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a star you should know about back on the ballot shall this one is a very good at
the law remain
i mean i think when you first hear the story tonight that's bizarre and you
might say is little funny but it's really quite alarming and disturbing
where here you go this is an albany new york a woman from albany
franny we want to know last name just so we can protect her
was arrested early this morning
after being
after being turned in by her babies having babies and those of the child was
costly screaming
as if the baby was in pain so she took on the navy's close to give the baby
bath and solve the baby had a real ted to
on her right arm
was in disbelief in emilie call the authorities mother who's a dancer local
strip bar
during a night of the heavy drinking of shots allowed her all again off again
one friend derek will be the last name so you don't
there's nothing for privacy purposes you don't think
of territories to patterned nylons all baby
for a little practice
let how do you react
to a mother allows our
all again off again boyfriend protector of in his right arm
how do you react to that like
i'm not really sure should laugh
and idon't get it
what is happening in america
where you think it's ok for some input and to on your nine-year-old davey
nine month old skis houston nine-year-old
and nine month old baby
what what
what i was saying here is is that this is a very disturbing story
and i hope she gets committed and she was in jail for a long long time ago
gary joins on the slammer
it's disgusting
a nine-month all with attack to uh... one of the fact is that
does in the same time wanted that tuesday how big was sent out to you