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[Intro] hey guys this is Adam or IGN Lileli with a
little guide on Nu Wa. Nu Wa is an extremely versatile god from the
Chinese pantheon who can perform almost every role.
Her main role is in the solo lane, since she scales very well and can harrass easily from
range. [abilities]
Her abilities mesh very well together and she can fill the role of pusher with ease.
Her passive is something incredibly unique. She actually has 6 passives. Her first passive
is active all the time, the wooden crystal provides 10 health regen per second.
Her first ability is called fog, which damage over quite a long time, it's very rare that
you will use the full dot. Activating this ability charges up her water crystal, granting
her up movementspeed that scales from 10% to 35%. This ability is what makes her
synergise with any ganker since she can stealth both her and her attacker.
One thing to remember about the stealth is that any attack with a delay will reveal you
slightly after it is cast, which makes Arachne one of the best people to have in the game.
Another notable ganker is loki, as he can stealth behind and deal a ton of damage from
stealth. Her fog lasts for 10 seconds and can be constantly up with full cooldown reduction.
It moves slightly slower than Nu Wa so you will need to watch out for that.
Some tips on her stealth is that any defensive cooldown will not bring you out of stealth.
This means that summoning your clay soldiers as well as any actives such as Aegis will
keep you in stealth. This can be very useful, especially due to the current meta of teleport
to towers or gods, she can also recall while stealthed. Fog is prioritised last due to
it being a utility spell.
Her second ability is called clay soldiers. This is a very simple ability, the more ranks
you put into this spell the more that spawn and activating the ability activates Earth
crystal, granting 10 to 45 physical protection in an aura around her.
This ability is similar to Bakasura's ultimate, if enemies are close to Nu Wa, her soldiers
can actually bodyblock. This does not bring her out of stealth and is prioritised
third. These take 2-3 tower shots to kill so can be used to absorb tower shots.
Her third ability is called Flame strike. This ability when activated hits a small area
of effect for quite a substantial amount of damage, then a small dot after. Using this
ability activates her fire crystal, which grants a small cleave on her basic attacks,
which hits all enemies for 50% damage in a small range around her initiate target. You
prioritise this spell first because it clears the back minions at level 3-4 and is the spell
that your is your harrass. This spell has some introcisies, it does more damage the
closer you are to the enemy and at maximum rank does 50 + 20% magical power damage over
two seconds after. This spell can stun phoenix which is very useful and often invaluable.
Her final ability is her ultimate, Pillars of heaven. This is an area of effect that
is placed in the shape of a square which slows and damages enemy units that passes through.
This also activates her metal crystal, giving her basic attacks double damage as well.
A well placed ultimate makes a great Nu Wa or a bad Nu Wa.
Her sixth passive is that if all of her passives activate at once, she refreshes them all and
extends the duration to 10 seconds, while also transforming into her true form, where
she is a snake body.
[laning] Onto laning. Early game, Nu Wa is a VERY squishy
god who can actually be killed in around 5 attacks from most warriors, so you need
to play safe. I suggest starting with a hand of the gods to help with your average wave
clear if against a melee, otherwise you should be fine unless against someone with insane
wave clear. I'd also star t with a vampiric shroud to sustain yourself and 2 of each potion.
You want to aim at going back at around level 5 or 6 and if needed, teleport to tower with
the active. In lane, if you're losing then focus on farming,
if against anyone melee try harrass when you can and this goes moreso if Freya is
in solo lane, as if you don't capitilise on her weakness late game she will outscale you
with ease. If you get ganked, you should simp -ly fog and move in zig zags to avoid any
cc. If your jungler ganks, walk over to where he is intering and fog so they can't see,
you should stun them first if your ganker is arachne so she gets a guarenteed pull.
[Teamfights] In teamfights you'll want to position yourself
behind melees but in front of mages. You should try catch any melee assassin out of
position and depending on how late in the game it is, kill them with a simple combo
of 2 - auto attack - 3 then auto attacking, if they
get slightly out of range, use your 1 to catch up and place your 4 down to zone them. This
should get you
a kill. In teamfights, if you can get a squishy god, then flame strike
and auto attack them, only if you can get the kill should you chase
or you risk dying.
Hope you enjoyed this mini guide guys, i'll be posting these mini guides whenever I can