On May 25, 2018, the European Union will implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to give its citizens more control over how their data is tracked and used. However, the GDPR implications extend far beyond Europe's borders, impacting websites around the world. If you are a North American business, you also need to comply with the GDPR regulations when someone from the EU lands on your website. This means that you must ensure that you are not t collecting any data on them and/or marketing to them without first asking for their explicit consent. This could affect your Google Analytics tracking, your Facebook advertising strategy, and more. Failure to comply could result in steep fines, no matter how big or small your business is. In this Facebook Live, we will demystify the intricacies of the GDPR and offer real-world solutions to help your website and marketing activities become compliant. We will cover: • What is the GDPR and who does it affect? • Review key terms: data controller, data processor, consent, personal data, etc. • Your responsibilities and the consequences of non-compliance • How will your Facebook marketing and tracking be affected? • How will your Google Analytics, Ad Words, and associated services be affected?