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Good afternoon everyone Dr. Poppie here, just wanted to do a quick little video
on the power of reading. You know so many people go through life and they
don't utilize one of the greatest resources that we have and those are
books. And those that do read, a lot of times they read you know fictional
things or fantasy things that don't really change their mindset on how to grow in
life or their business. So you need to ask yourself when you're reading
something, what are you retaining from it? What are you actually
trying to get out of that? We also have mentors throughout life and a lot
of us have mentors that we actually meet with on a day to day basis and there's
those of us that have mentors that we get through reading and I think a lot of
people forget how important having a mentor is in your life. You know someone
that can lead you around the the trenches and break through some
of the roadblocks in life to get you to where you're going a lot faster.
So I read a ton I read probably a book a month which is probably less than some
but probably more than most. The books that I read are either self-help,
business or entrepreneurial, something of that nature to help me grow
as individual and grow my practice and make me think outside the box so I can
achieve something I've never achieved before. One of my current books I'm
reading here's an example is Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson. He is what
you'd call a virtual or online mentor of mine. So he specializes in "click
funnels" click funnels are a way for you to help monetize a product you're
selling on your website or landing page and he is the Guru in that and I have
gone through a lot of his trainings and I'm starting to implement
that in my own websites and it's doing fantastic. So it's it's kind of
who you know and what the information that you don't know is hurting you so
here's a prime example, I've reached out, I'm reading books that help me do
something I've never done and look what's happening I'm growing.
Last year I wrote my first book the Poppie Factor. I've had so many
people reach out to me and say this has been a game changer for them. It's been a
tipping point in their life to where they weren't able to grow as an
individual or a business and by utilizing some of the tactics in this
book they've been able to do that. So many people in life want to go from
point A to point B in business, they just don't know how to do it is it lack of
knowledge resources funding whatever that is and I give away my blueprint on
how to do that. So this book has been a virtual or online mentor for many
people. And I just wrote my second book I'm super excited about it and it's
called Creating and Sustaining Unstoppable
Business Momentum. This is kind of a secondary or a more focused
look on my first book on giving you the tactics on how to build momentum in your
business. As business owners that is the lifeblood of our business
and momentum is based around cash flow. The more cash flow we have the more
momentum we have, and the more momentum we have the more cash flow we have.
So many people start a business and while they're successful in maybe
the first six months nine months twelve months maybe a couple years, how do you
keep that momentum? Some people start with great momentum and then they
kind of level off and kind of ride that line of mediocrity or the status quo
well actually they're not just average they're actually dying at a slow rate. So
how do some people do that but others seem to just have that momentum it takes
off and doesn't stop. Momentum is kind of a fickle term
Once you have it doesn't mean you're gonna have it for long period of
time. You may be successful for a week, month, quarter, year, or whatever that may
be, but can you keep that momentum. It's like a verb just cuz you
have it today doesn't mean you're going to have it tomorrow. So anyway in
this book I give away some of my tactics on how to not only get momentum but keep
momentum. So again this is going to be common an online or virtual mentor for
many, to help with their practice. So never
underestimate the power of reading, but read for purpose, have a purpose when you
choose a book, what is your purpose? Is it just to make your mind escape to some
you know fictitious place? As just a brain filler? Or what are you
actually gaining from it are you gaining actual knowledge that you can implement
in your life. So be very very selective on what you read, and I also recommend,
read often. That's my little tidbit for today, have a great day guys and we'll
touch base soon