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\f0\fs20 \cf0 My name is Beverly Vesel and I'm the president of Beverly L. Vesel and
Associates PA and I've been practicing marital and family law for over 31 years. The types
of law that I practice in are divorce, paternity, modification, relocation, pre-nuptials, post-nuptials,
basically anything that involves the family and their children and their finances. In
light of the bad economy I'm seeing much more relocation cases where the party wants to
move, one parent wants to move 50 miles out of the jurisdiction and the other parent objects.
In those cases it's my obligation and my requirement legally to prove the 11 factors of the statute.
And, the reason being is because I have to prove a better quality of life for the parent,
it's in the best interest of the children, that I could still do, there would still be
bonding with the other parent, and they would see more and be involved with more family
and a better quality of life based upon job and schooling and neighborhood and extended
family. When looking for an attorney a client should assess the experience level of that
attorney. I have over 31 years of experience in marital and family law so that I know the
judges, I know my collegues, and the opposing counsel, I know the procedure, I know the
timing, I know the rules, I know the law, and so when somebody comes in, they get the
benefit of over 31 years of experience in marital and family law, and that's really
what a client should be looking for - someone that's familiar with the system, familiar
with the law, familiar with the procedure, familiar with the judges so that you get your
best possible outcome.}