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hey here's one of my favorite clips remember a few months ago when this
prankster got on fox news pretending to be a former obama supporter
and basically pranks gretchen carlson saying
well i don't like to direction though obama taking the country and i'm voting
for mit romney because of a basketball back or something like that
and it was clearly a joke the kid wasn't even all the nafta vote last election
and fox news didn't do any fact checking
this is a different version of that and this is like a more serious one that's
really really good
john scott
was interviewing uh... author tom ricks and tom rex was brought on fox news on
happening now to talk about how a lot of republican lawmakers are now backing off
of their conspiracy theory claims regarding the ben gauzy attacks we
talked on our last show
how john mccain senator john mccain had a all these conspiracy theories about
than god the and now he's backed off of them of course because they were
completely warrantless and made absolutely no sense there was no
conspiracy so on and so forth this is really good emina plays video for you
within a minute we within seconds
uh... tom ricks basically says
foxnews is the reason
but the bad guys eating even blew up and by the way fox news is operating at the
propaganda that as an arm of the republican party
interview over instantly that's a really good way to get yourself picked up by
boxes isle of this video take a look at this
pressure mounting on the obama administration over its responsibility
attack on our consulate and human gaza
as katherine here is reported just minutes ago seventeen top g_o_p_
lawmakers are backing off their criticism of the u_n_ ambassador susan
ryanair instead focusing on the white house right
two senators even expressing concerns about possible white house cover up
sorrow tom rixie is author of the generals you spent becker decades
covering our military joins us now other senator john mccain is set in the past
that he would block any attempt
of the nominee susan rise to become
u_n_ ansari secretary of state she's currently the u_n_ ambassador he seems
to be backing away from that what you make of it
then god eternally was hyped by this network especially and undoubtedly
campaign is over
i think he's backing off a little bit they're not gonna stop susan rise from
the secretary of state when you when you have four people dead including the
first u_n_ ambassador u_s_ ambassador in more than thirty years had a call that
height r dot here we go this is where he completely breaks it down and then later
will go into where he gets himself kicked off take a look
families security contractors died in iraq you know
no nobody does because nobody cared
we know that we several hundred died there was never an official countdown of
security contractors and iraq
so when i see this focus
on what was essentially a small firefighting number one i've covered a
lot of our hearts
it's impossible to figure out what happens in that sometimes and second i
that the emphasis in bangkok is an extremely political
well because fox was operating as a wing of the republican party
tom rex thanks very much for joining us this vertigo gauges off
this interview from the time if you take if you consider the fact that there was
this long introduction from john scott
the actual interview lasted forty nine seconds off forty-nine second appears
now of course foxnews will probably argue
well we didn't take a motto is if he was brought on in the interview took its
course and it it ran its course and that was it really new book people for forty
nine second interviews now
he went out there he said what were all very aware of about box newsday got
himself booted off
worth it completely worth it never to be on boxing and is great and no challenge
from fox news about
they did not challenge is claiming all metal i mean i'm sure that they date
the fact that they didn't challenge it doesn't mean they agree i'm sure it's
policy does not do in detail at all yet from the time with your thought on that
i love this
yet this is uh... extremely satisfying when someone calls of fox on the air
and uh... they're response is essentially the censored
no question about it's it's abril you did this on the prank call boxes gotten
some tough ones over the last couple of months