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On behalf of Expert Village. I am Emily DeCola. I am here at the Puppet Kitchen in New York
City and we're going to talk about marionettes. So moving on from the ball and string, to
the ball and three strings, to the ball and three strings on a control. We are now moving
on to the scarf puppet. Which as I said it is Albrecht Rossers incredibly simple and
ingenious adaptation for the novice marionettes or the expert marionettes of the physical
principles involved in at three string control idea. The scarf puppet only uses four strings.
There's one on each side of the head as which and they're fishing lines. So it's a little
bit hard to see but there's one on this side. One on this side and one in the back of the
head. Just as our tiny little ball marionette had and then there's a fourth string which
runs from one hand all the way up to the control through a hole in the front of the control
and down to the other hand. And what that allows me to do is to control both movement,
of both hands with one string as I'm able to control the moment of the head and the
forward movement of the strings, or of the puppet with the three strings to control the