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Have you read New Age books, Quran, Black Bible or other books from other religions?
Do you listen to hard music, rock, satanic, techno, metal?
Have you played some demonic computer games?
Diablo, dragons rank, quake, pokemons, pocket monsters...
Have you read literature of foreign cults,
sorcery books
initiating into sorcery and magic. For example... Harry Potter?
We've been talked into this...
We're friends with father Sylwester.
Who leads similar services, but he asks "what do you want to be set free from?"
Comes an adolescent, 14 years old.
I'm free.
Do you drink?
Do you smoke?
Then maybe Harry Potter?
YES! I've read all books!
And the devil threw him on the floor and started to spinning him around like with hands of a clock.
These are text from bishop's imprimatures.
In a nutshell, my dears, i'm going to gather...
these all...
I divide them
into two... courses.
Hard new age.
That is these universities... devil's oxfords.
And mild new age
This is colleges with bachelor's degree. They found out something and have been inflicted.
Hard new age:
aikido (?), amulets, astrology, bio-energy therapy,
Sze Ning, horoscopes, chiromacy, sorcery,
Huna (?), fortune telling, yoga, Kabbala, mind control, miracle course,
magic (2 weird kinds), transcendental meditation, numerology, occultism,
parapsicology, automatic script, psychotronic, radiesthesia,
satanizm, mind control by Silva, spiritualism, synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres, shamanism
tai chi, tarot, techno, occult healing, pendulum, Woo-Doo,
invoking evil spirits, walking on fire, Fortune-telling, euthymia, hypnosis, homeopathy,
out of body experience (OOBE), polarity, lucid dream, gui gong,
healing touch, talismans, east martial arts.
Now colleges:
aura, acupressure, acupuncture, anthroposophy, antipedagogy,
aroma therapy, bioresonance, BSM, buddhism,
Hailinger's method, holism, holotropic breathwork, ildology, kinesiology, Denison's method,
chinese medicine, tibetan medicine, positive thinking,
neuro-linguistic programming, altered state of consciousness,
precognition, transcendental... no transpersonal psychology,
superlearning, Waldorf education, psychokinesis, theosophy,
Gestalt therapy, ufology, Kirian's pictures, Zen, life after life.
All of this have been let into our land.