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PRESENTATION And please now welcome the CEO of BecomeAlum.com
Christina McIntyre, welcome Christina. [Applause]
Good morning. So we're talking today about using technology to gain access to education
and most importantly to have students be successful at completing their degree. BecomeAlum is
a software as a service that helps students to plan out their degree so they can graduate.
But while we're focusing on technology I want us to take a moment right now to think about
the importance of relationships in higher education, and that was alluded to earlier
this morning. Relationships are important but relationships
take time. So I'd like to ask each of you to take a moment to think of that individual,
that professor, that instructor, that advisor, that person who was your mentor, who saw you
through, who was your sounding board, who believed in you. You got a name in mind each
of you? For me it was Dr. Forest T. So I'm going to do a little bit of stepping out of
the box here and on the count of three, I want you to shout out that person, and this
is a little nontraditional. You got a name in mind? Okay, one, two, three.
[Participants] Okay those are relationships that's important.
Today's challenge is a numbers game the number of students versus the number of faculty.
Tenure track faculty who have increasing pressure for research bringing in grant funding and
getting published, and to be honest advising if it factors in at all to tenure promotion
it weighs very little. There's also faculty who are adjunct or part time and they often
teach at multiple colleges and universities. The increasing presence of professional academic
advisors has helped but the numbers are still daunting.
Wes Habley, one of the founding members of the National Academic Advising Association
states that, "Academic advising is the only structured activity on the campus in which
students have the opportunity for one-to-one interaction with a concerned representative
of the institution." According to a 2011 survey the median individual advisor caseload for
large universities is 600 students per advisor. And that's the median you can think of a range
there. I happen to know of many colleges and departments
where they have two advisors for thousands of students. Remember relationships are important.
There's no single path through a degree. Students come to college at different levels and at
different places in their lives. Students enter needing remedial work and other students
come right out of high school with a junior standing in college through AP, IB dual enrollment
credit. And we want to keep in mind that 72% of college
students are what we call nontraditional. And while some messages are appropriate in
group advising there are key times when an individual one-to-one, face-to-face, phone
call or online chat is essential. Many times advising meetings are prompted by students
requesting courses for the upcoming semester and that meeting is about what courses to
take next semester. Navigating college one semester at a time
has unforeseen consequences. Imagine trying to drive across the country with a GPS that
only gives you directions one turn at a time you can see where you're going to end up.
Many courses are only offered once per year and we know of examples of courses once per
year, and we know of examples of courses that are only offered spring semester of odd years.
And if you're graduating spring of 2012 or 2014 you might have to stay a whole extra
year just to take one course. Many upper division courses have pretty complicated
prerequisites. These two factors alone limited semester offerings for courses and prerequisites
can cause students to stay an extra semester or an extra year. That's expensive and I dare
say that there's people in this audience who have personal stories related to that, maybe
a nephew or a niece or yourself who had to stay for an extra semester or an extra year
to take that one course to graduate. Some students do create a comprehensive plan
towards graduation and some departments actually have an assignment that they do this. But
making a plan by hand or by spreadsheet there's many sources of errors. Information needs
to come from a variety of sources and it's difficult to find that information. Students
don't know what they don't know when they're making this plan. And overlooking just one
requirement, one prerequisite, one caveat that a course is only offered in spring semester
of odd years can have significant consequences. So our solution was to create BecomeAlum.
BecomeAlum is an online software that integrates critical information from a variety of sources
like degree requirements, semester offerings, campus locations, maybe it's online, prerequisites,
co-requisites, etc. And this allows a student to create a plan to see them through to graduation.
They can actually visualize their progress and they can see their path to graduation.
Inspired by social media we've incorporated a student profile that ties in with this plan.
I'll just give a shout out to Brandon. We have Strengths Quest also incorporated in
this so we need to talk about our data buttons MyData talking to each other.
The key thing is that advisors can view this plan and the profile online and they can make
comments that are emailed or texted to the students for immediate review, and then those
comments are retained with the plan, they're date time stamped. So a student can refer
to them six months or two years or four years later. So when something was said by one advisor
can be made referenced four years later when that advisor maybe gone and someone else is
picking up that role. This plan is dynamic and can be adjusted and
can allow students to explore other options. They can quickly evaluate how close they are
to a second major or a minor. My seventh grade science teacher Mrs. Fox she emphasized me
intelligence is the ability to adapt to a changing environment. And students life gets
in the way and when life gets in the way they need to adapt, they need to change their plan.
And this is a dynamic plan. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to a
changing environment and the environment on college campuses is changing. When the majority
of students have a plan through BecomeAlum the school has powerful information. They
can forecast the change in course enrollments and it's not always up sometimes it's down.
And they can identify students by a specific interest and send out targeted messages, that
quite honestly the students feel is being sent directly to them, and they feel that
there's an individual attention there. This powerful business intelligence from BecomeAlum
can help students better serve their students. And isn't that why we're all here today to
explore how we can share data to better serve our students? BecomeAlum does not separate
the student from the advisor but our goal is to foster a more collaborative relationship
between student and advisor. So relationships are important and relationships
take time. Think about that person who you shouted out at the beginning. So advising
meeting should not be wasted on what courses do I need next semester but when a meeting
starts with an accurate student created, student authored plan, then that meeting can be used
to discuss student goals, interests, passions and dreams.
Charlie Nutt the current Executive Director of the National Academic Advising Association
stresses that any retention efforts must clearly recognize the value of academic advising to
the success of students and the necessity that advising become an essential part of
a collaborative campus wide focus on the success of our students. Ultimately our goal is to
get students to graduation that they BecomeAlum. Thank you.
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