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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Hi Im Bryan Wirth and I want to welcome you back to the Wirth Family Legacy
Channel. Today we are going to start out with Part 1 in a 4 Part Series where I talk about
the Four Essential Elements of a Great Business Opportunity. After a period of many years
of trying different business opportunities in the direct sales industry experiencing
a lot of frustration and spending a lot of time effort and money with very little to
show for it I finally discovered that there are Four Essential Elements that must be in
place to have a Great Business Opportunity. A Business Opportunity that will give you
sustainable growth and long term Legacy Income. So lets talk about those Four Essentials today.
First of all Essential Element Number One. It all starts with a great product. Look lets
face it if you dont have a product that people want to buy and they want to buy repeatedly
because its delivering results you really dont have a business. Its just that simple.
Essential Element Number Two you must have a rock solid company that stands behind that
product. A lot of great products have made it into the marketplace over a period of many
years but unfortunately many of them have had a very short run. Simply because they
did not have a rock solid company rock solid management behind that product. Essential
Element Number Three. A Foolproof Proven Marketing System that will bring the customers directly
to you. Most people fail in this industry simply because they cant gain enough customers
a large enough customer base to develop any significant level of income. Its a real problem
and Trivita solves that problem with their customer acquisition program. Essential Element
Number Four. A generous compensation program. If youre going to put your time your energy
your money into building a business its very very important that you have a generous compensation
structure. Now one side note most people when they are evaluating businesses in particular
in this industry have everything just backwards. In other words they put Essential Element
Number One as a great compensation structure. So many times people will tell me Well tell
me about your compensation plan totally ignoring the product in other words the product becomes
secondary. This is a huge mistake in my opinion because you can have the greatest compensation
plan in the world have the highest percentage payouts but if you dont have products that
people are buying then what good is it for you? It really is of no value. So it really
does start out with a great product. Now in the next series were going to talk about Essential
Element One and each week we are going to break it down and go through these Four Essential
Elements. And by the time you get through I think youll see that Trivita truly has all
Four Essential Elements in place. And thats why this business has produced income rock
solid monthly residual income for Tammi and me for the past 10 years. Month after month
products are being purchased because people are getting results and thats why it all starts
with Essential Element Number One a great product and were going to talk about in our
next segment. So Thank You again for stopping by the Wirth Family Legacy Channel we hope
youll come back next week as we explore a flagship product from Trivita called Nopalea
thats delivering some amazing results. Thank You again and well see you next time.\