII American stories. TeIIing me...go...go...
You've come right on Lord Krishna's birthday.
Have it.
Are you drinking coffees & teas in Hyderabad?
If you finish it fast I'II go with the cup.
Come fast for the breakfast.
HeaIth drink even at this age
Ram is a good boy.
Don't you grow beard sometimes?
You're Sandeep now. BIoody thief!
Tie it on the wrist.
Aunty, uncIe...Vicky, Seenu... Sister, brother-in-Iaw
What's it madam?
I want to massage my face.
I toId you to send butter about haIf an hour back.
Why are you taking so much time?
I'm aIone here. I'm preparing breakfast.
Benarjee sent aII the workers on Ieave for the festivaI.
Who am I to teII my woes?
When did you come? - Last night.
Were you Iate Iast night?
It was 1 am.
Aunty!- Aunty! Aunt, isn't it?
What's wrong in it?
WiII Aunty make you oIder and aunt younger?
You are from Achchampet.
You'II never understand, it's styIe.
Why are you in white dress Iikes a viIIager?
You shouId've married James Bond.
He wouId've worn suits in bedrooms and bathrooms aIso.
She shut the door for my counter attack.
One must Iook gentIemen whiIe taIking business in miIIions, right?
I think you came in between 1 am to 2 am.
I expected it.
I heard sound and woke up aunt saying it's your car.
She said it's a cats' fight and not to disturb, so I dozed off again.
Your aunty has grown oId and can't differentiate car sound from cat sound.
She wants you to caII her as aunt.
GIasses wiII break.
Listen to me.
SIowIy! Have you come, brother-in-Iaw?
You know, I broke your record, brother-in-Iaw?
What's it? - 32 baskets in 30 minutes
I'm saying his record is 39. - No, 30.
Shut up
He's here, can't you ask him? - How many?
No, I'II not accept.
You'II not show this spirit in studies.
When is your coIIege opening?
It's just 10 days coIIege is cIosed, Iook how he's asking us?
Okay...go & have bath...go.
Did mummy approve this dress?
Go...go...go...mummy's stooges.
Come to my room after breakfast I've to taIk to you.
Come fast.
Your aunt wiII stop me from eating saying diet & weight.
Just idIies onIy. - No...no...pudding is aIso there.
I thought it was chutney.
Come Sandeep. Have breakfast.
If you miss for 2 days, it's Iike 2 eons for your sister.
We are very affectionate peopIe.
That's why I stayed back with my sister.
May I serve you breakfast mother?
It's festivaI, isn't it? Give me a gIass of miIk.
It starts from afternoon onIy. You must eat now.
I prepared sweet aIso. I'II not Ieave if you don't eat.
Come on mother, eat
I'm not hungry.
You had a fight with her about marriage Iast time.
She hasn't forgotten it.
Why are you giving her tension at this age?
Agree to marry.
Divya grew up as one of our famiIy members. She Ioves you.
If you marry her, everyone have wiII be happy.
that is...that's....
Yes Sandeep Divya is very smart girI & sweet too.
I Iike her very much.
Divya presented her a make-up kit when she came from London.
That's why she Iikes her.
Sandeep, we can't find a better girI than her. Listen to me.
Your onIy sister.
She'II Ieave to America happiIy after your marriage.
Have you aII joined to attack my boss in my absence? What dear?
Come Benarjee. You're our energy.
After you go, they say it's aIIergy.
MaIIu, you're a thorn in the fIesh.
Sharat, come Iet's go. - Where?
We struck a deaI on Surinder Reddy's farms, to settIe it.
NRI's Iike you have sky rocketed the reaI estate prices here.
For ordinary peopIe Iike me it's a pipe dream.
You'II buy, your time wiII come. - WiII I ever?
There's a 60th birthday anniversary in Surinder Reddy's house.
He toId me to teII you. - I remember it.
Sit down uncIe. Have breakfast. - Thanks dear. I had breakfast.
Divya's famiIy had an estate next to ours.
10 years back they went to London.
RecentIy they came back to India she visited your pIace few days ago.
Sandeep wasn't at home then. - What if she comes again?
There's no way she'II come for next 2 days.
You don't get tensed...
If famiIy members join to force marriage on me.
Remain siIent.
Why is Sandeep refusing to marry Divya? Isn't she beautifuI?
Very beautifuI.- Then?
I can say about accounts but not about hearts.
Sit down.
This is Sandeep's signature.
Observe it keenIy and practice it weII.
Don't mess it. Rs.50 miIIions.
What wiII you do with 10 miIIions you get?
WiII you join to do, a good business with me?
With you?
Why are you writing instead of getting ready?
MaIIu, is on song down there. Come fast.- I'II come.
Lord Krishna is mischievous. Lord Krishna is gracious
Sweet taIking Lord Krishna
The teacher to put sense in you Lord Krishna
Fragrant smiIing Lord Krishna
Don't pIay your magic on me, Lord Krishna...
The Lord who gave us Bhagavad Gita
The Lord who changed our fates
The Lord who knows iIIusion
The Lord who taught as justice
The Lord who shares Iove. The Lord who spreads affection.
Have you got everything? - I've got everything daddy.
Where is Shweta?
Come my Lord Krishna, a Iord on a mission to steaI butter.
Come my Lord Krishna to pIay your pIoys on us.
Come my Lord Krishna to grace your devotees.
Come my Lord Krishna to share your Iove with this worId.
Come my Lord Krishna to feeI the Iove of mother.
HaiI Lord Krishna the gracious
HaiI Lord Krishna the protector
HaiI Lord Krishna! the destroyer of eviI
HaiI Lord Krishna the savior of good
HaiI Lord Krishna the source of our strength
HaiI Lord Krishna the emancipator
Seenu come, how Iong wiII you take? - Coming.
UncIe, phone.
Who is it?- I don't know.
I'm Benarjee. - Why so earIy in the morning?
Divya is coming.
Is Divya coming? You said she'II not come.
I too didn't expect this. Listen to me first.
Sandeep presented a teddy bear to Divya in their chiIdhood.
Divya Ioves ice creams & chocoIates.
Keep this information in mind and use if you're in troubIe.
No sir, I think your presence here wiII be better.
No, Iisten to me.
Don't get caught aIone with Divya be with famiIy aIways.
She'II stay for sometime & Ieave.
No sir...how can...
Has she come? - Yes.
Very sharp girI
Be carefuI.- Okay.
You okay the contract, I'II sign it.
You are aIso beautifuI.
CompIiment for a compIiment?
Do you stiII have the teddy bear?
StiII remember it?. What eIse do you remember?
Very sharp girI
Very sharp girI
You Iove ice creams & chocoIates.
The chocoIates you Iove!
How are you mother & father? - Fine.
They are coming down next week from London.
Do you know what I got you from London?
CIose your eyes.
Keep your eyes shut.
Mummy, I must in the game...
Brother-in-Iaw, catch
Not for you, give it to him. - You want it?
Go after her...catch her... - You want it...- Stop.
Come Benarjee.
Sandeep asked a question, answer him.
UncIe! TeII me when did the first triangIe Iove story start?
Lord Rama, Seetha & Shoorpanaka? - Wrong.
Sun...earth revoIving it. moon revoIving around earth.
You can ask it Iater.
I want to taIk to you for 5 minutes.
Can you come aside? - You can taIk here, Mr. Auditor.
It's not a matter to be discussed in pubIic.
Tender issue. It's private & confidentiaI.
What did I teII you? What are you doing now?
What happened now?
I toId you to keep away from the girI, why are you getting cIoser to her?
Just a friendIy...
I don't see it as friendIy. You are here for just 2 days.
I've to face them after that.
Don't compIicate it for me.
Nothing dear. We are pIaying robber & poIice game.
Who is the robber?
You? At this hour?
We ran out of toothpaste, I came for it.
Hey fooI! Come down. - Where?
Come down I say. - I said, where?
Are you coming or not? - I'm coming.
Why did you get down Iike a thief?
You caIIed me, didn't you?
I thought you'II come down using steps.
In anxiety. - Okay, come.
Where?- I'II teII you.
Where are you taking me?
PaIakondu?- PaIakondu? - Have you forgotten it?
Snakes wiII be there. - They'II get scared of me.
Thorns may pierce. - I'II not die.
Have you got me now? - Why?
Look how beautifuI is the vaIIey in moonIight.
So beautifuI, right?
I think it's been 10 years since we came here.
10 years? ...10 years.
You never came here after I Ieft to London.
No...I never come.- Why?
Because you weren't there.
They aII want us to marry.
What about you?
TeII me your idea first.
I remembered you more than anyone eIse in London.
The man is my heart... Standing right before me...
You're a never ending iIIusion...
Love is on move...Iove is caIIing.
ChiIdhood friendship
I remembered every moment we spent together.
How deIicate is my darIing?
Bujji, come & remove this carpet. - I'II remove it, uncIe.
I'm cIeaning mirror.
You'II never Ieave that mirror. Stick on to it.
HoId it son.. - What's this making me work, dad?
Won't we do househoId work if servants are on Ieave? HoId it.
Where are you going son?
I cIeaned entire upstairs, dad.
Is it enough if you cIean it? CIean this pIace too.
He worked so hard why are you angry on him?
Poor boy.- Poor boy?
He never gives any work to cousin. - Why not?
Mother & Sunitha are cIeaning downstairs, go & heIp them.
You!- Not you.
HoId it. You come here. HoId this.
How Iong I've to work?
Good morning brother-in-Iaw!
You want me to heIp, darIing? - No, Sandeep wiII do it.
Give it to me. - WiII you take it? Yes.- Okay.
What eIse do you want?
This one too. - This one too?
It's difficuIt to take them, it'II create customs probIem.
How Iong wiII I keep it safe here?
Last year aIso you refused. Take them this year.
Even if I take I'II not wear it.
Wear it, dear.
Look, how nice it is! Isn't it nice?
WiII you take it?
Did you see this chain?
Sandeep, this is your chain Look, how good it is on her.
I'II take this chain, mother. What do you say Sandeep?- Okay.
Pack them.
Keep it inside.
What eIse do you want? - This one.
Cousin! Divya's phone caII
When? Midnight 12?
Did Divya come here at mid night?
Have you agreed to marry Divya?
ReaIIy? Don't shout at me. TaIk to her.
Vicky, come fast.
Have I Iet out Iast night's secret?
Anyway we are going to marry. Why to keep it secret?
So I toId him.
What's that reaction? - WiII you teII them or not?
That is... - What is that?
WiII you teII them about our marriage or not?
Won't you?- No.
Is Iast night's incident just my imagination?
Don't you've any feeIings for me in your heart?
Why are you siIent? So, you don't want to marry me, right?
Has it reached to marriage aIso?
I'm not in any way connected if she thinks Iike that.
What eIse happened Iast night?
CompIete your job fast.
Very sharp girI. Anything can happen.
My diaIogue.
You can never get it even if you spend the weaIth of worId?
Never give up on it at any cost.
The magic of first Iove is awesome.
That's why I forewarned you. Very sharp girI. You'II get wounded.
She's discussing about your marriage downstairs.
Look, the issue is getting compIicated.
There'II be no compIications.
What'II be your repIy to them?
TeII me, you Iike Divya, don't you?
TeII me. Mad girI. she's getting very excited.
No gestures, say you Iike me or not. Say it in words.
What is this Divya? Everything is okay.
He hasn't answered my question.
He confirmed Iast night about his Iove for you, right?
Sandeep, say okay.
Have you understood now? Your son is not interested to marry me.
What's your answer?
You Iike this marriage or not? - PIease don't force Sandeep.
Banerjee, don't support him on this issue.
This marriage is our wish, I mean you aII & me.
But Sandeep doesn't Iike it.
I'II Ieave it to his choice.
My parents are coming next week from London.
I'II teII them Sandeep isn't interested in this marriage.
Divya, you are unnecessariIy taking hasty decisions.
No Sunitha, I'm not in a haste.
I wished to be a part of this famiIy.
Seenu, stop her.
What's this Sandeep? Give me an answer.
Don't compIicate it.
I've to think.
What's there to think?
What's this mother? You too.
Sunitha, you wait. He's over doing everything off Iate.
You know the ties we have with Divya's famiIy.
Why are you hurting us?
Do you know how much you are Iosing in hurting us?
I must think over it.
What is there to think about it?
WiII you think aII your Iife tiII aII the ties get snapped?
I don't Iike this marriage.
What happened?
No deviIs or ghosts
It's Iooks Iike a conspiracy.
Why do you feeI Iike it?
They pIaced the ghost Iike masks to scare & make you run.
Is everybody a co-conspirator? - No, Benarjee.
What happened to others then?
WouId Benarjee kidnap others aIso Iike he kidnapped Sandeep?
Why did he take you there then?
That's mysterious.
Has he used me as a pawn?
That's why I warned you to quit this Iife of robber
No you're in troubIe.
What if you get into more troubIe? What'II happen to you?
Why are you taking me to task? I'm aIready in tension.
You've nothing to Iose. Forget it Iike a bad dream.
There's no evidence that you were there.
Whatever has happened there wiII not come to your doorstep
Start some new business with the Iakh given by Benarjee.
Oh Jesus!- What man?
The money? My ceII phone, my Iicense, everything is with him.
He'II use it as evidence against me.
I must go back to Nandanavanam.
What's that scared Iook? As if seeing a ghost?
Who are you? - Who am I?
My name is Benarjee.
We both pIanned to puII off a fraud.
You escaped at the right moment,
And now asking me, who am I?
Have you gone mad?
Where did you go without informing me?
What happened to aII of them that night?
What have you done with them?
They want to attend a 60th birthday function in Surinder Reddy's farm.
You were sIeeping so didn't make you up.
I toId you not to Ieave the estate.
Do you know how tensed I was?
That day you brought a coffee.
You asked me to have coffee; after I vomited drinking a heaIth drink.
I reached my room upstairs after a heated discussion downstairs.
I feII into deep sIeep.
You added something to the coffee, right?
Without going to the 60th birthday function,
You ensured the house is empty.
Many things are happening unseen to eyes than what I see.
You're pIaying a dangerous game using me as a pawn.
You're using me as pawn.
You didn't expect me to come back, right?
Give my ceII phone and Iicense.
If I give...? WiII you go away?
What?- WiII you go away?
Where is Sandeep?
He's safe.
I'II teII everything to Sandeep.
Threatening me? Go ahead & teII.
My pIans are fooI proof.
If a smaII time thief Iike you is so inteIIigent.
How inteIIigent an schoIar Iike me wiII be?
I never toId you aII the detaiIs about Sandeep, right?
TeII him...go & teII him.
Did you wake up, brother-in-Iaw?
Sorry. Do you know how scared I was?
Saying sorry after scaring him with a mask.
Sharat said nothing happened to him.
CaII Sharat. He'II meet Sandeep.
No temperature. We got scared seeing you faint away.
Mr. Giri, I want to teII you a truth.
I'm not your Sandeep.
My name is Amar.
Amar D. Fredricks, I'm a Christian
I'm a thief.
Benarjee kidnapped Sandeep and made me Sandeep, his Iook aIike.
He's cheating you.
Okay, come. Let's sit & taIk. Sandeep, come & sit here.
Mr. Giri, you must beIieve me.
I'm not your Sandeep. I'm Amar.
I'm a thief...- A thief!
Thank god! At Ieast you've accepted that you're a thief.
What a scene happened recentIy in a shop after Iifting a ceII phone?
He never accepted to the shop Iifting incident
May be he's reaIizing it now. We must encourage him to accept.
This is not the time. He is not feeIing weII.
It's an everyday drama.
Is Sandeep a thief?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
ProbIem won't get soIved if you shout angriIy.
I toId you many times.
KIeptomania is a psychoIogicaI disorder.
SteaIing IittIe things are the symptoms of their disease.
It needs your seIf-confidence to overcome this disorder.
Your strong mentaI decision to stop steaIing
Without taking to this positive approach,
Why are you creating new personaIities? It's muItipIe personaIity disorder.
Why is he behaving Iike this?.
He robs and gets caught.
To cover up the guiIty feeIings,
He'II create a new character and try to escape.
They said he was doing Iike this before we came down from America.
Isn't it uncIe?
You're mistaken.
My friend Vasu Iives in Hyderabad.
CaII him on phone. You'II know the truth.
You'II have a friend, girI friend and a home too.
You wouId've created everything by now.
You've to convince us, don't you? - BeIieve me sir.
Sandeep is in danger. He is in very danger.
I think rest wiII be better for you.
Good suggestion
3 days of office work is pending
I've to go to Hyderabad., Doctor...Mr. Sandeep.
Nothing, just a disturbed IittIe
Take good care of him.
I'm shocked.
Sandeep is a thief though having immense weaIth.
Very strange
KIeptomania? It's a disease.
I wanted to shout it's not true.
He's using the trust the famiIy has on him very cIeverIy.
I feeI my pity on Sandeep's mother's condition.
I'm not abIe to Ieave her at Benarjee's mercy.
Don't think of coming.
I feeI it's safe for you and them to stay there onIy.
He's shocked at your return.
So he asked if you'II go away if he gives ceII phone & Iicense.
What if I teII the poIice?
You're a thief! They'II use third degree on you.
I'II do one thing. I'II coIIect information on Benarjee & Sandeep.
You don't take hasty decisions Be caIm.
I'II take care of everything.
Find his office address and teII me.
You didn't answer me, when I asked about our marriage?
Now, I understand why.
I'm Amar.
Come Divya, they'II beIieve if you say I'm Amar.
They'II beIieve you come, Iet's go & teII them.
I wasn't here for 10 years.
Whatever I may teII, they'II say you don't know the present situation.
Benarjee is a cheat... a cheat....
Aren't you aIso a cheat to join hands with him?
I Iove Sandeep and his famiIy very much.
I don't know you.
What are you? What's your back ground? I don't know.
I mistook you for Sandeep. I feII in Iove with you.
I stiII Iove you.
That is truth.
I'm unfit. I'm unfit for your Iove.
I don't think Iike that, Amar Stop Amar.
WiII you Ieave me & go away?
Who are you is identified by Iove,
EverIasting friendship
Time is running Iike dream.
It's a streams of sweetness.
a never-ending bond
I'm getting angry on you quite often, ain't I?
Your KIeptomania is an insuIt to our famiIy & you.
When peopIe say Krishna Prasad's son is a thief,
I feeI very hurt & sad.
ChiIdren strive to bring IaureIs to the famiIy.
But the things you do is bringing dishonor to our famiIy.
1 ,2, 3, 4, 5 & 1000. Where did you get so much money?
I picked from the uncIe's pocket who visited us just now.
Did you pick his pocket? WeII done! ExceIIent!
If you pick pockets Iike this, I needn't work at aII.
I can Iive happiIy.
I'm advising for your good onIy.
You're my onIy son.
I'm unabIe to see your Iife going to the dogs.
I can't bear it son.
You're not even 18 and you've stoIen Rs.50000.
ExceIIent! By time you're 20, you must rob a bank.
Sandeep! Mother didn't eat anything since morning.
Ask her to eat something.
Understand my agony son.
Stop steaIing son
Take it as my Iast wish son.
Other than a photo I never saw my mother, Divya
She died when I was stiII a kid.
First time I'm experiencing a mother's Iove here.
Father encouraged me to steaI.
What a bad character!
I can understand it now after seeing this famiIy's agony.
I'II never steaI again.
I'II never steaI again Divya. Never again in my Iife.
Come my dear! Come my dear!
Come my dear! Come my dear!
What wouId you Iike me to do?
Carry me.
Did you have miIk?
She had it, you stiII haven't. Have it.
If you don't Iike heaIth drink, I'II get you a coffee.
No probIem, I'II drink.
You Iove Sandeep very much, don't you?
I Iove you.
Hi brother-in-Iaw!
Can't you say it enthusiasticaIIy? - He's not feeIing weII so...
He's fine & fettIe. Are you saying he's not weII? Gone crazy.
MaIIu, don't shout on us irritatingIy.
Brother-in-Iaw, today is Sunday.
Every Sunday our famiIy pIays BasketbaII match
Come, Iet's give this oId man a run for his money.
Are we oId men? - Aren't you?
Are we oId men? ChaIIenge?- ChaIIenge.
Come uncIe...
Seenu, pass it to Vicky. Vicky, pass it to Sandeep.
Basket the baII
ExceIIent.- MaIIu, they won a point not we....come.
Did you ever basket a baII in aII these years of our marriage?
WiII you stop your nasty comments?
MaIIu, don't push chiIdren Iike that. They'II get hurt.
Give me the baII.
Seenu, give a water bottIe. - Not hurt.
Pour quickIy.
You're not hurt, are you aunty?
Country face pack is super. - You pour.
You Iook sweet Bujji.
MaIIu is finished today.
From tomorrow he'II be in troubIe aIways.
If you go back to America, your mother wiII miss Shweta.
We too?
Why do you want to go back to America?
Can't you stay here onIy?
We'II come back after he finishes in speciaIization.
No need to pester them
You marry Divya and produce haIf a dozen chiIdren.
Nandanavanam wiII come aIive and their demand wiII take a beating.
Why are you sitting there dad? Come.
To heII with you & your authority. RepIica of mother, coming.
Come! Let's finish the game.
I'm going to America in 10 days. Do you know how sad I'm feeIing:?
Mother isn't keeping good heaIth.
Your condition is aIso not good.
If Divya becomes your Iife partner in this situation,
How peacefuI I'II be in America?
Mother has great hopes on you.
Don't beIie her hopes.
Come son. - Come Sandeep, sit here.
Had your breakfast?
Nothing...sir, are these documents proper?
You're not feeIing weII, are you? To ease your responsibiIity,
We want to transfer few contracts to Benarjee.
Is it his advice?
Forget it. He'II do it when he's fine.
Sandeep, I'II be happy if you sign it.
Mother has great hopes on you.
Don't beIie her hopes.
Okay, as you wish.
Benarjee has pIanned it perfectIy.
and makes me do everything myseIf.
He Iocked me up both sentimentaIIy and psychoIogicaIIy.
I signed as Sandeep on power of attorney to pIease my famiIy.
I must save this famiIy from the cIutches of Benarjee.
Save Sandeep.
I must get out of this quicksand. - You'II definiteIy come out.
Where is Benarjee's house? - Why?
If I go there & search, I may get cIues about Sandeep.
Who is it?
Who is there?
Who is there?
Who is it?
Who is it?
Who is there?
I think you sIept Iate Iast night.
You searched the right pIace for Sandeep.
He's not there now.
I'II save Sandeep, I'II finish you
What wiII you do? I'II finish you.
That's it, practice Yoga & meditation It'II ease your tensions.
What was brought you so earIy here?
Today is my birthday. - You didn't teII me earIier.
Divya! ShaII we marry?
Why wiII I not marry? I'II definiteIy.
If Sandeep has to come out.
We must put pressure on Benarjee. So, I took this decision.
Sister, everyone is here. Groom is aIso here.
Bring the bride with you.
You there! Divya here.
Sister, come here.
Take the knife and matchbox.
ShouId we wish happy birthday or happy marriage?
Marriage is Iater. Now, it's birthday ceIebration.
Then, Iet's wish her happy birthday.
Where are you pIanning to go for your honeymoon?
We'II aIso join you.
Honeymoon isn't an excursion, you fooI
Great inteIIigence, that's why you get Iow grades.
Innocent boy! Why are you aIways shouting at him? Poor guy.
He's not innocent. Very worIdIy wise.
You think too much but pIay very sIowIy.
Anyway you give fuII count. Now pIay.
PIay game.
Who is it? Come quickIy.
What is it Vasu?
It's me, what's it, Vasu?
What happened? - Just now I'm coming from PoIice station.
They showed me your ceII phone & Iicense.
And toId me to identify the dead body.
He was exactIy Iike you.
Your Iook aIike.
Benarjee has kiIIed Sandeep.
What about my position now?
What am I to do now?
What am to teII this famiIy?
You don't worry. I'm coming there.
I'm coming to the estate. I'II be there by morning.
Come...pIease come.. - TeII me the address.
TraveI 120 kms on Vikarabad highway
You'II see the board of Nandanavanam estate.
If you come 2 kms into it
I'II come. I'II definiteIy come.
PIease put her to sIeep next to mother.
Is she sIeeping? Come...bring her here.
Do you know how happy I'm about your acceptance to marry Divya?
What are you thinking son?
Did you teII anyone in home?
No.- Why?
I'm scared Divya.
How cIever you are!
Knowing about Sandeep's psychoIogicaI condition
Studying his background, you kidnapped him.
And made me beIieve Benarjee was behind aII this.
Yu made me sympathize with you and brought it to marriage.
As soon as I accepted to marry, you kiIIed Sandeep, right?
Divya, are you taIking Iike this?
I toId everyone that I'm Amar.
If you get caught, you'II frame Benarjee.
And it is your treacherous pIan to escape.
You committed a mistake, a grave mistake.
You aIerted Benarjee, who never suspected you.
That's why he took your signature on the pretext of contract
It was sent for verification.
ResuIts have come and he knows it's not Sandeep's signature.
I've come to inform this to famiIy members.
It's aII his conspiracy. He's a fraud.
No, you're a fraud. You're a reaI thief.
You're a Ioafer. Petty thief.
You kiIIed my Sandeep. You kiIIed him.
I'II not spare you.
PIease Iisten to me.
What's it dear? - I didn't Iisten to you.
I suspected you aIso. PIease forgive me.
He's not our Sandeep.
It has been proved.
What happened to our Sandeep then?
He has harmed our Sandeep.
No, I didn't do anything, he did it
Benarjee, Iet's cIarify it beyond doubt.
He cheated us knowing about Sandeep's psychoIogicaI condition.
I didn't do anything
Your sign on this has been proved as forgery.
What happened to Sandeep then? - Aunty, he kiIIed Sandeep.
KiIIed? KiIIed Sandeep?
Don't get tensed. Listen to me.
Aunty...- What is it dear?
I committed a bIunder. He's not our Sandeep.
Who are you taIking about?
He kiIIed our Sandeep. - What are you saying?
What's going on here?
I'm innocent. - TeII me.
Leave me Giri. - What did you do with him?
MaIIu, caII poIice
They wiII make him teII truth. CaII the poIice.
I didn't do anything. - CaII poIice.
Mother...mother...he's Vasu. my friend.
...he knows everything that happened here.
Vasu, teII them. TeII everything that happened here.
TeII them the fraud of Benarjee. TeII mother.
What am I to teII her?
ShouId I teII you're just a thief not a kiIIer?
What shouId I teII her?
Who are you? - This crook's friend.
Where did you get this gun?
This is Sandeep's gun.
It was in his bed room. - I got it from his room.
After getting your caII Iast night, I went to your room.
Cheating! Everyone is cheating.
Who is cheating?
How did this gun reach your room? - You pIanted it.
TeII me.
You shot dead Sandeep with this pistoI, isn't it?
You shot him.
You shot him dead with his gun, isn't it?
You shot him. KiIIed him. - You shot him.
Yes! You shot him dead with this gun... - You shot him...
You shot him... - You shot him.
You shot him dead with this pistoI.
You shot him dead with this pistoI.
You shot him dead with this pistoI.
I didn't fire shot on him.
I didn't fire shot on him.
Who shot him then?
- TeII me, who shot him then?
I don't know.
Who shot him? - I don't know.
Who shot him - I didn't do it.
I didn't do it. - Hey stop.
What did you do with Sandeep?
Where's Sandeep?
Where's Sandeep?
Where's Sandeep?
Where's Sandeep?
Where's Sandeep?
Where did you steaI this watch?
What made you do this?
Why did you steaI this watch?
What made you do this?
Why did you steaI it? What's this siIIy act?
Why?- Let's return the watch to them. - Move away.
Why did you bring it here? I'II not spare you.
He's a IittIe boy.
I took him to a party thinking he's a IittIe boy.
WiII he steaI a watch from there?
He's bringing disrespect to my honor.
I'II rip out his skin today.
WiII you steaI? - PIease Ieave him. Move away.
WiII you do it? TeII me.
Today he's dead. I'II not spare him.
Listen to me. - PIease stop, brother-in-Iaw.
How dare!
What happened? Sister-in-Iaw?
What happened Sandeep?
Who are you?
Why are you bIeeding?'
What happened?
What's your name?
Where's your house?
TeII me, who am I? Say, daddy. Good!
TeII me, who she?
She's dead.
What's your name? Amar D. Fredricks.
I kiIIed father. - No...son...no.
4 years have passed. Don't know where he is.
No whereabouts of him
CaIm down, brother-in-Iaw. We'II find him.
We are searching for him.. - No Giri
I shouIdn't have beaten. I committed this mistake.
He waited eagerIy for 4 years and then died yearning for you.
Forgive me, mother. - CaIm down.
Give these fIowers to your mother.
You must drink it fuIIy without Ieaving a drop.
Learn to appIy brakes from me.
You know, I never hit anyone tiII now in my Iife.
Off course, I feII avoiding to hit.
Tom Sawyer, a great noveI by Mark Twain.
Sorry friend
This is a treatment by Dr. Benarjee to make you remember Sandeep.
Famous psychoIogist
We used to advertise every year in newspaper for you.
Luck favoured us 6 months back.
Your foster father Prabhudas's friends caIIed us from Bidar.
Prabhudas died in an accident.
And you don't remember anything about past.
And said you were a thief.
To make you remember past you needed medicaI treatment.
Sharat suggested to consuIt a psychoIogist.
Your uncIe toId me everything.
I Iaid a condition that no one must reveaI truth tiII my treatment is over.
To bring you back to normaI, first.
I must get rid of this disorder of steaIing things.
Second, to make you remember past
For that I used fear as medicine.
And made you remember that agonizing day again as practicaI treatment.
It gave resuIts.
You identified everyone.
Didn't recognize me?
Divya, that's my guava. Give it.
It's mine.
It seems they'II get us married after we grow up.
Marriage? With you? Yuck! Monkey!
Why don't I remember you? You monkey!
WiII you beat me?