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These bags are very simple
we're only going to need 2
small squares of fabric of different colors
or the same color
our pinking scissors
a ruler
and a pen to mark a diagonal
in our squares we're just going
to mark on the fabric above
this is a friction pencil remember
that disappear with the heat however
for this project since it's something more
functional to have below
the pillow or the bed to
benefit from the aromatherapy of the
herbs then it does not matter that
we use a normal pen we're going to
need the herb we want
according to the properties of each
lavender, marigold, mint, used
a lot to help sleep or to help
each one has different benefits
let's do let's take the machine and
let's sew
only with
three eighths of an inch
this edge here and
this edge of cause we're just going to sew
an angle and then we're going to sew three
eighths of an inch on each side of this
line that we made so that we have a
open space through which we go
to fill it we go to the machine and
we continue here I have and I white with
the normal pin
with the needle in the center this is going to
give three eights or so I use a
small stitch in my case I will
use 1.5mm lenght , important
the backstitch at the beginning and at the end
let's sew until the end
in this corner we do the same back
now we sew the other corner of the
same way
doing backstitch
and now what we will do is go over the
line that we draw first to the side
same we sew doing backward we sew
We turn to the side and we sew the
other side
I already have as you can see known a
of 90 degrees and two sewing lines to
each side of the line this leaves me both
this space like this space
fill our bag now
we just take the grass
the flowers can be rose petals
also and we're going to fill in our
each of those two triangles
in this case simply an amount
we push it in
that will then be accommodated
and we take a couple of pins
so that we are not open
lining the fabric
let's fill in the other part now
In this way,
and we put pins
now we're just going to go to the
machine and we are going to sew carefully from
set aside
and the aromatic herbs of our
I walk this other angle that is needed
in the same way that we had done
is doing backstitch at the beginning and
at the end on each side
we have already sewed our sacchets
here they see them on both sides
and now what we have left is simply
trim all the edge
so that there are little points that do not
I know if they knew is that by cutting the fabric of
this way with poitns
the end of the point is well the
fabric that remains on the bias
has the property that it does not
easily frays so they give you
a decorative element and at the same time
protector so it does not distill ch
and now here at the center simply
over the line
we cut
of the wave
and that's how simple we have these bags
of aromatic herbs that we can
gift next to candles or next to
essential oils to those people
that you like this culture of herbs
aromatic as I tell you with different
properties that they can use to
place under the pillow or to
have in the middle of the clothes also to
aromatize then good is a project
easy a nice quick project and I hope
you liked it and remember to follow us
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we wait and see you next time