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The Mary & John Gray Library has millions of resources at your fingertips both physical and electronic,
but sometimes you may come across an item you need that we don't have in the library.
This video will show you how you can get these items through our interlibrary loan department.
If there's an item you need that we don't have you can request the Mary & John Gray Library to borrow this item for you from another library.
This is called interlibrary loan and it's real easy to do.
From the library homepage select find
and then materials and not available at our library.
This will take you to our interlibrary loan page. If it is your first time using this service you will need to
register a free account by clicking the link on the right.
Read the information on the registration page before clicking the link on the bottom to create your account.
Then fill in all the required information marked with a red asterisk
Once you have created an account you can login by clicking the ILL logon link.
For students, your username is your L number minus the L.
For faculty and staff you username will be the 13 digit bar code on the back of your ID.
If you don't have a barcode yet you can get one at the library circulation desk on the first floor.
You can create whichever password you like for your account.
If you have any problems logging in you can contact the interlibrary loan office at 409 880-8987
or by e-mail at ill@lamar.edu.
Once you are in choose the type of item you would like to request and fill in the required information.
For a book we ask that you tell us the title of the book,
the author, and the last date you need it by.
For an article we require the title of the journal, the year of publication,
the page numbers of the article,
the title of the article, and the last date you need it by.
If you have additional information, entering it will help the library staff find the item.
If you are searching for an article in our research databases that we don't have
you can use the delivery option from the journal finder link.
This will take you to the ILL login page.
Once you login, the information will automatically be filled into the form.
You can request any item the library doesn't already own provided it isn't a textbook.
If the item you need is owned by the Mary & John Gray Library but currently unavailable because someone has checked it out,
you will need to wait for the item to be returned.
Because we are borrowing from other libraries, it might take some time for the material to arrive.
We recommend allowing 7 to 10 business days for the typical request to arrive. Once the request is
completed you can check its status by clicking the "outstanding requests" link.
You will receive a notification when the item has arrived.
If it is a physical item, such as a book, you can pick it up on the second floor of the library at the reserves desk.
To retrieve electronically delivered items such as a journal article
sign into your interlibrary loan account
and click the "electronically received articles" link
you will find the PDF file in the view column.
Electronically received articles are typically available for 30 days after it arrives.
For further assistance on interlibrary loan requests or on any other questions on how to
use the library, please contact one of our reference librarians.
We can be reached in person on the first floor behind information desk,
by phone at 409 880-7264,
or by instant messenger on the library home page.