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ELIZABETH ROSE: If you've been moving through all the postures in these series and you're
beginning to feel a little relief of your headache of the tension in your neck and shoulders,
only then should you practice these last three postures. So, this is the Down Dog. If you're
still feeling your headache and it's still pretty bad, maybe not so much with the Down
Dog. Maybe you could do a Half Dog which is where you press the hands against the wall
or just skip this one altogether and continue on to Shavasana. This is what Down Dog looks
like. From your hero's pose, you're going to come to your tabletop. From here you're
going to tuck your toes, palms are flat on the floor and exhale as you rise into Down
Dog, allowing the heels to drop towards the floor. You want the head and the neck to be
loose and you're just going to inhale and exhale here in and out through the nose, lifting
through the hips, and exhaling, dropping through the head, and palms of the hands. Bend your
knees if you feel tight, but keep working on dropping the heels towards to the floor,
inhaling and exhaling. When you're done, put your knees back down, come back to your hero's
pose or if you like you can rest in child's pose for a few breaths.