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>>> Coming up next on "Arizona
Horizon," should Arizona's
stand-your-ground law be
>>> find out about new ASU
research on how kids can best be
taught to read.
Those stories next on "Arizona
>>> "Arizona Horizon" made
possible by contributions from
the friends of 8, members of
your Arizona PBS station.
Thank you.
>>> Good evening.
Welcome to "Arizona Horizon."
I'm Richard Ruelas forted
Amazon will be hiring ,000 new
employees nationwide including
some in Arizona.
The company will be hiring for
its distribution centers and
customer service offices.
The new jobs will come with
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Amazon promises to pay 30% more
than traditional retail jobs.
>>> Arizona law allows you to
defend yourself against a deadly
threat was expanded to allow you
to stand your ground when
outside your home instead of
having to retreat.
Recently Arizona Senator John
Mccain called for state
lawmakers to revise the law in
light of the Trayvon Martin
Here to talk about Arizona's
stand your ground law is state
Senator Geneva Gallardo, who
thinks the law needs to be
revised, and state
representative John Kavanagh who
likes it just the way it is.
Thanks for joining us.
>> Thank you.
>> Senator, you're the one who
is asking for a change.
Why does a Florida incident
require the need for Arizona to
change its law?
>> Arizona has always had some
type of self-defense statutes on
its books.
But the one thing that whole
Trayvon Martin and George
Zimmerman situation in Florida
has done is made every
legislature, there's 31
legislatures, 31 states that
have similar statutes on the
books, all pretty much a little
Our statute is much different
than Florida, much more
restrictive, however I do
believe it deserves to be looked
Couple of years ago we passed a
bill that would expand the
called castle doctrine.
We expanded it to mean outside
your home, however the language,
it's interesting.
Because in the bill itself, it
states that anyone who is
outside their home legally and
as long as they are not doing
anything illegal they are able
to stand their ground.
So anywhere, as long as you're
anywhere you're able to stand
your ground.
I think they need to be looked
at, tailored down some.
I think we need to start
addressing some of 9 concerns
like road rage.
Road rage could at times be used
as standing your ground if
you're involved in road rage.
I don't think that was ever the
intent of the legislature in
temperatures of this, but I do
believe it deserve as thorough
look at.
I think we need to review it and
possibly make so the
>> Like standing your moving
Was there something in the
Florida case that you 'that made
you think justice was not done?
>> Oh, yeah.
Let's be real here.
George Zimmerman profiled a
young teenager.
He made all the wrong
assumptions about this young
He followed this guy, pursued
him and he shot him and killed
So I think when you start
looking at Arizona's statute I
think my biggest fear is those
folks that normally would have
walked away when dealing
withstand your ground are now
going to be inspired to do the
exact opposite, stand your
ground and also make the wrong
They may assume that their life
is in danger when it's not.
There are some concerns.
>> Representative Kavanagh, was
this law designed to encourage
people to stand their ground or
was there some problem this law
was addressing when it was
>> This law was designed to let
people use the basic
self-defense justification
without fear of not having to go
through a whole second jury
second guessing.
I think to understand stand your
ground you first have to
understand the basic lore of
In Arizona and almost every
To use force legally to defend
yourself you have to have a
reasonable belief in the
immediate necessity to use that
force to defend yourself against
somebody using unlawful force
against you.
Reasonable belief immediately
necessary to defend yourself.
There are other factors that
come into self-defense.
Diss proportionality.
If someone is just using
physical force against you you
can't shoot them.
That's not proportional F. you
provoked an incident you have to
first communicate the fact you
want out of the fight before you
use deadly force to defend
Retreating is the other big
Going back to England where we
got most of our laws from there
was the castle doctrine which
said you didn't have to retreat
in your own home before you used
deadly force.
The idea being if you were in
the in your own home you could
safely retreat that you had an
obligation to.
The problem is that it's
immediately necessary for you to
use force.
There really is no retreat
It's not immediately necessary
sure you can retreat but the
basic justification says there
has to be immediate necessity.
If you don't allow stand your
ground, then a person who is
fully justified in defending
themselves against unlawful
violent attack might still go to
jail for a homicide offense if
the jury then second guessed
that person and said, you
probably could have run away
It makes no sense and exposes
people to almost double
>> You say might.
I know with expanded the law.
There was an indent involving a
hiker five, six years ago.
Maybe a decade ago, where we
allowed the expansion of
Was there an anecdotal reason?
You say might but was there
someone --
>> The fish case had nothing to
do withstand your ground.
The fish case was the Miker in
the woods.
That's when we made a change and
changed the self-defense from an
affirmative to regular defense.
Shifting the burden of proof to
the prosecutor.
It was a consume years later we
decided to expand the principle
that you don't have to retreat
wherever you are.
There's two basic reasons. If
you're a lawfullawful citizen
not breaking the law, legally
where you're supposed to be, and
somebody is threatening you with
deadly force you shouldn't have
to expose yourself to potential
danger by running a wakeup and
you shouldn't be second guessed
by a jury who if they decide
even though you were justified
you could have run that takes
away the defense and you're
guilty of manslaughter.
You go to prison for 20 years.
>> fish was if I remember
correctly a little bit second
guessed by the jury but you're
saying that really didn't have a
bearing on this law.
Was there an anecdote or just a
fear that this could be used in
>> Well, IT WAS simply brought
forward that good people
shouldn't have to retreat.
You shouldn't expose good people
to liability for using force
lawfully if a jury suddenly
says, maybe they could have
retreated, we don't think you
can use that.
>> What happens if someone makes
the wrong assess men?
What happens if they assume that
this other individual is going
to use deadly force?
That's one of my big concerns is
that someone makes a wrong
That's what happened with
Trayvon Martin case.
George Zimmerman made all the
wrong assumptions in regards to
Trayvon Martin, there was a
confrontation, they started
swinging at each other, and now
Trayvon Martin is dead.
What happens if someone makes a
wrong assessment?
It's too broad under our current
law it doesn't matter where
you're at we're taking it
outside the home, home is a
different argument but we're
taking it to the parks, to the
streets, we're taking it to
shopping centers.
>> but it does seem if a jury
would still have the power to
decide if a reasonable person
was justified in using that
>> if a person makes the wrong
judgment or a ridiculous
judgment they will not have a
reasonable belief.
The basic defense would apply
and they will be guilty.
I would like to comment on one
thing you said.
Stand your ground was not an
issue in the Trayvon Martin
It's not an issue in Arizona.
I spoke to County attorney
Montgomery, who has a use of
force review panel reviewing
these cases, over 50 of them N.
none of them was stabbed your
ground an issue.
>> no one used that defense,
No one used it over the last two
years since it's been enacted.
First going back to George
Zimmerman I hate to talk about
the Florida case but it was part
of the case.
Law enforcement officers did not
arrest George Zimmerman for the
first six weeks because of that
argument that was made by
Goldschmidt at the very get-go.
He did claim stand your ground.
>> no, he did not.
>> Because of that.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> The first six weeks there was
no arrest.
It delayed the investigation of
the homicide.
Even the judge herself in the
jury instructions made it part
of her little debate.
Nonetheless let's go back to the
Arizona law.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> Before the trial even
started, the first step in a
Florida stand your ground
defense is the defense attorneys
ask for a defend your ground
Zimmerman's defense attorneys
said, no we're not claiming
stand your ground.
Independent witnesses who saw
the attack and saw Trayvon
Martin on top of Zimmerman, the
injuries that he had, the
forensic evidence all point to
the fact that when the deadly
force was used, Trayvon Martin
was on top of Zimmerman using
force against him.
You can't retreat when somebody
is on top of you.
>> there obviously was evidence
and eyewitnesses and audio
testimony that went the other
>> Not with respect to the
When force was used, Trayvon
Martin was on top of Zimmerman
using force against him.
There was no way to retreat when
you're pinned to the ground.
Stand your ground was not an
issue in this case.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> I think what the Senator is
bringing up is a juror who said
she believed George Zimmerman
got away with *** but was
able to find a way through the
>> Our courts do not find people
Our courts find you guilty oring
If there's not enough evidence
to convict you, then you're not
called innocent you're calleding
That's what happened in this
Nobody will know the truth
because the only one who can
testify to awful the unknowns is
Mr. Zimmerman.
>> Let's go right back to
Arizona law.
That is the fact that it is too
It's relatively new law passed a
couple of years ago.
No one as far as I know unless
there's another County that has
someone has used this actual
defense but I think it deserves
I think we need to look at T. I
think we need to perhaps revise
>> You're not proposing language
>> Oh, no, no.
Definitely not.
I really believe we need to
bring in the prosecutors, we
need to bring in the defense
department and law enforcement
and have a debate.
>> The law now says you're under
no obligation to retreat.
Does repealing that or altering
that then make some form of --
telling people that should
>> the idea someone engaged in
road rage can use this defense,
as far as I know, no one has
actually used it, but the idea
that someone can use it defense
while they are engaged in road
rage, I think it's a big
It needs to be looked at.
Anyone that does not want to
look at it is just being
>> no one has brought road rage
up --
[speaking simultaneously]
>> I have no issue looking at
I have looked at all the
studies, all the data, all the
They confirm what a
supermajority of the Senate
agreed to in 2010, what 57
representatives voted in 2010,
what Governor Napolitano signed
in 2010, a good law.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> Governor Brewer.
>> You mentioned studies and
You talked about the law being
It was passed pretty quickly
with very little discussion.
I was going to ask you was this
law carefully considered by you
before you passed it?
>> 18 states have it.
The state of Florida reviewed it
after the Trayvon Martin
incident and confirmed that it
was a good law.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> I think it's a good law.
Stabbed your ground is a race
neutral law.
>> Sure.
>> it could be used just as much
by a black.
[speaking simultaneously]
>> Don't bring race into T.
[speaking simultaneously]
You're the one who said racial
>> Tess a race neutral law.
Minorities and women need to
have stand your ground --
>> Given your law enforcement
experience, port authority
police, law enforcement
testified against this bill.
Did that weigh into your
thinking at all?
>> Some law enforcement did.
>> Maricopa County sheriff -- no
law enforcement testified for
it. Maricopa County sheriff
testified against it.
Chiefs of police in Arizona --
>> What you have are chiefs who
are political appointees.
Generally law enforcement
officers, rank and file, don't
necessarily agree with
>> This law was brought again
one hearing and then a vote by
the citizens defense league.
Who are they?
Do they wield a lot of power at
the legislature?
>> They have been looking for
This requite effective.
County attorney bill Montgomery
has said stand your ground is
not an impediment to
prosecution, it isn't even an
issue in these cases.
>> But the only person who
testified for it was the
president of the the citizens
defense league.
You're saying you're afraid of
>> I don't think that they
intimidated 18 states to pass
this good law.
>> What do you think of the
Arizona citizens defense league?
>> Oh, they have tremendous
You will look at what has
happened over the last few years
isn't stay legislature and
because of the lobbying efforts
of this organization we have
pretty much eliminated our
CCW laws W. have made guns
available just about everywhere.
Going right back to that law I
think it deserves a debate
because of the fact there's been
little discussion, little
I wasn't in the legislature in
2010, however, because very
little debate and discussion I
believe we should come back and
review it.
I believe there is some
legitimate reasons on why we
should review it and possibly
make some changes.
The idea like I said, the idea
that someone could be involved
in road rage and stand your
ground is extremely outrageous.
>> we may get out of here on a
Kumbaya moment.
Sounds like you wouldn't mind a
>> we're doing that now.
We could certainly discuss it at
the legislature.
The test was in Florida.
19 citizens and prosecution and
defense attorneys looked at it
and said it shouldn't be
>> it's totally different.
The Florida law is much
different than the Arizona law.
We're much more restrictive.
Every legislature is going to I
would assume go back and review
some of these new laws on their
We should do the exact same
This is only two years old.
We not wait for a Trayvon Martin
incident for us to come back and
review it.
Let's review it now.
>> The senior Senator from
Arizona has asked for a review
and you would be open to it at
least a little.
>> Any law should be reviewed,
especially when people question
I'm glad that Senator Gallardo
has changed his position.
At the press conference where he
called for this review he said
these laws are fundamentally
unacceptable and should be
I'm glad you now have a own an
open mind.
>> we should look at it I
believe it should be more
narrowed in scope.
The idea that anyone can be any
W and be able to utilize this
argument, it's no longer the
castle doctrine.
You can be anywhere in the state
and utilize this and make the
wrong assessment or assumption
about someone.
Actually utilize it.
>> if there is a debate it will
be lively and engaging like this
has been.
Gentlemen, thank you for joining
>> Thank you.
>>> Climb along U.S. 60
approximately 55 miles from
Phoenix and you'll come to a
marker for picket post mountain.
In 1870, the soldiers of Indian
fighter general George stoneman
renamed it picket post mountain
fort Sentinels they posted high
above infantry camp established
at its base.
Within eight years, a town of
2,000 called picket post, later
Pinal city, sprang up to work
the Silver king mine, Arizona's
richest Silver strike before it
Petered out.
Today thousands flock to the
foothills of picket post
mountain to stroll through the
Home to more than 6,000 plant
species and 270 kinds of birds.
>>> New reading standards will
take effect this year in
Move on when reading will
require third grade students to
score better than the falls far
below category in reading or be
Arizona State University
researcher Carol Connor last
month unveiled findings from a
three-year study of several
hundred students indicating
children need customized,
sustained reading instruction
from third through third grade
to become capable readers.
She joins me now to discuss her
I read that carefully knowing I
was being watched by an expert.
>> thank you so much for having
>> move on when reading, I know
you studied how students learn.
But let's talk about that
It seems like getting kids above
meets far below or whatever that
standard was shouldn't be that
hard of a bridge, but do we have
third graders who just can't
>> We do.
We do.
It's not just Arizona's problem.
If you look at the national
assessment of educational
progress, the U.S. across nation
only 58% of children actually
are reading at or above basic
That's in Arizona.
It's 66 nationwide.
>> We're doing a little better
than nationwide?
>> No, a little worse.
I reversed that.
I'm sorry.
Yes, 66 nationwide, 58% in
So we do potentially have a lot
of third graders that will need
to be retained.
>> Is third grade sort of a
magic number?
Magic grade year?
>> It is.
It's actually a good one to
There's excellent research that
shows that children who aren't
reading at grade level by the
end of third grade are more
likely to become teen parents,
more likely to go to jail,
referred for special Ed, drop
out of high school, and so it's
important that children are
reading proficiently or at least
basic levels by third grade if
they are going to go on and be
career ready.
Certainly if they are going to
be college ready.
>> is there something in the
cognitive growth in brain
development of kids that makes
third grade a special time?
>> It's a combination of things.
Yes, you're right, cognitively
children are developing the
capacity to take these very
abstract symbols and at attach
meaning to them.
They get increasingly better at
doing that starting in
kindergarten and moving forward
through third grade.
Also has a lot to do with how we
teach children.
First grade, second grade we
know we have to teach them how
to read.
Third grade they are reading to
learn where they are expected to
use reading as a tool to
understand what it is, so they
have to understand well enough
to learn what they are reading.
This is an important transition.
It usually happens for most kids
in third grade.
Certainly by fourth grade.
>> I think a lot of the people
who have gotten into reading
research, we know if phonics and
whole language but your research
says we're missing the ball,
that it's not one or the other,
it's for each individual student
we have to find the best thing
that works.
That sounds like a really tall
>> it is, but teachers can do it
we just finished a study in
Florida that you mentioned where
we conducted a randomized
control trial.
Which is really important
It's going to figure out what
We recruited first graders and
their teachers and randomly
assigned them to individualized
reading instruction or to math
intervention, then we followed
the first graders into second
grade and recruited their
teachers, rerandommized reading
or math, did the same.
So children could be in the
reading intervention all year or
they could be in the math
intervention all three years, or
they could have some
It was really clear, the
children who had the
individualized reading first,
second and third grades were
reading much better and on
average almost a fifth grade
These were children about half
of them qualified for subsidized
lunch, so we're not talking
about easy children to teach.
If we look, if we think about
the needs in Arizona's
performance, 94% of the children
who got differentiated reading
instruction all three years were
reading at or above basic levels
by third grade.
>> is it possible to get what
they need to them?
You said there's a computer
program you're working on.
>> There's a computer program
that we developed back in 2004.
We used with our first set of
teachers back in Florida.
We have now run eight different
randomized controlled trials
from kindergarten through third
We discovered that it's not as
simple to differentiate
instruction as everybody thinks.
That it's the children's
vocabulary --
>> There's a lot of moving
The lawmakers arguing took some
of our time, but it's doable.
>> it's doable.
What the software does is uses
algorithms and kids' test scores
to recommend reading instruction
for every kid in the class.
That seems to be what makes the
difference is this
differentiated reading
>> let's hope it goes.
I appreciate it thank you for
joining us.
That's all we have time for
tonight on "Arizona Horizon."
We'll see you tomorrow night.
>>> "Arizona Horizon" is made
possible by contributions from
the friends of 8, members of
your Arizona PBS station.
Thank you.