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dances at war with one another
and rush limbaugh
now what
well unicef will mean or mistake out of uh... rahm emanuel calling
certain liberal activist groups happen
retort and she says that the horror word is as bad as the n_-word should never be
funny enough
and someone else who use that
it was rush limbaugh on yesterday's program
and he was a nearly as polite
as rahm emanuel
i got the quote for you
rice says quote
our political correct society is acting like some giant insults taken place by
caller bunch of people who are retards
read art
and then he said that rahm emanuel got all these yahoogroups again apologize
that special olympics on people with disabilities etcetera
any call that
the retard summit at the white house
or did not give you come after rahm emanuel free save retarded you gotta go
nuclear rush for these cuts are a million times worse right
and i'd like to know for the record i think that there's a significant
difference between recorded and return
if u
if you see a kid who's got
mental challenges let's put that right in school and some other acts comes over
trade retard elliptic decades that's right
the is i mean
to do that if somebody it's terrible if you ask me
another hand somebody makes a joke about something that is not related to kids
that are not uh... you know
habit but that don't have those issues and it's just causal most evidence is
i have almost no issue with that
you got a blunder said if spray
now rushing this case is not calling a specific person retard
wouldn't comment him closely since the report some
this is all i got a call retarded retard
sap a lan i'm sure unleashed because remember he said uh... about rahm
emanuel that
he was hurting dot filled
and they should be glad to meet you
or so pale indus
launch that one
cruise missile
but it's just one sentence juror spokesperson
it's is governor pale believe screwed and demeaning name-calling at the
expense of others
is disrespectful
i think it's something right she had to say something
another head shifted alternative wired
kittens he's heard god's children that he said it dissolving she's about a
romance but he said at as a defense of the word as that can be
edited just disrupts civil society all together ads that are up
uh... should be interesting to see rush limbaugh's reaction to his beloved
i dove rushes
still on the stuff
you know them saying
to make that kind of comment knowing that your definitely at the very least
gonna get under surveillance kent
which you know he claims he loves and adores
it's a curious george
alright paintbrush wants grab tension i want to grab some outlines mission
accomplished you did that
probably not in the best way
but i would love
this year that fight the road
with them but they had to rush you know what cheat on your face
you know i get away with that much
i come on man
hit ninety over just click yes there's a retard summer how good
well settled for