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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hi Besties\par
I wanted to review this app for entire month now\par
Where does the time go\par I think I am caught up stuck in videos and
pants\par This app is from easypromosapp.com\par
Link down below\par It's for contests and promotions on Facebook\par
Do you know Facebook has rules now\par Rules that are so incredibly scary that they
make you run and hide under the bed\par If you don't follow the rules, Facebook will
strip you out of your fanpage so quickly that you don't even have time to say Hey I've got
something over here\par So, if I were to that f you use easypromosapp
it makes things a little bit easier to run contests on stuffs on Facebook\par
easypromosapp.com\par It shows you step by step instructions on
how to install the app\par Should we try it together say on the next
30 seconds\par I've installl it right on my Facebook page
\par Oh, that cover all contests\par
Then you can try it out right by going to my Facebook page and seeing the contests\par
Just look for the comments tab\par I usually warn, when you get this software
its like 50 bucks for promotion but the first one is free so you can try before you buy
of course\par What\par
Oh until contests\par What should I give you \par
My sexy pants\par Nah\par
Howabout my soap full gorgeous bath \par Link down below\par
Hmm I'm too afraid the mailman will steal it \par
You're such selfish\par How about Malinak's Etsypreneurship book\par
I did get it for free\par I mean what book I didn't see any book\par
Got it for me\par There has something that I can give away\par
AHA a package of butterscotch pudding and a fork \par
What not enough \par How about some customized art just for you
by mwuah\par and a single rosecheek chocolate\par
You can't tell my husband because this is from his Christmas candy file \par
Love it\par Renae\par
oopss\par Just funny but it is not a joke \par
I am mailing this to someone and if no answers it all yours \par
Link down below\par I'll see you on Facebook \par
Luv you all\par Peace out yo\par
\par \par