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piers morgan very successfully pissed off by a second rights amendment
proponents are last week we're talking about strict gun control and how we need
it this week is targeting the religious he had with warren artist program
heidi's that's very interesting i think very reasonable things about the bible
bible says if you commit adultery diminished and the death and that's what
that is uh... a as we said were that city
civil law
for the nation of israel is still a element the bible useful
well evidently from that generation that's their graphic commitment exactly
my point exactly but the constituted is not one of them were lost
dentist in the bible and useful
rival economic globalization he wanted to but they'll basically inherently
flawed workmen's the need to amend it my point to you about
jerry rice for example it's time for an amendment to the bible
forget that's awesome
it because i totally disagree with both
now for piers morgan ibc within five
we probably shouldn't stone the kids today afternoon all others are part of
the bible that we have mentioned
that i love rick wars excuses
uh... that civil law to put the moral offering topic acted in a presence for
other issues which he has a year
well old has the verses which is all that's the old testament
well heating is also noticed that
what do you like that one of the old as it did
abut about not eating triple complex craze that's all that's left civil law
dot moral of
that canisters as in the old testament
bottling substantial it none of it makes a says
but amending the bible is supported this group is born
was i mean that the men in the bible i mean i don't think so he had what really
ridiculous is that uh... that's a rhetorical point
apparently he's not saying should we do away with about work nor the bible
you know that i could get the world report but imagine if you got reported
saying that there's something to the bottle probably need to be amended
you've won the arctic dat said it would a british accents that sounded very
subjective separate
whoever the bible would you have to have a very confident about the biblical
yes but not the bible or maybe just get to the congress to sign up
uh... becky we have more beer so will we actually have a response from rick
warren kolkata
but i believe is for the human opinion
because it
constantly changes i'd willingly admit
willingly admit
i based
my worldview
the bible which i believe is
and and and shoot
my definition is
if it's new it's not true if you just you two thousand years ago the beaches
of usually opinion changes to the truth doesn't
windsor agree disagree
phase now but trust me it'll come back early because i mean
eat his troops from two hundred years ago and for that was that
not only does that mean because maybe it's it's a return call forth that
confuses the dot
david billig always that sounded good
erect roots as a child also thousand years ago the thousand years from now
com and collected
you know
cable modem together with what is their place in every defense is like saying
ever been and i was a bit at a yesterday
it will also be a banana tomorrow
people okay but and and and and and it's not in that case attached to it as
though i think you can explain it
so uh... he talked of course record can possibly win the argument
because the citadel
what bible is not what is being sent
in the bible your it's an abomination and you go to help for every art quarter
by this guy god
if you require
what subregion how do you want to stop logic it's not just that it's morally
wrong there are factual scientific statements in the bible that are
factually wrong
but the definition of pricing is a specific about like that about the way
that the stars move in the classroom
these are not like uh... just theological questions that we can post
it makes the specific factual statements over the world that are incorrect and
their incorrect because people are stupid back then and that's the best
they could do it's only as good as the best who wants to play they were going
to run for president
then i think that's we were in the right way leo enright it we were the infancy
of mankind has ended around that law it's more than a dozen times saying that
at the same time
that the bible was written in the name ended and by the way that said so peers
is kind of like is constantly argue that the bible in a lot of leads a new the
inviting came up with the bible by piecing together the the
i've got skills that he likened unlike for political reasons
but at the same time as all this was happening people thought that the stars
were little
holes spoke in this inhabited by god
and so that i was having shining through
the use of the people were solicited your picture about your zero i love the
stuff but the book
that they got to work this week at the place
he said i really would probably one of the great everything else the world
wasn't flat the stars were the whole
all's well but god
but the bible they correct we put out the video again without sounds for site
you know it like this so i found really it's not so much that
so so much of that were appropriate on
here's something like that i want to get to the to share
of artesia that's fine
so like
like he's a big guy and that's totally cool
from deterred ally i thought the dislikes and and you're supposed to wear
black islamic
but when you were all-black in europe again
the messages and others
he must be so jagannath but i'm not happens very it's too much lately dot
where white shirts on black jacket that's my goal i think he replied
each must be the biggest guy a break and world but the black short of life is too
and he believed to be fair to resume right before he did it go see the whole