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油壓碟剎灌油組教學 Bleeder kit of Hydraulic Disc Brake Instruction
所需工具 tools
排放舊剎車油 Exhausting the used old braking fluid
開口板手將M5轉接頭專用注射筒固定於總泵油孔 The syringe onto the bleeder *** tightly at 2~3Nm
M5轉接頭專用注射筒固定於卡鉗油孔 on the caliper via. M6 and M5 connectors
換裝新剎車油時須先使用空的注射筒一端加壓 In exchanging new braking fluid,pressurize an empty syringe on one end
一端抽真空將舊剎車油排出 end and vacuum suck on the other end the used old braking fluid out
更換下來之剎車油請交由回收單位處理 Dispose the used oil to the qualified recycling agent
準備要替換的煞車油 DOT4(MINERAL) braking fluid
內預先注入9分滿之剎車油(約25CC) Fill up the designated syringe,for master cylinder on M5 connector the braking fluid in 90% full (about 25c.c.)
再配合將M6與M5轉接頭與注射筒鎖 on the caliper via.M6 and M5 connectors.Where,syringe
將總泵專用注射筒與灌油孔輕輕鎖緊約2~3Nm onto the bleeder *** tightly at 2~3Nm
將未裝剎車油之卡鉗專用注射筒 Fasten the empty caliper syringe
與卡鉗之放氣螺絲孔輕輕鎖緊約1~2Nm to the bleeder *** hole tight at 1~2Nm
將總泵專用注射筒內之剎車油打進油槽 Pump the braking fluid in syringe,into oil reservoir,via. Oil tube, caliper into syringe
剎車油經油管進入卡鉗後流入卡鉗專用注射筒內 Oil tube, caliper into syringe
再將卡鉗注射筒內之剎車油打回總泵注射筒內 Then pump the fluid back to syringe
以往復作動將空氣排除並按壓作動手把數次 Pump the handle several times to verify the installation of braking system
如此重覆上述注油步驟3-4次 Repeat the process 3-4 times
最後將剎車油打回總泵專用注射筒內 handle and finally leave the fluid in syringe
注意在注油過程中 兩端專用注射筒內皆須預留些許剎車油 Make sure keep syringes and at both end always remaining some fluid
以防止空氣進入油壓碟剎系統中 so as not to pump the air into the braking system
使用抺布將卡鉗注射筒之M6轉接頭包覆 (以防剎車油溢出) Wrap the M6 connector for caliper with clothes to prevent braking fluid from overflowing
鎖上M6放氣螺絲 then take the syringe off
作動手把數次確認油壓剎車合格後 Pump the handle several times to verify the installation of braking system
使用抺布將總泵專用注射筒之轉接頭包覆 Wrap the M5 connector
再將總泵專用注射筒組全部取下 and take off the syringe set at the master cylinder side
鎖上總泵止漏螺絲將殘餘之剎車油擦拭乾淨 Fasten M5 fixing nut and wipe the residual fluid off
完成 END �