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kyushu dian or colorado twelve dead at least fifty injured overall
of the youngest victim was a four-month old imprint that was not shot
uh... but that suffered
from the smoke an absurd appears that was thrown
fail in the hospital i'd believe now released uh... there was uh...
the six year old who was also injured
so it's just a horrible horrible and nightmare scenario
uh... the guy uh... whose it was doing his has been identified james holmes
uh... a key was worried gas masks
carry at least four different weapons
and uh... yes james holmes kill these people it appears
uh... and sort of the four guns that he brought with them
our people will say hey you know what you should be going back goes down
i think you're crazy
this is exactly when we should be talking about guns
doesn't politicize it is the most of rational conversation it could have when
you have a tragedy the first question we ask is how can we make sure it doesn't
happen again
here's one way to make sure that you don't feasibly killed twelve people and
injured fifty
that is if you don't have a gun you can't
stab twelve people
fifty others skilled but well by stabbing and and feel that the other
spot a regular basis as happens in the united states all the time
every time you bring that up is our knowledge of the lots ones
in modern history so one
you know stabbed
eight people okay all right
great you found one is is that i could find you
dozens in the united states of america alone
in recent history organs have massacred people just like this
so it's not just a james holmes kill these people
guns made it
for for more proficient
from to kill more and more people
without the guns he probably would kill somebody
but it wouldn't have been all these people
all right now michael it you're even to the left of me and that's what you
thought live bid that you said it right there that the point is that uh... uh...
without guns this guy's a movie go
uh... that you could say that uh... people kill people but people with guns
kill people and and and that's it and we have or our gun laws in this country are
far too lax
uh... are ammunition laws in this country or for two x people's adherence
to the second amendment as if it were the only amending the constitution
it took them two years to come up with the from seventeen eighty nine to
seventeen ninety one uh... and and and they put it in there
but that was written by people who you know who it needs update was written by
people who wrote with feathers
uh... it was written by people who slates because it's there does not make
it gosport makes the constant doesn't defend the constitution by saying that
it needs updating and and our society today is to permissible guns and this is
and so tell me if i lose the right of course or about a lot of things
and uh...
it's just that they lived in a society where you didn't have eighteen forty
re you didn't have submachine guns and machine guns and by the way are preteens
so if you believe that your second-amendment rights is are limited
well then i gave you are allowed to carry a automatic guns semiautomatic
been obvious you're allowed a_k_-forty sevens and then are pgs are a logical
extension of north america needs a hand
amie frankly no americans and
and and when you when you say that i guess it was written uh... and and it
was you know that
period of our founding fathers were
that were perfect they could the constitution and still be a great
document our founding fathers
could be brilliant for actually having found this country but they were part of
the major interstates this was one of their mistakes all of the bed also this
is all in the context of uh... of having it even invented a live shot with a
well-regulated i know it's like a dirty word a well-regulated militia that's
that's what they're referencing and it was actually so that we wouldn't have to
have like a national army and all the stress of
it was all in place of
and it's just it's it's been taken to this this ridiculous like that it's like
somehow to this personal attorney thing the your always supposed to have
act it's you know it's observance that stuff
first time i've heard anybody make that point the fact that did the word
regulated is in the second ahead so if they look the same and that might have
happened they should love regulation in fact
now that's why i say michael soule estimate you know i get the sense that
you'd be tougher in that regulation than i would but you know i think that it's a
really important debate to have about how we enforce our laws are not saying
that you ban all of them right away if you know it's at a rat unite either i
don't know how far you go with that but i do know week obviously need to have
them well-regulated and right now there
hardly regulated
uh... in colorado you have a concealed firearm of course
did not allowed to give you a permit
so that you know who's got the guts right
witnesses out of control in arizona impermissible axis
bill was in the country what happens the fast and furious was not a program with
the a_t_f_ game weapons the middleman they give it to mexico
it was the a_t_f_ trying to stop those middleman from behind those weapons
but legally they couldn't because the walls and arizona was selects and by the
way we also had an arizona the shooting of a congressperson
head lololol of people who died that day
how many of these tragedies do you need before you say you know what
maybe it's not just
one lone gunman
it happens all over and over and over again and it's almost always argon it
was always involves multiple best because they're so easy to reload there
so easy to use secure all these people with almost no regulation
has to be a bounds of reason here
and this has got to be the moment in american history
when we say enough is enough on forcefully as we all know that is not
our current politics
and none of our politicians will go to do that
the republicans will argue the opposite and the democrats will ballard had