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joining is jackson cats is the author of leading men presidential campaigns and
the politics of manhood i have a copy here we've been talking about a lot of
different aspects jackson of this presidential race
and one that we kind of have a little bit of an edged into at least
tangentially is that gender gap that exists under which white men
overwhelmingly support mit romney and traditionally republican candidates and
uh... uh... women as well as non-white man minorities et cetera tend to skew
towards the democratic candidate you've written extensively about this issue of
masculinity in presidential elections
let's start with this election specifically
how are you seeing the masculinity and the the uh... up uh... portrayal of
masculinity of these two candidates affecting this race
well i think the most immediate
and and notable event was the first two debate in denver when the discourse
coming out at the date was that mitt romney had basically
obama obama was passive obama was weak
and if you look if you listen to the right wing uh... talk radio and rightly
prior to that debate
all of the
that the the it as sort of energy on the right
push for that was trying to push
uh... ronnie to come out and aggressively attack obama
and and and what obama's performance played right into that narrative which
is no one has a weak leader he's not strong he apologizes for america we need
boulder leadership so in a metaphorical sense that debate was like a literally
like a boxing match and and art
did the progress of champion if you will uh... brock obama was revealed to be
uh... a week ended and the republican conservative was revealed to be strong
and i think people talk about it is a theatrical performance but what i do in
my book leading man as well as in much matt other work
is to say this not just at the actual performance it's actually contest of
manhattan in the contest
and how that plays out in the gender gap is obviously that men are much more
responsive to those kind of performances of masculine power
uh... and uh...
you know and and on and from there
if we think about it in kind of a primal way
uh... looking back uh... in human history right
the idea of these masculine performances as we call them
in great part was to scare off other men but also to to be attractive to women
and interestingly enough in the political science it's not really
appealing to women very much this kind of
probe macho attitude from the right has actually turned off women i'm wondering
why that has been the case
it's it's it's it's it's a really good question is complicated because i think
uh... their head and there was some movement
uh... among women away from obama
uh... after the first debate as well so it's open and we say women and we say
i think you have to race this discussion because without really talking the white
because principal men of color are much
less likely to be influenced by deeds claims of cultural
uh... i messages that are uh... then art than are white men and that's true with
white women and and women of color as well
so it's it's important that we do we get specifically with
i'm really about white voters more so than we are talking about wars of color
but one thing david i talk about in my yard
in my book
for decades now such as this this lap to cycle for decades now the republican
party has been able to successfully market themselves as the party
not only that represents
white people in a certain way or or opposes civil rights
or resist civil rights but is the proper that that that that um... is identified
with strong then it's the manly party and and they've been able to
successfully at the same time spend the night the democratic party
in a way that unit at the sits in a message to voters that if you want to be
identifying with a party that represents you in a in a in a in not just an again
in a racial as we've been a in a sort of them
identity way
then the republican party is is your pride republican party has successfully
played identity politics
white masculinity
for more than a generation and i think the democrats believe riesling woken up
to this
part of the phenomena
what's interesting is that with changing demographics i was just looking
uh... that by by the twenty sixteen election the republican from uh... idea
of kind of having a strong reliance on the white male voter
is is not really it's unlikely to continue working because of changing
demographics where close to seventy percent of the white vote is what the
republican candidate would need in twenty sixteen in order to win election
so do you think that this is an ideal is this a paradigm that by the sheer nature
of changing demographics is simply not going to work anymore or talk about that
a little bit
yes i do think that uh... you you're if you're absolutely right and i
i discussed this in uh... in leading men no question that the shifting
demographics are making that the uh... centrality of the white male vote
massive lasso with each with each year with the with each
election cycle in the republican party and conservative movement injured more
generally is gonna have to figure out
how to appeal
to a more diverse uh... you know uh... uh...
uh... electorate order or they just gonna numerically be uh... beat
consigned to the uh... you know i actually got history does not go
question at the demographic shift is
but this election is still trendsetter i thinks this election of obama verses
romney's the masculinity is still front and center as a as a part of it
conversation one thing that i talk about
to is about helmet rock army has struggled to get the working class base
of the republican party to believe that he's really authentically
uh... their representative
and attitudes it didn't really magazine actually did a cover story
well about six weeks ago that call
ronnie's wind factor
which reprised newsweek's cover story in nineteen eighty eight which
talked about george each doubly bushes
when factor and i think some of this has to do with
the aristocracy any and the and the and wealth and how wealth even in the
republican party
how well has been
in a sense feminazis or at least
you know uh... uh...
isn't busy busy busy cultural and the class
in in our economic obviously gap
between the working class and middle-class base of the republican
and the and the leadership in this case
replied you know uh... embodied in mit romney and so i think that's one of
reason why mitt romney has tried a butch himself ought to try to become more
masculine to try to moved to the right we should we say move to the right will
really mean is get more masculine yeah so he will not talk about that
specifically i mean was filled with pacific regard to this election i'm
curious if instead of thinking of the masculinity factor
as a kind of plus minus who is perceived as more masculine let's talk a little
bit about something you do which is that is actually just department visions of
what masculinity and manhood are
on the left right because many people due obviously millions of people believe
the president all bomb a does represent uh... a positive image of manhood in and
his own masculinity but it's a very different type of masculinity talk about
that a little bit
yes that's true when in fact i think you can be very strong and very powerful
indy progressive in support
gender equality and *** orientation equality and gay marriage and and a and
a reduction in in a military spending indy strong so i don't think it's one of
the other and i do think i do think that obama in his personal style
has modeled the kind of a less aggressive kind of masculinity although
critics from his left the courts are saying that that this this
presentation the public's sense is is covering for a continuation of george w_
bush is national security state
and the drone killings and all kinds of other
policies pursued by obama are not at all rip setting a new masculinity they're
actually uh... you know keychain continuing some of the old militarism
the in a personal style obama is very much uh... looking for points of
agreement he's fortin collaboration connection
uh... and and that's traditionally call it as a feminine style of leadership
and you see how he struggled with that you see how we starlet will you please
oh please running up to get the republican party
that's dominated by its right wing that doesn't want accommodations doesn't want
to work in a bipartisan way soaked that there's this tension between yes wanting
to know new kind of manhood but how do you get things done politically
in this environment
style of leadership
the book is leading man presidential campaigns and the politics of manhood
we've been speaking with jackson cats the book is of fascinating read
both pre and post election looking forward to other elections as well
jackson katz thanks so much for being with us today
to have negated