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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Hi darlings and welcome back to Brown Beautiful.\
Today, I am creating a simple lilac, purple, warm smokey eye which is soft yet glamorous
and perfect for all skin tones. If you would like to see how I created this look then please
keep watching.\ At first I use Embryolisse to moisturise my
skin. This moisturiser is perfect for my skin and also acts as a primer so that my makeup
goes on really well afterwards.\ Next I am using the Sephora eyeshadow primer
again. I gently pat it all over my eyelids and even under my lower lash line. This acts
as a base for my eyeshadows so that the colors go on really vibrant as they are in the palette.
For the eyeshadows, I am using this purple/lilac matt eyeshadow from the Morphe 35B Color Glam
Palette and I pat it all over my eyelid with a flat shadow brush slowly but surely, building
the color up. Then I am taking this warm light brown shade from the Natural Glow Palette
to build my transition color, using a fluffy brush from Real techniques and a windshield
wiper motion, taking it all over the crease area.\
Then I take some of the purple again to intensify the colour on my eyelid so that it remains
vibrant. The back again with the transition shade to blend the shades. Then I take the
shimmery purple shade and pat it on the inner 1/3rd of my eyelid to brighten the area and
make that purple nice and bright. Now taking a clean fluffy brush I am going to blend some
more so that there are no harsh lines and all the shades are well blended. Now mixing
the dark navy and black from the same palette I pat it on the outer corners to darken that
area every so slightly. Once the colors are placed where I want them, I wiggle a fluffy
brush to really blend that shade. It should look like the purple fades into a deeper,
darker color, if that makes sense. Only make sure there are no harsh edges and all the
shades are well diffused but not dissolved into each other. I repeat this a few times
until I am happy with the intensity of the colors.\
Taking that same shade, I line my lower lash line with a flat shadow brush and then and
slightly smudge it with a fluffy brush.\ Then taking a bone color eyeshadow from the
same Color Glam Palette I highlight my brow bone. This is just to brighten up that area.
Since its a daytime look I wasn\'92t planning to put on shimmer in the eye area.\
I lined my waterline with Sephora\'92s Long Lasting Nude Eye Pencil.\
Then with my favourite gel eyeliner from Colour Pop, I line my upper lash line creating a
slight wing. I love how richly dark this black eyeliner is. Now I do back and add some more
of that navy black mix on my outer corners just to further intensify that area because
it looked a bit dull to me. Smudging it a little bit before going in with the L\'92oreal
Intense mascara that I cannot put down. I am planning to out false lashes on so I will
apply only two coats of mascara\'85rather generously!\
Moving on to my base, I am back again using a mix of the Urban Decay and Makeup Forever
Foundations. Today I am going to put it on with a damp beauty blender. I love how the
beauty blender can be used quite easily to give you full coverage or just a light base,
depending on how you use it on your face. Stipple it for more coverage and glide it
along for a lighter finish. \ Next, I am going to conceal and highlight
my usual areas with the Urban Decay concealer, my under eyes, the T zone and under my cheekbones
and blend it all with the beauty blender. I use the tip of the blender to tackle those
pesky under eye areas so that I dont smudge any of the eyesdaow on my lower lash line.
I find it easier to use the beauty blender versus any brush. Next I am going to powder
the highlighted areas with my MAC finishing powder. I first layer the powder on thick
and then I blend it all away with my Delanci powder brush.\
Now I lightly fill in my eyebrows with a black retractable eyebrows pencil from Colour Pop.
I try and keep it light as possible because I dont want to make it too perfect and this
pencil gives me that control.\ For my cheeks, I am going to start with a
highlighter today so Its time for some Solstice action I am using my real techniques brush
to highlight the usual areas I like to highlight, Tops of my cheeks, bridge of my nose, a little
on the top of my eyebrows, my cupids bow. Then moving on to blush, I am using Sleek
Makeup\'92s Pink Sprint on my cheeks lifting it up, rather than applying it on the apples
of my cheeks, and then I am going to soften all that with my damp beauty blender. Finally,
I use my Bahama Mama bronzer to create some depth all over my face. Recently I love starting
with the highlight and then moving on to a blush and then a bronzer. I just feel like
the cheeks look more slowly, more sophisticated that way.\
Now for my lips, I line my lips with Stripdown which is way too light for me but it helps
to neutralise my natural lip line so that I can over line my lips with another lip pencil
or directly with lipstick as I am about to do and make them look fuller. So my lipstick
of choice is the NYX Cosmetics lip cream in San Paulo. I wasn\'92t planning to use another
lip color but it turns out I did because I did not like the way that it looked on its
own. So I went over it with Rome, another lip cream by NYX. Here I am all happy with
the outcome!\ Now to fix my bottom lashes with the same
L\'92oreal mascara I used earlier. And then for some Rimmel brow gel to fix my brows in
place. Then I am going to pop some of these lovely DW Red Cherry lashes. I am still a
bit unsatisfied by this look. So I decide to highlight the inner corner of my eyes to
brighten up the eyes a little. I love doing this in the summer and mostly for smokey eyes.
Spritzing my face here with some Urban Decay Setting Spray, an absolute must for the summer.
And finally, I am done and happy with the way this look turned out!! If you want details
of this outfit that I wore then please find me on Instagram. All the links are in the
description box. Please give the video a thumbs up and dont forget to subscribe. I will see
you very soon in my next video. Thank you so much for watching.\
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