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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Kris at The House Boardshop for another Follow Freebie Friday announcement.
This week we're giving Demian from Brooklyn, NY a Sapient MXII BMX Bike. So Demian you're
picking up the black one. Enjoy it and thanks for following us on Twitter. For the rest
of you we're going to give away another one. Feedback was so good that it seems like you
all want a bike nowadays. We're going to go with the Grape Twilight Haze. We're actually
going to give away two of them. One for all of you that are following us on Twitter. Check
us out, follow and mention and you'll win just like always. The rest of you, if you
feel that you deserve this bike. Go over to our blog, blog.the-house.com. Find the post
that has this video on it and tell us why you need it. Lie to us, give us a sob story,
make us laugh - whatever. Whoever is the most inventive gets a bike. So it's an easy way
to win a bike. You either follow us on Twitter or comment on our blog. }