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Hi I am Hitesh S shah on behalf of Expert Village. Let us see how to perform Surya Namaskar.
Let us start with introduction of Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskara is synergy between Yogasana
and exercise. A Surya Mantra is chanted before performing Surya Namaskara. So beauty of this
Surya Namaskara system is that it has benefits of Mantra chanting,Yogasana and to some extent
Pranayama. And ofcourse to experience all these benfits one has to practice Surya Namaskara
in continuation for a longer period of time. Practising Surya Namaskara keeps fit an individual
physically. metally and spiritually. Also early morning sunlight is the direct source
of vitamin D which is useful to prevent skin diseases. So to experience all these benefits
learn and practice Surya Namaskara with consultation of your Yoga expert and keep fit.