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\f0\fs28 \cf0 We listen and discover new songs everyday. People do so based on their choices
and preferences. Some browse it on YouTube, some would do so on Last.fm while some come
across new tracks on radio.\'a0 \fs24 \
\fs28 \ Music, in the future, will be present everywhere
around us. Today, we can\'a0access songs and our playlists\'a0from our personal devices,
be it a computer or an iPod. Eventually, these tracks would be available to us\'a0anytime
and anywhere we want. \'a0Our idea is similar to this future trend.\'a0
\fs24 \
\fs28 \ Our idea is that of a gadget that would stay
with you throughout the day. A gadget\'a0similar to a wristband, which is both,\'a0small\'a0and
light in weight. This band would have a special temperature and pulse sensor that will enable
it to gather our general activity and mental state. A\'a0preinstalled database will help
it determine our\'a0mood-set\'a0based on the heart rate and accordingly,\'a0play\'a0a selected
playlist that will help in enhancing the mood to something much more pleasant and calm.
An example would be that of an elevated pulse rate during gym workout, or that normal condition
when you're reading the daily paper. The song's tempo and beat would vary accordingly.
\fs24 \
\fs28 \ Additionally, this will be wirelessly connected
to a cellphone as well as an audio device, like a pair of earphones. This feature will
keep us notified of any calls or important things we might have to attend. The device
would also sync with several other gadgets; like with the Nike+ in order to gather information
on when you started an intensive workout, when you got into a\'a0cool down\'a0mode or
when you simply sat down at the park bench to relax.\'a0
\fs24 \ \
\fs28 This device has its own storage capacity for storing your music library. In order to
transfer your songs, just connect it to your computer's USB while the band charges alongside.
In the meantime, the wristband's usage\'a0log and report\'a0will be uploaded onto the server
website and newer updates regarding your 'mood playlist' will be downloaded instantly from
the database. And even if your computer\'a0isn't\'a0connected to a network, you can still update the band's
data using your cellphone's data.\'a0 \fs24 \
\fs28 \ You can browse through and explore newer\'a0songs
whenever and from wherever you are. This is the idea behind our second component - staying
connected using music. Let me explain it this way. You decided to take a walk around the
park in the evening. Your current music track is 'Paradise' by Coldplay. Some place miles
away in some other city, another person decides to take a walk and he plays the same music
track. Now when the both of you, along with thousand others, sync your device, the database
will automatically generate a pattern and the next time an individual decides to take
a walk, he/she would receive a suggestion from the main\'a0database asking him to try
this particular song. This would apply to any new trending soundtrack for any specific
mood or activity. \fs24 \
\fs28 \ This is going to be the future trend of music.
Sharing and experiencing in a whole new way, unique to each and every one of us.
\fs24 \ \
\fs28 Music in the future will be\'a0synchronised\'a0and better\'a0connected\'a0with us.
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