Highlight text to annotate it
under show you how easy it is to create a close caption to a YouTube video
using a transcript file a close caption like you're watching here are the
subtitles they appear
with a video I'll explain you can turn on or off
closed captions are great for people with hearing disabilities and people
were English
it's not their native language you can tell you to deal has a close caption
filed by going to the video player bar
and selecting the CC bond here because it's and read that shows a caption is
and one is actively plane and want you highlight over
you actually see the name of the caption selection here if you
don't wanna see the caption you can just click of the CC button
and use it becomes gray and captions are turned off they can turn it back on
again as well that place again
closed captions can automatically be turned on or off for all your YouTube
videos in your account settings
now to add captions to your own YouTube video you first need to upload
a text file that has the captions in them the easiest way to do this is to
upload a plain text transfer files since q2
will create the time codes for your so we're gonna go to my desktop
you can see I already have a transfer files here in plain text format
you can tell it's plain text by the txt extension now you're going to double
click on the transfer file we have one that's pre-made here
and notice YouTube requires you to do double line breaks for each break you
have in the caption
you also want to be able to do a double arrow after a shame that shows a
transition between who is speaking
I highly recommend you keep your caption text short between these II break so it
won't break up in strange places where place on your video
and it easy to follow so now we're gonna go back to you
are racial YouTube video and what you do is you go to upper hand right hand
corner any select
your make account name you go to my videos
now you also want to select to the
actual video of that you want to add a caption file to we select
the I just showed you here and we go to the insight drop down menu and select
captions and subtitles:
and we already have a caption here we can add a new caption
now make sure that when you're on the page it says and you captures our
transcript or captions and subtitles:
you select a transcript file since is a text file without any caption coats
now you can choose the file name see we go right back up
that original transcript I showed you now you can get this
any name you want to link online legal video guide the same name as we have the
file but you can basically caught whatever you like I recommend keeping it
short so it shows up properly
now all you do is you click Upload File even though you can make it
Japanese as well we make English here and while it's process and once it's
done processing
it will turn blue in with a checkbox and your caption will be
already and you can click on a view on video page
and you go back to it and you can watch the caption appear
and again it's like the CC but and that's how you create
a close caption file using a transcript in YouTube