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\f0\fs36 \cf0 Welcome to the power of thought. This is part two of the episode on mind control.
In the last segment I talked about secret government mind control programs that were
verified by freedom of information documents, and even a hearing in congress. In this segment
I am going to talk about how your mind is controlled or at least extremely influenced
by major media, especially television.I'll start with a quote from Malcolm X, he said,
" \i\b \cf2 \'93The media\'92s the most powerful
entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty
innocent, and that\'92s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.\'94
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\b\fs36 \cf2 Now whether you believe that's true or not may be because of what you have
been conditioned to believe by media mind control. It's hard to say since that is the
nature of mind control, you don't realize it's happening, or it wouldn't be effective.\'a0Propaganda
is the prevalent form of government mind control and has been used throughout history especially
in nazi Germany and Stalanist Russia.\'a0Obviously a major factor of programming or conditioning
your mind is presenting you with selected information, mostly through news programs,
and repeating it over and over and telling you what to think about it. Another tool used
in propaganda is Generalities. These are presented to convey concepts because individuals place
their own values on these concepts, like, "our freedom was attacked" or "terrorist want
to harm our country". This tactic was used to great affect in Germany by Hitler after
the reichstagg fire which was a false flag attack enabling him to gain more power and
control. Assertion is another highly used propaganda tactic - this is presenting a statement
as true and that it requires no proof, even though the assertion might not be true at
all. Like - \'a0"everyone knows Sadam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" - when in
actually there was no evidence of this whatsoever. \'a0Or the classic ad hominem assertion like
- "You're a Conspiracy Theorist" which is a statement designed to shut down any critical
thinking about the information being presented and just write off someone ah priori because
of the connotation. In other words, if you don't believe the media propaganda you are
a mentally ill "conspiracy theorist" and therefore no one should listen to you.
\b0\fs24 \cf0 \b\fs36 \cf2 \'a0If you want to learn more
on media mind control there are several very good articles and books out there. One article
published in 1977 by Rolling Stone magazine was written by Carl Bernstein of Watergate
reporting fame. He claimed that there have been hundreds of reporters working for the
CIA according to the CIA's own documents on file at their headquarters. Other evidence
comes from the CIA itself in a report\'a0 \b0\fs42 \cf0 released
\fs24 \fs42 April 1, 1992, to the
\b Director of CIA \b0 \'a0from the Task Force on Greater CIA
Openness, on page 6:\'a0 \b "PAO [the Public Affairs Office] now has
\b0 \b \cf3 relationships with reporters from
every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation\cf0
. This has helped us turn some intelligence failure stories into intelligence success
stories...In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to \cf3 postpone, change, hold or
even scrap stories\cf0 ..." That's from the CIA's own documents.\'a0A good link for more
information is here.\'a0 \b0 I encourage you to do your own investigation
into media mind control since it will empower you to recognize when you are being mentally
manipulated by the media. Until next time,\'a0please share this video and/or subscribe to my channel
if you haven't already so you won't miss the exciting conclusion to this episode. I'm Dr.
Bruce King, and you have been watching the power of thought.\'a0
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