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This movie... this movie
It was supposed to be bad. Like, really bad.
And it was supposed to be stereotypical and stupid and Twilight was supposed to get a boyfriend..
But.. It was good?!
It’s just good. Like, legitly. Oh, first..
The high school tropes that I thought would go along with this movie..ya know,
The boy meets girl storyline, and the high school dance
and..that thing in the trailer that looked like a makeover scene
“Are you programmed to be thinking what I'm thinking?... Make over!"
But for reals, Sunset Shimmer’s motivations were interesting and believable, and they also tie in with canon pretty well.
By the way, I was wrong about this not affecting canon. So very wrong.
And the references, there were so many JUST FOR US. To the point where there were SPECIFIC references to past episodes.
It just... Wow, movie. Wow. Just wow.
McCarty also did a great job characterizing the mane six as humans. Like, Fluttershy volunteers for the local animal shelter, and Pinkie Pie organizes the dance
well, you just kinda have to see the movie to really get what I’m talking about here. I can’t really articulate it better. It’s one of those thing you just have to see.
But now... the bad stuff
Brad, I mean Flash Sentry...I mean Brad, is most definitely crushing on Twilight, and vis versa. It doesn't help that he's a "dude"
- What? - - Dude! I love this guy! He's totally like the most relatable character in the whole show, man! –
Man! I don’t want any canon mane six romances! Do you know how messy those are gonna be. Damn it!
“Answer to #EquestriaGirls question I have a feeling i'll be getting a lot today: Flash Sentry is not a character in #MLPFiM season 4"
Oh..nevermind then.They also didn’t kissed. Which helped..a little. Just a little.
I think I got all I had to say about that out of the way. But one other thing that was bothering me:
I mean, Cadance was there, and Luna was there, and Celestia was there
"And you, and you, and you... and you were there"
I mean, my god. I’m getting impatient. And if getting John De lancie was a problem, then he could've been there like in the background, and I would've been okay with that.
But no. I can't have nice things.
I feel like he’s just in the basement of Canterlot Castle somewhere, and he’s like
Celestia, can I come out now?
And she's like... No
- Please - - No -
- But - - Soon -
- Buuuut - - I SAID SOON! -