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That was linear polarization, it has uses in your LCD screens and also your polarizing sunglasses
Speaking of glasses, another polarizating state we often have to talk about is
the circular polarization, it's actually the type of polarization of light that we use in 3D movies
and in your 3D glasses we have circular polarizers
and once you get through this, you can think about what we choose to use circular polarization
instead of the simpler linear polarization
circular polarization is a little hard to visualize
so we will have to go through it a little slower. Please bear with me
First of all, how does it look like? The good contributors to wikipedia
has contributed this lovely GIF, as you can see
as the EM propagates forward, it looks like that the electric field is spinning around in a circle
in that plane that you see there, so in terms of describing it convention-wise
this one we will be calling
a left handed circularly polarized
How's that? Because if you have
the propagation direction out of the page, you see that
this thing is spinning clockwise and that if you had your thumb in the direction of the propagation you get
the finger curling in the right way, so this is what we call left circularly polarized
technically we should state from the source, because some people
do it the other way, but most people go this way
the same case, we can have right circularly polarized by it going the other way
so always point your thumb towards the propagation direction and see which way your fingers curl
because the electric field of the circularly polarized light keeps moving, it's actually easier to understand it
as the sum of two linearly polarized light, very special ones, in fact, that are
equal in magnitude and they are perpendicular to each other
and then after we see that, we have to understand the use of "retarders"
we'll get into the in a second, so let's first deal with the simpliest case where you have
your linearly polarized light
adding up with another linearly polarized light, but that is perpendicular to it
these are both E's, not your E and B here
and if we look at it head-on
what we would see is
we have that and that going on, just for the sake of the argument we will call those both sides positive
to see what's going on, let's draw out what each of the 2 components are doing at different points along the propagation path
well, here we have it going up
then at this point, we have it going down, up, down ...
and this over here, we have it going to the right
then left, then right, ...
so what you have then is actually, as you work out the resultant, it's a linearly polarized light in 45°
Now this isn't quite circular polarization yet, but if we combine the use of retarders
this would eventually become circularly polarized light
so it is important to talk about what a retarder does. We won't be so much concerned on how they are made
but we are just going to focus on its effect
we are going to draw this like a block for now
it's usually a piece of crystal
and what's special about them is that it's got a fast and a slow axis, so say it's got a slow axis along here
and what that does is any EM wave that travels along that axis
goes slower than travelling along the other axis
as a way to illustrate that
we have this guy come through
and nothing happens to this guy and it becomes
along the slow axis, however, it somehow comes out slower, so instead of starting from
this spot, it starts
you can visualize it as starting back here and then it comes out
as a result the two waves becomes offset, and depending on the thickness, it gets offset by different amounts
so let's first look at the effects of a 1/2 wave retarder
to look at its effect, we start with
once again our normal wave
like this, but it's easier to visualize it head-on, so this guy we have over here
and it's over there so we have
linearly polarized light in that direction, now 1/2 wave retarding it
this guy doesn't change, so we can still draw
the head on wave to look like this
but if it's slowed down by 1/2 [a wavelength]
what we have effectively done is we've flipped it around
because, we'll draw it over here
if we move this back
by half a cycle 180°, we would get
this wave instead, so instead of going up, it's going to go down
being negative, and negative on the horizontal is like that, so using the 1/2 wave plate, we have changed the orientation of
the linearly polarized light, instead of 45° to the right, it is now 45° to the left
so that's the effect of a 1/2 wave retarder. If we go in between and do 90° or 1/4 wave retarder, that's when we get
circularly polarized light, let's illustrate that too
so for the 1/4 wave
we can also draw a thing with a slow axis, 90°, 1/4 wave retarder. Initially we start again with
for instance
both of the components going positive at the same time
giving us 45° that way
but if one of them is now
changed by a 1/4 wave, say this is a cos function we are starting with, we are going to get something like that
now, of course, in 3D, it's kind of hard to draw and visualize, so let's just look at it head on for a series of points
so the normal one is going to have a normal cos function, we'll pick points that are more or less like these
and then, for the other one, it's a cos curve that's been shifted back 90°, so it kind of looks like that
so it'll start out with zero but heading towards the negative
it's often helpful to draw that in to know which 0 we are at
and then it gets a little more negative
and it gets really negative at that point
and get shorter
starts to head towards the other way, so you can see where the [resultant] is going, the [resultant] is going here
here, here...
so you can see how the resultant is doing this
circular motion and that's exactly what the circularly polarized light is composed of
it's composed of 2 linearly polarized light that's 90° with respect to each other with the same magnitude
but offset in time by this 90°, so in this case, this time we're getting the right circular
and we can also get the left circular by instead of retarding the horizontal
we can retard the vertical or we can advance the horizontal, either way
to sum up, how you would create these circularly polarized light is to use a combination of a linear polarizer
and a 1/4 wave retarder that's oriented in the correct direction with respect to the linear polarizer
so the slow axis has to line up 45° from the actually linear polarizer
because what that does is here we have
randomly polarized light
making two components
and then because we're slowing this guy down, so let's work out the resulting light would be
usually, it's important to start with
a certain coordinate system so we can say positive and positive
we draw the one case where
we have the cosine curve like that
and the other one, the other component, we considered separately
It started out as a regular cosine curve but it got shifted back
so it looks like that, so we know it's heading slightly negative. Negative is to the left in our case, so we have this
and as time goes on, you know that the next one is going to look more like that
so you know it's heading in the counterclockwise direction
this is an important skill to have in order to
workout how the circularly polarized light interact with others circular polarizers to see how we can get the effects that we want
given that we have circular polarized light
say, in this case, right circular, how is it going to interat with different polarizers that we have
well if it's going through a linear polarizer
as the actual electric field spins around, what's going to happen is it'll let through just that component
along the axis of the linearly polarizer through
but then the size of that component is going to change as it spins around
so what you actually get is basically
linearly polarized light but then the actual amplitude to get smaller and bigger
now of course, this happens at 10^15 Hz
which is the frequency of the light
so you are not going to see it blinking that quickly, what you will see is that it'll get a little dimer, so that's not very exciting
but what happens
if we put another circular polarizer, another 1/4 wave retarder in front of that
so here, we have this case, we know that for our right circular wave
we have this guy going straight up and the other component is going there
coming out of the 1/4 wave retarder, what do we have?
we have the same thing, this one goes straight up, the other component, of course
it was like this but it got shifted back even more by another 90°
so you are actually at the most negative at that point
so you end up flipping
and you recollect your linear polarization but it's in the other direction
which makes sense thinking back to our 1/2 wave retarder example
doing 1/4 wave retarding and then another 1/4 wave retarding
that's adding up to be 1/2 wave
and so if your direction ends up
perpendicular to the polarizer
you will get nothing, you get 0% out
and that's determined by the orientation of the polarizer with respect to the slow axes of the retarder
conversely, for the same light
if we orient the linear polarizer the other way, this still gives you that and you end up getting
light coming through, funny enough though, if we have
left polarized light
in which case the situation start out like that
as we pass it through our 90° retarder and through the same two linear polarizer
you would get
this doesn't get affected
this, where we were at 0, going positive, so it looks like that
retarded 90°, so that's the most positive
so components like that
this and nothing for the other one
so maybe already you can start to see how we can use these as 3D glasses
because if we send right circularly polarized light through both of these lens, this guy gets the light
if w send left circular, it goes through the other one
so as long as we can work out how
the 1/4 wave retarder do to either components of the light, we can figure out if it becomes circularly polarized or linearly polarized
and so we can figured out what the ultimate end results would be
keeping in mind that, it's not so much now the orientation of the linear polarizer absolutely
but it's related to how relative to the slow axis of the retarder
the linear polarizer is oriented that would change circularly polarized light to linearly polarized light or vice versa