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DO WCTelORco 2me07 b6ack to DHoe
6ouse. Did you know that@@XDDOC7
Canadççians drink over 7 billion
ççps of te@@a each yXDear? I'mHH
telling you, I do my part in
thatXD. LuckyHG fTVor us, iDOt'ç
HGink. Sue Mah from Nutrition@@D
SoDOluCTtiORon 2s 07is6 here tos
about tea. Wow. 7 billio@@n. Wa6
XDççat a surprise for you?@@
HG>>TV Well, iDOt CTwaORs 2a 0ç
me, but, y@@ou know,XD it's goHç
Hews, because tea is such a@@XD6
2healthy beverage. Tea naturalT
@@ntHains theççse classes of
XDtioxHGidTVants calDOleCTd ORc@
TV>> All tDOeaCTs?OR 2076Hçç
67 All teas.@@XDHGTVDOCTOR 2
H>> Reallççy? Even--
I'm not @@an adveXDnturous HGteç
07inker. I'm sort of the black@R
teHa girl.çç
>> There's black, gree@@n, whitH
XDd oolong, but they all contai@
TVcatechinDOs.CT TORhe 2 g07re6ç
6ew more of the antioxidants,@@7
but geççt this. 2 cups of black
teXDa has tHGheTV same anDOtiCTç
ORtivity as a glass of red wineO
or 7 cHups of oççrange juice, so
HtXD's prettHGy TVpowerfulDOCTO6
HGtioxidants we're talking abouD
inDO tCTeaOR. 2076Hçç
>> Wow. But there's some
caffeiXDne issueHGs TVinvolvedDç
that, too, though.
>> TXDhere's sHGomTVe caffeiDOnç
DOt you know what? 20 mg to@@XDV
07406 mg of cHaffeine ççin a cuf
çça, that's @@3, 4, 5 XDtimes lH
@@ffeine than in a cup of
coffeeHG, TVso it's DOreCTalORlç
07ge issue.@@XDHGTVDOCTOR
>>H All rigççht. The
TVea-totallers" have got @@itXDG
CTgoORin 2g 07on6. All riHght. a
lot of beautiful teas here@@.XDV
OR>> 2 L07ot6s of greHat teasçço
try. Thi@@s is blaXDck tea. HGNç
6ea is different depending on@@7
how thççe tea has been processe@
BlHGacTVk tea iDOs CTthORe 2moç
It's the most oxid@@ized. InXD ç
ORere's an enzyme that naturallO
oxidizHes the ççtea and turns ia
daXDrker coHGloTVur. ThinDOk CTç
when you slice it, and i@@t'sXDç
TVposed to air, and it turns@@XG
CTbrORow 2n.07 S6ame thinHg wita
le@@af. It'sXD green. HGWTVhen ç
oxidized, it turns black. Now,@6
TVisçç is a tea from Sri Lanka.D
DO>>CT JORus 2t 07a 6black teHaç
>> Just a regu@@lar blacXDk teaç
It's got that nice, hardy,@@XDHH
robust flavour.
>>XD Mmm. ThHGatTV's reallDOy Cç
6> This is another black te@@a.7
It's tççhe Earl Grey, which is e
of my XDfavouritHGesTV. It's DOç
CTuity, orangey flavour.@@XDHGTV
6>> Mm-hmHm. Mmm. ççThat's grea.
>> IXD love itHG.TVDOCTOR 2076Hç
07 Gosh, I haven't had Earl GreR
inH years.çç
>> Did you smell t@@he leavXDes6
Takeçç a sniff of that.
2 I think we need to @@mentionT
becaHuse you ççhave it in the bg
Here a@@s well.XDHGTVDOCTOR 2076
çç>> The bags are
6ltra-convenient, but@@, you kn7
give iççt a taste, and you telle
what you think c@@ompared XDto ç
XDose leaf.@@
TV>> It's DOnoCTt ORas 2 s07tr6ç
>> The flavour just isn't there6
Anççd take a whiff of the tea b@
>>HG ITV can't sDOmeCTllOR a 2nç
nose is all stuffed up@@. ButXDç
TV>> It's DOnoCTt ORne 2ar07ly6ç
>> You're abso@@lutely XDright.ç
>> As the loose, and the teabagV
ORac 2tu07a6lly doesHn't contççy
anti@@oxidantsXD as the HGloTVoç
07 So, really, if you're going@R
XDH brew a ççhealthy, good cup @
HGteTVa, you sDOhoCTulORd- 2-07ç
6> Both are fine. Tea bags are@7
convenççient, but you'll get moe
baXDng for tHGheTV buck ifDO yCç
the loo@@se.XDHGTVDOCTOR 2076H
>> Okay. Now we have green.@@
>>HG TTVhese areDO tCTheOR g 2rç
grew up drinking green@@ tea,XDH
XDght. I'm Chinese. The green@@
HGteTVas are nDOotCT oORxi 2di0ç
that enzyme that turn@@s the leç
XDack is heated. It's either@@
TVsteamed DOorCT rORoa 2st07ed6ç
is either steamed@@ or roasXDteç
2d that stops the enzyme from@T
doinHg any oxççidation.
>> I can smel@@l it froXDm hereH
smell is different. It's
unXDbelievabHGleTV.DOCTOR 2076H
@@ I know. This is Ascentia
green HGteTVa.DOCTOR 2076Hçç
>> Ascentia.
>> Which@@ is the XDmost comHGm6
ofçç green tea. It's got a nice
mild @@flavour,XD compareHGd TVç
black teas.
>> This r@@eminds mXDe of wheHGç
67inese food.@@XDHGTVDOCTOR 2
H>> Exactççly. Right on. That's
actuXDally frHGomTV Japan. DOThç
cream of the crop gree@@n tea.Xç
It's called Genmaicha@@XDHGTV
OR>> 2 G07en6maicha. HIt looksçç
>> WDOelCTl,OR i 2t'07s 6got ton
rice and popcorn. Take a look a6
67atçç. Doesn't that smell grea2
67> Oh, wççow. Yeah, it does. N2
Hwith greççen tea and also with6
2white tea--@@XDHGTVDOCT
>> YHou can bççuy this?
>>@@ You canXD buy it.HGTVDOCTOç
XD Oh, that's really good.@@
TV>> AnothDOerCT tORhi 2ng07 w6ç
you don't get these fabu@@lousX6
variççeties in the bag. You've t
to gXDet the lHGooTVse versiDOoç
CTeen tea and white tea, which@V
6we'll tHalk abouççt in a secon,
you don'@@t use boXDiling waHGtç
07t water only.@@XDHGTVDOCTOR
>>H Good tiççp.
H> If you use boiling@@ water, 6
@@tually burn the leaves, and
XDyou get HGa TVbitter tDOaCTstç
ORa for just 1 or 2 minutes, thO
green Htea. If ççyou brew it for
@@any longXDer, it gHGetTVs a bç
>>DO WCThaORt' 2s 07oo6long?Hçç
çç Oolong is sort of in betw@@eH
green and black, so it's@@
paHGrtTVially oxDOidCTizORed 2.ç
by the leaf that it@@'s not qXDç
TV black as the black tea and aG
CTliORtt 2le07 b6it darkeHr thaD
tea.DOCTOR 2076Hçç
XD Does it have different healt@
HGbeTVnefits, DOorCT iORs 2it0ç
the same stuff?@@XD
>> SamDOe CTthORin 2g,07 t6he cç
TV>> That'DOs CTniORce 2, 07to6ç
XD It's not bad.@@
TV>> ThereDO'sCT aOR l 2ot07 o6ç
oolong tea. I was always curiouV
ORwh 2at07 i6t was abHout.çç
>> It's kind of the bridge@@XD
betweeDOn CTblORac 2k 07an6d grç
TVu're not quite ready for@@XD
DOgrCTeeORn, 2 t07he6n you caHnç
>> I dDOonCT'tOR t 2hi07n6k I'vd
XD white tea.@@
HG>>TV White tDOeaCT, ORoh 2, 0ç
XD's the cream of the crop, the@
HGbeTVst tea yDOouCT cORan 2 b0ç
rare, very expensive. This is@@
thHGe TVWhite NeDOedCTleOR w 2hç
hard to see, but if you take a@ç
Hittle look at the leaves, they6
CTactually have sort of a whiteV
6peach fuHzz on iççt. It's realD
realDOlyCT hORar 2d 07to6 see. @
lookHG rTVeally clDOosCTelORy. ç
becausXDe these HGleTVaves areDç
actually from@@ the budXD, theHç
youngest and the most smallest@ç
ççrt of the tea plant. It hasn'H
Hven been exposed to chlorophyl6
CTor the sun yet, and that's whV
6the leavHes are ççwhite, not gV
2>>07 I6t's likeH *** ççtea.
2 Pretty well.@@XDHGTVDOCT
>> HAnd you ççcan get it in bag
@@form as XDwell.HGTVDOCTOR 207H
>> But, again, the flavour--
@@>> Oh, nXDot the sHGamTVe. Noç
XDn't spoil me with this and@@
HGthTVen give DOmeCT tORha 2t.0ç
OR>> 2 I07t 6pales inH compariç.
H> 2 cups of tea a day, p@@rett6
good for you?
çç You know @@what? RXDesearch H
that 2 cups of tea a day can
decreaXDse ovariHGanTV cancer Dç
TV%. 2 cups of tea.@@XDHG
CT>>OR S 2ue07 M6ah, alwaHys wid
Hews for us. Thank you so m@@uc6
çç>> You're welcome.
>> See@@ you sooXDn. AfterHG tTç
break, Dr. Dave answers your@@
meHGdiTVcal quesDOtiCTonORs, 2 ç
TVw, we have a word from our@@XG
CTchORie 2f 07me6dical coHrresp,