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hello everyone welcome to what the flick true detective episode 4
who goes there this is exciting because my brother Josh ragle's from
dateline NBC is here %uh Josh you actually knows
actual police officers knows them well yes
their sources their friends so when asked about
how close the show comes in the eyes of cops
Robert they believe you at nearly does no friends %uh
water all day that make oh it's ok
let's start with the end because that's what that's what blew up Twitter last
night was the last seven or eight minutes that
which appeared to be you know Robert broke it down to a greater extent than
that I did but I looked a little which appeared to be
until he gets in the car don't work on a gets and ginger get my car
appears to be one-shot yeah it's meant to be it's meant to
feel like one job but when I watch together like wanted to err
to to places that I noticed that there could easily have been derived therefrom
walls that certainly the most most prominently I think it was probably
pressure on my own I guess this is actual jurors when they go for the like
a helicopter
become doubt be like other there is blackness there the night sky
but they could have easily cut I think there's another another point where
there they're going out over Houston what the the first time they go %uh the
courthouse at the house that there'd stealing money from
I think there's a there's a whip and to the to the door the going out and then
in that moments there there's there is a sense that you could get a
cut in their day they come back to what's happening in the room which is
when we got in the other room runs them
and McCurley hits in any shoots the other guy by mistake
maybe right Thursday well yeah because we go he's not in the
not much the shotgun away I don't watch it like 6 times
yeah he knocks the shotgun away and it goes off and killed the black guy
right yeah which was not which may be there in 10 to allege a Libra
in that moment right and but and there could be something going on there
yeah I mean yet mean but that dead but the book but all maybe not
maybe it was rather I wrote about today said
it's only one shot and that was by people we talked about this wasn't sure
to mention
right there at all growing and it's it's almost like this show is it's also the
director saying
I'm gonna show you the the TV is not just TV I can we can do movie you
doing that movie type: exciting the Palme like you know
scorsese type things and and and TV shows most I'm most impressed the whole
thing I got what I watched a couple times
was that climbing the fence oh yeah I was there wasn't credible because I mean
I mean because again we're on one side and wet
up the ball away over and why or should it was great bath the mood II roots in
about %uh the director whose name we should say cared for going out now
the berles' job it is to read it as a quince and and and other stuff
well the series as well yeah that he been thinking about that
that that sequence for that shot since
before shooting began Jose right when he looked sort of the the help observers go
away outings the annals of
that's the that's one way to do this this there's one single shot shooting
and other than for when we entered amman
army what flick for movies but I mean it when my parents first movie I think its
first feature-length movie was seen number
right in 2008 which is one of my favorite movies here's feather now do we
think because it was so orchestrated choreographed did without a scepter they
have to build all those bungalows are as under an existing not imagine no I mean
I think that's a
yeah I would remember under think that but but the move move into now than
seemingly defy physics at times I just felt like that the elementary loving
projects or that you read
let you read it and you not maybe not down a couple of about oh my bad got it
right now
but also I just think I did think movie-making now is so this is so fast
and fleet that you probably candlelight
that kinda the those kinda houses and get a camera that's just small an
outstanding a guy who is fast enough to get all pro
yeah this is not like you know is the adopted with the building this and
you know touch of evil or so well the day after or even maybe in the
Goodfellows days I mean
if only Josh and I had a cousin worked on the show who we could call it
for my ok we could have called we could uploaded
right now the estimates show creators a million Nick Pollard with a lot of the
his assistant Molly Mac which club
down and no people yeah gives job other thing will not agree with everything
I so maybe yeah made Joe Biden together what it was like a background in
yeah yeah he was in 2008 doin you know what about the stories that you get a
related as women fascinating yeah
about how they do that job yeah next week yeah next week a lot of tamale
the results yeah I
it so up until that point I i thought id as a different
episode because a court will obviously difficult we we were just out of our
all the sudden mcconnell days and calm and collected in his drinking and he's
you know or a a ridiculous move
in order to get themselves endeavor to get ready linda
yeah it's the first it's the first time that we've gotten into it
in the in the modern day seem to the interviews that with the
that that they both macaan hey and harrelson
and don't tell the the in their interviewers
something about the case they saw in the %uh the first the first time materials
and not believe you know not pulling him into the this is when is
marriage fell apart because there's a because right before the thing we find
that is
his marriage fell apart he is that here's the kind a moment where is little
to pause and the cut that scene and they obviously didn't
that doesn't tell them that and then look I have utilized by going to see is
Russia I didn't realize that jobs we're II
it was the first time in the series that I thought to myself you know as was are
going to that's even though there was 0
but now was the capture likeness in like stuff but we recognize it at all
you know they're going to try a dangerous undercover they won guys doing
all raise the other guys I'm comfortable with the first guy taking all the rest
him finally breaks protocol on go them because they want to see what's going on
those are also a recognizable thing the up till now there's been very little app
in here well just about that because you you know I didn't
first as a or your years cover and
crime and politics & local news and now at dateline cover and how many murders
have you covered
on line 102 yeah right you know yeah arm
so and yet every piece you talk to the cops and prosecutors you but these cases
this show seem to me based on cuz we read the same things probably
things that you Bailey told me to rate arm that we
that this seemed like this is a show about police work
in a way that most these other cop shows are just because they had this
excelerate time-line
and there's way more drama there's way more gun drawing and wears these guys
*** police and these are in their investigation seem realistic in you talk
to the cops about you I have ever been certainly that part of this is
completely realistic mean
mean most police certainly most police were not you know in the
in in the in patrol cars y'all with detective Michael the entire career with
the drive the gun shooting somebody
that's very unusual all much more that is like
exactly what's going on in true detective which is you know
casting about for leaves and you're reading old files and talking to people
and talking to people again and again and again arm
you I've only heard over it's a little weird to criticisms over
abut redacted from the from from actual jobs was that
the somebody said to me that they think the some
the dialogue sounds Easter and not like it's louisiana
but these don't sell in louisiana cast is selling technical advisers and he's
telling these guys that is a big
arm I did not personally knows that I'm here
the other thing that occurred some wheels were also occurred to me is that
amazing mcaleese character is more on the only corduroy jacket all Louisiana
yeah those ones they were you do not want any word or
I I saw it as a yeah I think it's more like a corduroy
Oracle Corporation search it's a heavy you're having shirt but he's bundled up
yeah but I figure it's left over from alaska I do like the image itself
lol yeah with nobody to other hotels buyers club so you're usually
chills easily the I'm it didn't one thing about the summer though there was
they're taking like me connie is taking weeks of the
with undertaxed task force coming in momentarily if they didn't leg
take care so given that I think and once they
say they got a lead on a suspect that extra time making that has been
conferred was that they got extra time what she said
you had an actual we have an actual those bergen is putting ads on
'em but also you know they are
but I me aur the task force's on it
they don't care there of course like he met designed the
to work on anti-christian grown I work on it which is clearly like going in the
wrong direction it was very sorry to seem
because they leave the office anyways so close you know yeah if
the other feel so presumably go can also come back to work
he I guess maybe taking some personal time but I'll come back in
five days and look help and look busy at work with the task force or whatever
so in so when so when look on his has it seen at the diner with some
with barrels his wife and he's turned kinda like
get defensive about you know about his partner
a total weaknesses are we supposed to think that him going off and doing this
crazy thing in these
is his weakness the way like like you know Harrelson is having his affair that
both his marriage does this is the weakness like this
got a thing like eyewitness doing that as I wanna go back and do the crazy
showroom undercover undercover I'll I don't know it was a it was strange that
he left very abruptly obviously when she said he must've been a great house yes
%uh I should have chalked that up today sorta
that to him the husband and father part
like you know much like his kid died that's what directors marriage
like along with his addiction is is not the women or
ru maybe not even the *** Muslims to the to the darkness yeah I mean that's
what he's the that's what fuels them
yeah and children do it then to and and and clearly
that the only time he feels really a lot yes yes
and so but I thought that he took that as
like you know my family broke our own act that they are saying yeah
no shortage of witnesses at the session about what's your sure
emailed him in the back even the flashback mode lets you know when I'm
out my paper there were a lot of things I love
but but that but the going to get that *** at the evidence locker
and baby will you do a better job with you
but there was a great way to say it to their audience
it we are you kidding me it is easy
yeah know the book I have the key and the guy was looking at playboy
like that govern looking at *** that's what that magazine weather gadget said
no the others were
meeting overall harrelson stop with with with or about Michelle Monaghan was
amazing I thought
I love the raves are now period
get that rather than specifically mid nineties
thing that does not happen anymore in quite the same way I
know this this this I'm assuming now that we can get that the Elephant Man
gas mask dude from the last week is Reggie would do much better
yeah I know the flash forward clearly the the that a woman at the end of the
cooking methods while wearing them right
right I mean this the show so maybe they were robbed us of a scene that
description sounded like something we would like to see with liquid when when
when you find that the the girl went to the house to get to tell
I mean you would you like to see in that seem like the way we shall Monaghan and
a lot lol yeah
I want to be in right you learn about him a letter and their subsequent
conversation with writer
showing is a bit upset when right up to the hour I'm wondering if they actually
shot that same Justin M
dinner you at least three more to show they wanna foreshadowed let you know you
have Michelle money in a little more than a few
what I should go that maybe the dogs are you get out there
yeah nice reveal the way they did but all excellent what he's read the note
and i think is the notice just I can't take any more pure crap
you know there's no way you're where last night you were working I know I
call trust
I don't buy it I just so she's but no rather than
I actually had a conversation with monica lewinsky the a.m
and then so but then and that so that moment then when he call sir
you know you want to my house then you know that was get we didn't get the
scene but you're like
could so I guess what they really arianna and Robert I were talking before
the show like
for me that was a tremendous movement of sympathy
as *** Harrelson is not just a cop who
at need something on the side because he deals with such darkness right he's
won his wife is great and supportive and caring
and he is being reckless in this affair and
barging in beat the guy up committing crimes and so you're
your be this guy is you have no sympathy whatsoever and then the moment you find
out that this woman went to his house
right and threatened a speedo and bust up his family
you're into a lake or for one year us are you okay I mean
I is the Mehmood you may have died with an earlier I was also
the signal is a little all the the the cover the emotive guiding them hard and
the guys all close them being in coal
a lol I didn't go cat yeah
book at yeah to the home that they all look for as we go down the road here
arm a it's hard to believe that
jo's Sanders who plays a great
slippery bad guy who master is a good guy has done that before
effectively in a number of films Walmart returns also giving away as the Reverend
who also finance the school those reasons come with their own
which makes me think that that's going to come back in some way I
it has to do it you don't have to bring %uh seen more clearly I know it's going
alright alright
you your customers into making the governor's cousin everybody but never
happened but later I'm guessing he may %uh there may be some culpability here
yeah I know that's the right we're going to get our from jail Sanders here
I I didn't actively missed hearten call a
a great scene from at the hospital his confrontational
a with his wife and a ballsy
the you know %uh the hospital administrator or doctor
the who says what he says in a state police and says
are you here like about the items and
at the time courage yeah it was good fun kinda funny how
at from that moment on like *** Harrelson I mean he is
just like this diminished childlike figure out whether as even seem like
are you can't do anything he has no power here often regarded as the all we
can do is gonna follow a route
the way he's pushed outta that biker bar it's looks like a 10-year-old like yeah
that's too big for aa
I yeah yes really really diminished rent and they had addressed all yet
everything about
adjust when he goes to make the live with McConnell hey it's he it's like a
it's like a college student you know crash into the body for the lovely
Paul the outdoor chair be Arabia the furniture that was launched there are
%uh sore throat is all yours is the guy you know you all upstairs here
300 there was no it legal to like maybe I didn't get to do it
cuz my travel schedule but I love that scene where
and I think was the previous episode just when hell says honking
cuz they've gotten word back on but allege in jail
in the car does anyone Dec pitkin anyone
walk slower yeah wall I mean is
those characters are so well drawn as to who they are and there's that
could not have a haze that his paces is is both
his page but it's also defiant sure to our cats cradle and according to and I
love the whole thing with the biker
like highest were room for storage thingy okay
great you got a cop uniforms you also have to be years ago pastor clavicle who
would rather do a heavy but
up with a vision to go to the
the load will return for a second to the the honking thing
well I'm wondering is that as a metaphor for what's to come
which is that the regular do storyline actually end up pulling away
from the light away church storyline which is what
which is what the russell's asking questions about bella &
such when we got made marty is gonna come on let's go let's go where catches
the weather diaper and erotically the hearty who's telling rust
you're becoming too focused on one thing injury don't see the big picture and let
you like every
yeah that's why that's why one to the weakness there because like you know
when McCartney
is given a chance to go to his old life you know to go to East Texas you notice
the cat this guy and not mean that not go about it the the proper
the proper channels mean is that him losing track of what the real crime is
getting you could you know when when they can after in the first time
a at the end the other episode and then all the sudden there there in the jail
cell rather than
you know it but he calls everybody's like although they're the state police
but he's like all the Rangers are now the Rangers their louisiana
recess guy at my last season's call the Marshall so like they're prepared to
bring in the proper law enforcement channels for apprehending a fugitive
and be great Raylan Givens showed up made a bit bland show
whatever yeah just one thing just one thing that
Bob way and let me know the speech about how about the the direct the the
detective dilemma
where the the clue is right under your nose going to be looking at everything
else human access to go to trial %uh
its but in the modern day when they're talking about here of the romans ever
the hell they're doing two cups in the broader yeah
about russia now though to measure think that maybe that is right that the new
year will do thing is
we're gonna be around the area and the light away church is the way to go
well yeah well hopefully that will obviously a red herring goes well the
these and present there are dead right linndale
and they they're arrested mr. got em we thank and now there's been
I love Hardwell your clearly more than Bowl church
painting mourns yeah bird rap there's
something going on there sweet mailers by the way I binge watched all of season
one of hannibal this weekend
which if you liked this show you should totally check out killing hitler's
if you like Hitler Taylorville that no just in general like the
the the way that is sorta balances like very
creepy crime story am very cool um
a be character study up to very different but
also weirdly similar characters are you know I think the the
baby shows go together have in hand we argued in week one about the show
love whether we were whether these to 2012 cops
are wondering whether
McCotter a either was involved in the crime in 95 or is involved in the
copycat cuz they think he's not sin
and we talked about it more you guys didn't seem to be buying it but now
based on the what's coming up next
where I think headed toward at least them
mean they're looking at him they don't but they're not apparently injuring a
they're bringing to pick his brilliant certain investigative mind I don't think
I mean I don't think that's where the shows gonna go along with that you're
going to end up but yeahh there is they are wondering about that jacket which
would be using them to find out
in what sequence of these interviews taking place like to be talked about on
a person to be arrested and then go talk to
harrelson like we all know what you have to moderate you don't know what where
they fall
in in in sequence you're being in considered are investigated as a
possible suspect in a certain ritualistic ***
what I mean here ever yeah I coming out little
10 man from your beer yeah I don't think that's right hey where r
Shao go through all of us at the
but you got your cop friend asked about that there's no I
home in an interview with a guy bring a huge bags are coming up here on the
a the some a
the other urges the individual the Eidos stay with us this morning I looked up
you know a look who's in the show
others are actors whose names are recognized and the right near Little
Italy who are looking like 10 that has
at the course it's the two detectives were debriefing them almost all speak
but more like a memory up as a lot rather acting is listening
yeah they're doing a lot about you yeah me there could they do
you know you know how many X's you gotta mean you know whatever lotta ways to go
you know yeah that good million other yeah hopefully there are there between
those are actually a lot always like incredibly difficult landing jobs right
because we are skinny I'm you have a good that you're scanning their faces
rougher offer for something i mean you bubbly scan their faces more than
anybody also the show because
you get so few the although they actually know something yeah
you're ordering it bears repeating I think we mention a nap so one but as we
probably maybe a position cuz we see mark on a leave the police station so we
actually may get some more stuff
from those two guys maybe but you know how the difference between it. I suspect
this is true but the difference between
police that the state police in 1995 in Louisiana State Police in 2012-2013
that there would be two lead detectives or black and there's not
I don't think there's a black eye in that office in 1995 I'm bicycle
yeah white background so and I'm sure that's been largely
accurate as to where things have developed in louisiana not surprise me
at all
but but the I'll million that's a fast in the way they they
the the shot that in louisiana and it looks like justice
creepy moonscape particularly aerial shuttle in driving wherever they're
going to break it up
yeah it makes your feel like this in some way whole other world
which louisiana carriers because like one giant slalom a little silly that
yeah at alright well love you know hopefully it'll be back
next week which is good stuff %uh bbbbb
up a at backed with the other eight right
a total don't yet know where you're sooo K
so the whole crazy driving to the end was our own woodworking the and the back
to 10
yeah I guess thanks very much