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Come one, come all to view Bot Lane Synergy within the realm of summoners rift! Where
dreams are crushed, and Pentakills are stolen. Ezreal and Lux are todays performers for this
episode, this blonde squad definitely proves that blondes have more fun. Do you think I
should dye my hair? NO. Ezreal the prodigal explorer is a highly mobile, poke/burst heavy
ADC his ability arcane shift out of every situation makes staying alive easy. Lux on
the other hand, is a Low mobility high range high damage poke/burst mage. With her Q She
is able to keep a target locked down which allows for free harass. When you put the two
together you get one insanely kite heavy wombocombo poke lane. If Lux lands a Q Ezreal is able
to land a full combo while Lux unleashes the final spark. Also did you know that Lux is
the unit of measure for luminance? Actually I did know that, in fact did you know Ezreal
means, uhhhhh YEAH! WHO NEEDS A MAP? Why don't we head OVER HERE to see this blinding duo
in action. Next we will see karma land a Mantra Q onto
Ezreal, they begin to flee away while the enemy bot lane chases them down, Lux and Ezreal
both miss their Q. Ezreal than arcane shifts away while Tristana jumps after them, upon
Entering the bush Ezreal ults while Lux follows up with final spark brining Tristana to no
hp, They then turn to karma chasing her down killing her but end up wasting a flash.
Here we see Hecarim prepare for a tower dive on Lux and Ezreal, he wards over for vision
and gets ready to dive in. He goes behind them to surround Lux and Ezreal while the
other two close in. When the minions arrive Hecarim speeds in but Ezreal arcanes away,
he ults after Ezreal but a barrier and Lux snare saves his life allowing them both to
pick up the kill on Hecarim. Unfortunatley Lucian and Nidalee are still alive. Ezreal
return to aid his ally and lux lands a snare allowing for him to arcane barrage. Lucian
casts his ult but using the minions to block it Ezreal stays alive, then turns back onto
Lucian. The OP minions with an Ezreal Q brings him down and they then turn their attention
too Nidalee killing her as Lulu arrives. As Hecarim engages on the team Ezreal arcane
shifts away to ult down the cluttered enemies. as they being to flee Lux also then lasers
through the middle of the team dealing massive amounts of damage they switch to Trundle and
Yasuo picking up two more kills and granting them and ace.
Lux lands a snare onto Kassadin, with the two seconds they have to unleash their ults
Lux and Ezreal are able to single handedly take out an opponent, they then switch to
trundle giving no mercy which then allows them to push 5v3.
in this last play we will see Leblanc unleash her full combo to take out Ezreal, as he arcane
and barriers away forcing her to retreat. Wukong dashes to lulu as Ezreal unleashes
his arcane barrage on the incoming team. Lee Sin kicks the spinning monkey to the ulting
Lux causing a mid air jordan final spark. The Wukong is then taken down followed up
quickly by the fleeing karma and Tristana and Shyvanna flies away. That's not dragon,
and chickens don't fly...
How are your eyes after watching those blinding plays? If you liked them, go ahead and tell
us in the comments below. And don't forget to give us a like share and OR subscribe,
and we will see you next time where we take a
look at
the lighting fast Sivir and Janna.