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Welcome to Revelation Unraveled,
I'm your host, William Tapley, also known as the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse
and the Co-Prophet of the End Times. Today is Super Bowl Sunday
and a lot of YouTubers have asked me "Will this be a prophetic
event?" And I really don't know the answer to that
but our Lord has used sporting events and other events
in the past to predict the future,
for example, just a couple years ago,
the Triple Crown Prophecies predicted the fall
of Obama, his defeat by terrorism.
And several years before that, the Miss USA Pageants
depicted the fall of America before the other nations.
Now it's possible that this year's Super Bowl
will predict the fall of the Catholic Church because one of the team's
is the New Orleans Saints and the symbol for the New Orleans Saints by the way
is the fleur-de-lis which is a religious symbol.
It symbolizes the Trinity and it is also used
in depictions of the Annunciation of the Blessed *** Mary.
Now the saints in the book of Revelation are crushed by the Antichrist
and also in the book of Revelation we find that there are four horsemen.
Now would they be symbolized by the Baltimore Colts?
In other words, we have the White Horse of Apostasy,
the Red Horse of War, the Black Horse of Famine,
and the Pale Horse of Death. I also believe this will be
the last Super Bowl because it is the 44th Super Bowl
and as you know from my previous videos
our last elected President is Barack Obama
and he is our 44th President. So it's very possible
our Lord will use this 44th Super Bowl
as a vehicle for prophecy but,
please don't ask me if I know who is going to win
the Super Bowl because during the Seven Years of Tribulation
even though the saints, who represent the Catholics, will be persecuted and crushed
by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Antichrist.
In the end at the Battle of Armageddon, they defeat the Antichrist.
And remember, during the millennium, the Catholics along with the
Raptured Protestants, the holy martyrs and the Converted Jews
will reign with Jesus during the Thousand Years of Peace.
So, the Super Bowl could symbolize
either the victory of the Antichrist or the ultimate victory
of the Catholics and the other religious groups that I have mentioned.
And if you would like information about the revelation and about my book
"Revelation Unraveled" simply write to the address you see
on your screen.