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i dont referred to as the hero died in the philippines will receive twenty
thousand dollars reconstructive surgery not sound absolutely ridiculous but it
turns out that this dog actually saved the lives of two little girls by jumping
in front of the motorcycle before the motorcycle random offer okay we have a
video talked about this little boy
so that there is a dog uh... it's it's a little tough to see but what happened
was he jumped in front of the motorcycle company
i've seen warn you guys before this is kind of difficult enough there's a dot
so he just different motorcycle and he seems a little girls but his smelt dot
uh... in on the front wheel of the motorcycle so uh... that that said to
the owners that he can euthanize the dog but it would cost too much money to
actually do something to reconstruct that that's now
and dollars said now he saved my children's lives there's no way i'm
gonna let the start-up however because in the wall
loons and because of possible infection they need to do something about the
situation right away
well uh...
people from eighteen different countries actually donated
twenty-two thousand dollars to this man
to make sure that this docking get reconstructive surgery
so they're gonna fly the dog to u_c_ davis and performed the operation
when i saw initially saw the pictures that others had to be a hoax like i
couldn't imagine that that sort of injury to actually survive it as a dog
and obviously both of us are dog owners so
and are out in the sand dollars for the first thing i thought it was
if that happened my dog how to react
and eclectic pretty deeply affects me like i'm not have to put my life are
really worried about children or anything like that but to me and my dog
is like a child lead to some extent and so
i don't know if i would have euthanize them because i would have to imagine
dogs and so much constant pain
if i had twenty thousand dollars to do the reconstructive surgeon let's say
that the best case scenario which happen in this case
wouldn't happen to me
and i don't i i don't have people donating nine added twenty thousand
i do the reconstructive surgery
i know people think that's crazy but i'd just
uh... i'd youth and i think my dog like the thought of it and i know my dog is
gonna die one day and i know it's gonna be tough
i think if i had the money is you know it's a wooden costello a little while
not i couldn't handle it let's make this before we do go to jail let's say that
this is not just a purely cosmetic thing like they want to have this now back
uh... it's basically built open world would be interesting facts a little spin
on interrupt for mister long-time they can continue that yeltsin in the system
is just to be absolutely devastated
upsets true and i will say that that it's painful in this case that the dog
got so much good publicity after what it did
because otherwise people didn't know it is the hero dot they think it's a
captain monster basically and that just like to be pretty difficult
uh... so thankfully like people are bringing in food and bring it medicine
and things like that but
we come to the reconstructive surgery
for little tank
but will this affect its arm
i mean if it's your own money it's up to the person right i wouldn't do it but if
i'm spending twenty two thousand dollars but if people donate bracelets up twenty
two thousand last year dot he different wide turned that down you're going to be
about to get in
the back together that's fine
not the thing is is i wonder what the surgery dust is woods what do i think
animal lovers which i love does not like it
um... animal lovers in general
i think sometimes they mess
that animal me what
sometimes uh... because of what the surgery isn't some kind of prosthetic is
a fake it's now at yet there are some things that he's gonna be wanting what
the hell this is on my face trial push it off maybe taking is well into his
quiet life just might go down to torture you dot another however many years he
without thinking about it
we do things troubles actually destroy their life
who might have been moved elsewhere on the maybe they're not if that happens
sweater on no they don't want to holocaust nothing on their face the part
of what is the soma thanksgiving off my imovie castro can look at them pissed
proportion yet and when you actually don't like it he thinks what is this
*** during the boer hasn't even paid me anymore welcome to deserve this
input for conducting your first
they don't like that ***
botswana touch the ground we put socks on an they want their feet are
surrounded made for that ***
sometimes when you think this is the and i get the child
the connection the relationship
but don't treat him like a human talked as easy adults out but that didn't write
uh... apparently uh... previously resurgence has installed a replacement
chal on and on
in this city he appears to be strutting around as if nothing ever happened so
it's possible that the dog the death of